This Technote
discusses some techniques for use with Apple's
Multiprocessing Services Library. Methods for sharing
information between tasks are discussed and several
examples are provided that show how to implement
the techniques discussed.
This Technote is primarily directed at developers
interested in using Apple's Multiprocessing Services
Updated: [Mar 20 2000]
Multiprocessing Services provides a set of routines that allow
an application to create separate threads of execution called
preemptive tasks. Preemptive tasks run simultaneously with the
rest of the operating system and are given processor time based
on an interrupt-driven scheduling algorithm. Unlike thread manager
tasks, the execution of preemptive tasks does not rely on other
tasks explicitly yielding processor time by calling either the
Event Manager routine WaitNextEvent or the Thread
Manager routine YieldToAnyThread .
Tasks are preemptively scheduled using whatever processors are
available to the system. It is not necessary for a machine to be
equipped with more than one processor for an application to take
advantage of the preemptive process scheduling facilities provided
by Multiprocessing Services. Even if a machine is only equipped
with one processor, it is possible for an application to schedule
and run many simultaneous preemptive tasks.
Multiprocessing Services provides facilities for creating
and scheduling tasks along with routines for communicating between
tasks. Although access to operating system resources is limited
from preemptive tasks, at the time of this writing, it is possible
for tasks
to allocate memory, make synchronous file manager calls, call
deferred tasks, and make remote calls the operating system.
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Access to Multiprocessing Services
For your application to use Multiprocessing Services, your
application must be linked with either CarbonLib or the
Multiprocessing Services shared library, "MPLibrary".
For best results, when linking with "MPLibrary", your application
should use weak links to the Multiprocessing Services routines and then
use the MPLibraryIsLoaded
function call to determine if the library is available for
your application to use. If MPLibraryIsLoaded returns
true, then your application can use the Multiprocessing Services
routines and perform preemptive multitasking operations. Otherwise,
when MPLibraryIsLoaded returns false, your application
should use single threaded processing techniques.
All applications using the Multiprocessing Services routines should
call the MPLibraryIsLoaded routine to determine if
Multiprocessing Services is available. This is for two reasons:
MPLibraryIsLoaded may perform some initialization
operations that must be done before other Multiprocessing Services
calls can be made.
- Although CarbonLib exports the symbols required to link your
application with Multiprocessing Services, that does not necessarily
imply that those routines are available in the context where CarbonLib
is running. The call to
MPLibraryIsLoaded will tell your
application if those routines are available for your application
to use.
Developers linking with CarbonLib who would like to call the routine
DTInstall from a preemptive task, should make sure that
CarbonLib 1.0.2 or later is installed at runtime.
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Preemptive Tasks
Preemptive tasks are single parameter routines that return a
result of
type OSStatus . Once a task has been created it will run
preemptively until it returns a result or until it is explicitly
Tasks are free to perform any type of processing operations they
however do not have access to the 680x0 emulator. Therefore, it is not
possible to place calls to operating system routines that may
make use of the 680x0 emulator. A listing of specific Operating system
routines that can be called by tasks can be found in the document
Adding Multitasking Capability to Applications Using
Multiprocessing Services.
Listing 1 shows a simple task that creates a SimpleText file containing
1000 lines of text containing the string "Hello World\n". In this task, a
number of the "safe" file manager calls are used to create a file, open its
data fork, and write a bunch of strings to the file. When called, this task
will run in the background (during mouse clicks, menu selections,
et cetera) until it completes. During that time, the application that created
this task (and all other applications) will be free to perform any other
processing operations it desires.
OSStatus ExampleTask( void *parameter ) {
FSSpec *theFile;
short refnum;
Boolean created;
long i;
/* the parameter is a FSSpec pointer */
theFile = (FSSpec *) parameter;
/* set up locals */
refnum = 0;
created = false;
/* create a file */
err = FSpCreate(theFile, 'ttxt', 'TEXT', smSystemScript);
if (err != noErr) goto bail;
created = true;
/* open the file for writing */
err = FSpOpenDF(theFile, fsRdWrPerm, &refnum);
if (err != noErr) goto bail;
/* write out the string 1000 times*/
for (i=0; i<1000; i++) {
err = FSWrite(refnum, (count = 12, &count), "Hello World\n");
if (err != noErr) goto bail;
/* close the file and leave */
return noErr;
if (refnum != 0) FSClose(refnum);
if (created) FSpDelete(theFile);
return err;
Listing 1. A task that creates a SimpleText file containing
the string
"Hello World\n".
The single parameter passed to a task is provided by the caller
when the task is created using the MPCreateTask routine.
As shown in listing 1 and 2, oftentimes the parameter passed
to a task will be a pointer to a structure containing information relevant
to the operations the task has been designed to perform.
In Listing 1, the task assumes that the parameter is a pointer to a
FSSpec record that refers to a file the task should create.
The code snippet shown in Listing 2 illustrates how to pass
a pointer to a FSSpec record to the task when calling
the MPCreateTask routine.
OSStatus err;
FSSpec targetFile;
MPTaskID taskID;
/* make a file spec for the target file */
err = FSMakeFSSpec(0, 0, "\pExample File", &targetFile);
/* if the file does not exist, call the task to create it */
if (err == fnfErr) {
/* create the task */
err = MPCreateTask( ExampleTask,
&targetFile, /* the parameter passed to the task */
0, /* use the default stack size - 4K */
0, /* no notification queue */
NULL, NULL, /* result parameters - unused */
0, /* no special task flags */
&taskID );
Listing 2. A small sequence of statements that calls the
ExampleTask from Listing 1.
Of course, callers will want to know the result codes returned
by the tasks they create. To allow for this, Multiprocessing
Services provides a mechanism where the result code returned by
the task can be passed back to the caller. However, this cannot
be done directly as often the time required for a task to execute
cannot be determined beforehand. So, to allow Multiprocessing
Services to pass back the result returned by the task to its caller,
it is possible to designate a queue, by providing it as a parameter
to the MPCreateTask call, that will be used for communicating
the task's result back to the caller. Figure 3 illustrates how one
would set up such a queue and provide it as a parameter
to MPCreateTask .
OSStatus err;
FSSpec targetFile;
MPTaskID taskID;
MPQueueID taskQueue;
/* create a queue for the task to communicate
results back to the caller */
err = MPCreateQueue( &taskQueue );
if (err != noErr) goto your_error_handler;
/* make a file spec for the target file */
err = FSMakeFSSpec(0, 0, "\pExample File", &targetFile);
/* if the file does not exist, call the task to create it */
if (err == fnfErr) {
/* create the task */
err = MPCreateTask( ExampleTask,
&targetFile, /* the parameter passed to the task */
0, /* use the default stack size - 4K */
taskQueue, /* the task's notification queue */
NULL, NULL, /* first 64 bits of result */
0, /* no special task flags */
&taskID );
Listing 3. A sequence of statements that calls the Example
shown in Listing 1. This listing illustrates how to provide a task
notification queue when a task is created so the result code returned
by the task can be discovered after the task has completed.
If a task notification queue is provided as a parameter to the
MPCreateTask routine, then this queue will be used to
any result codes returned by the task to its caller. As shown
in Listing 4, the task's result code is returned in the third
MPWaitOnQueue result parameter.
Boolean complete;
OSStatus err;
complete = (MPWaitOnQueue(taskQueue,
NULL, NULL, /* first 64 bits of result from MPCreateTask */
(void**) &err, /* the result code returned by the task */
kDurationImmediate) == noErr);
if (complete) {
/* the task is complete and has returned the error code
that has been copied into err... */
Listing 4. Using a task's notification queue to find the
result code returned by the task.
Task notification queues are necessary in some cases. For instance,
calling MPTerminateTask does not immediately destroy a
task, nor does
it stop the task from executing. Instead,
MPTerminateTask will schedule
the task for termination. The actual operations involved in
the task will happen as soon as the task scheduler is able to
remove the
task from the active task queue. As such, a task may remain
executing for
some time after MPTerminateTask has been called. But,
once the task has
been stopped and disposed of, Multiprocessing Services will notify the
caller of this fact by placing a result in the task's notification
It will not be safe for the caller to assume the task is not running
until this result arrives.
In general, MPTerminateTask should be avoided and
only used in
exceptional circumstances. Well-written tasks and Multiprocessing
Services clients should never need to use this routine. However, in
unusual circumstances where it is necessary to terminate a task
by calling MPTerminateTask , you must use a task
notification queue
to determine when the task has actually terminated.
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Intertask Communications
Multiprocessing services provides a number of facilities
that can be used for communication between tasks. These facilities
and how they can be used are discussed in this section. Whenever
possible, applications should use these methods for communication
between tasks. Other methods, such as polling global variables,
are inefficient and often lead to difficult-to-track-down
bugs. The methods discussed in this section are fast, efficient,
and they provide a well-defined set of operations for passing messages
or communicating state information between tasks.
Queues are first-in-first-out message buffers designed
for passing 96-bit messages between tasks. Each message
is formatted as a group of three 32-bit integers. The format
of the data passed between tasks is entirely up to the
programmer. Here, the only requirement is that all tasks
accessing the same queue agree on the format of the
data being stored in the queue.
Inserting and extracting elements is an atomic
operation - many tasks can try to extract the next message
from a given queue, but only one will successfully obtain it.
Listing 5 illustrates how a queue can be used to pass commands
to a server task for background processing. Here, the server task
extracts messages from a queue and then it performs processing
operations based on a dispatching mechanism.
enum {
OSStatus ExampleServerTask( void *parameter ) {
MPQueueID commandQueue;
Boolean processingCommands;
long theCommand, param1, param2;
/* task parameter is the command queue ID */
commandQueue = (MPQueueID) parameter;
/* set up locals */
processingCommands = true;
err = noErr;
/* process commands */
while (processingCommands) {
/* get the next command from the queue */
err = MPWaitOnQueue(commandQueue,
(void**) &theCommand, /* the first parameter is the command */
(void**) ¶m1, /* the next two parameters are arguments.. */
(void**) ¶m2,
if (err != noErr) break;
/* process the command */
switch (theCommand) {
case kRunLongComplexTask:
PerformSomeComplexAction(param1, param2);
case kQuickTask:
PerformSomeSimpleAction(param1, param2);
case kShutDown:
processingCommands = false;
/* release the command queue */
/* any result codes will be returned in the task's
notification queue. See listing 4 for an example
showing how to retrieve this result code. */
return err;
Listing 5. A sample server task receiving commands by way
of a queue.
The server task shown in listing 5 assumes
that messages placed in the queue have a particular format.
the first 32-bit integer is a command selector and the next two 32-bit
integers are additional parameters that may or may not be used
in command processing. As the server task assumes this will be the
format for all messages placed in the queue, it is useful to have a
single routine that formats queue entries according to this agreed
upon format when sending messages to the server task. The routine
shown in Listing 6 provides this mechanism.
MPQueueID gServerCommandQueue;
OSStatus SendCommandToServerTask(long theCommand, long param1, long param2) {
return MPNotifyQueue(gServerCommandQueue,
(void*) theCommand, /* the first parameter is the command */
(void*) param1, /* the next two parameters are arguments... */
(void*) param2);
Listing 6. A routine for sending commands to the server task
shown in listing 5.
Often it is best to "wrap" the routine used to place commands
in a server task's command queue in this manner rather than
calling MPNotifyQueue directly to send commands
to the server task. Adding the additional layer of abstraction
reduces code maintenance requirements should the format of the
messages in the queue change.
Event Groups
Event groups are the fastest method available for communications
between tasks. An event group is a 32-bit integer. Each bit in that
integer is used to represent an individual event. Event groups
can be used as a mechanism for sending simple boolean messages
to tasks. When used in this way, each bit in the event group
represents a message.
Unlike queues, where messages are received one at a time,
it is possible that several "event" messages may be received
simultaneously in one call to MPWaitForEvent . In
other words,
several events may accumulate in an event group between calls
to MPWaitForEvent . As a result, code responsible for
and responding to events returned by MPWaitForEvent
must be
aware of the fact that more than one event may be returned by
any given call. The event handler shown in listing 7 illustrates
an appropriate way to handle event groups returned by
MPWaitForEvent .
/* each event is defined as a single bit in the event group. */
enum {
kDanglingPointerDetected = (1<<0),
kUnlockedHandleSighted = (1<<1),
kResEditDetected = (1<<2),
kSelfDestruct = (1<<3)
OSStatus ExampleEventHandlerTask( void *parameter ) {
MPEventID eventGroup;
Boolean processingEvents;
MPEventFlags theFlags;
/* task parameter is an event group */
eventGroup = (MPEventID) parameter;
/* set up locals */
processingEvents = true;
err = noErr;
/* process events */
while (processingEvents) {
/* get the next event */
err = MPWaitForEvent(eventGroup, &theFlags, kDurationForever);
if (err != noErr) break;
/* more than one flag may be set in each
event we retrieve. As such, we do separate
processing for each flag, but we do not
assume that flags are mutually exclusive. */
if ((theFlags & kDanglingPointerDetected) != 0) {
if ((theFlags & kUnlockedHandleSighted) != 0) {
if ((theFlags & kResEditDetected) != 0) {
if ((theFlags & kSelfDestruct) != 0) {
processingEvents = false;
/* release the event group */
/* any result codes will be returned in the task's
notification queue. See listing 4 for an example
showing how to retrieve this result code. */
return err;
Listing 7.A sample server task receiving commands by way
of an event group.
As event groups are the fastest method for passing messages
between tasks, their use should always be considered. If the
messages your task is designed to handle do not need
to be processed in any particular order, then event groups are
probably the best method for sending commands to your task.
On the other hand, if the commands you are sending to your
task must be processed in a definite order (or you must
send additional data along with the command), then you
should use a queue to send commands to your task.
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Interrupt-Level Communications
Often it is desirable to communicate between code running at
different execution levels. For example, an application may
want to send information from its main thread to a task. This
section discusses the issues involved in communications between
different types of tasks and it provides an example illustrating
how a preemptive task can send messages to an interrupt-level
task. For the purposes of this discussion, we will define the
three task types and discuss methods that can be used to communicate
between them:
- Interrupt Level. This describes any thread of execution that
occurs as a result of an interrupt, including hardware interrupt handlers
and Deferred tasks running in the classic cooperative environment.
- System-Task Level. This describes the classic application's
main thread of execution and Thread Manager tasks.
- Preemptive-Task Level. This refers to a thread of execution,
a preemptive task, created by Multiprocessing Services.
Table 1 lists the various methods that can be used for communicating
between tasks running at different execution levels. Perhaps the most
complex of the types of communication that can be done here is sending
a message from a preemptive task to a classic interrupt-level task.
The other ones are straight forward, but, as this one is complex, a
sample of how it can be done is provided in listing 8, listing 9, and
listing 10.
Table 1. Methods for communicating between different execution
levels for Mac OS applications.
The Destination Task is operating at:
The Source Task is operating at:
Interrupt Level
System-Task Level
Preemptive-Task Level
Interrupt Level |
Use the Enqueue routine to add
messages to an O.S. queue, use the Dequeue routine
poll for messages in the interrupt routine. |
Use the Enqueue routine to add messages to
an O.S. queue, use the Dequeue routine to poll for
messages. |
Call MPNotifyQueue to add messages to the
queue and call MPWaitOnQueue to extract messages. MPSetQueueReserve
must be called to ensure there is space in the queue before adding
messages to it at interrupt time. |
System-Task Level |
Any queue mechanism will do. The nature of system-task
level ensures mutual exclusion between threads operating at this level. |
Call MPNotifyQueue to add messages
to the queue and call MPWaitOnQueue to extract messages. |
Preemptive-Task Level |
Call Enqueue from a deferred task to insert
messages into an O.S. queue, use the Dequeue routine
to poll for messages in the interrupt routine. |
Use MPNotifyQueue to add messages to a queue,
and use the MPWaitOnQueue (specifying an immediate duration)
to poll the queue for messages. |
Example: sending a message to an interrupt task
In this example, message records are kept in two queues: the unused
message buffers available are kept in a Multiprocessing
Services queue and the message buffers containing data to be read by
the interrupt task are stored in an O.S. Queue. Whenever the
preemptive task needs
to send a message to the interrupt routine, it can extract an
unused message
buffer from the Multiprocessing Services queue, copy some data to it,
and then place the buffer in the O.S. Queue. The current
implementation of
Multiprocessing Services does not allow preemptive tasks to call
Enqueue directly so instead this sample calls
from a deferred task that is installed by the preemptive task.
The interrupt routine extracts messages from the O.S. Queue and once it has
finished with a message, it places the message back into the
Services queue so it can be used again by the preemptive task.
Listing 8
contains the steps needed to set up the structures and variables
used in this
#define kMaxMessages 20
#define kMessageSize 256
/* the MessageRecord structure is defined as the
primary mechanism to storing messages. */
typedef struct MessageRecord MessageRecord;
typedef MessageRecord, *MessageRecPtr;
struct MessageRecord {
/* os queue element field at offset zero. It's
placed here so we can easily coerce a MessageRecPtr
to a QElemPtr and vice versa. */
QElem qLinkField;
/* deferred task record we will used for
adding this record to the os queue.*/
DeferredTask eltTask;
/* the message buffer */
unsigned char messageData[kMessageSize];
/* pointer to the storage area we're using for messages */
MessageRecPtr gMsgStorage;
/* a queue of free buffers */
MPQueueID gFreeMessageQueue;
/* our message queue */
QHdr gMessageOSQueue;
/* deferred task upp */
DeferredTaskUPP gInstallMessageDT;
/* InstallBufferDT is the deferred task we use
for installing messages. This routine assumes
that its parameter is a pointer to the message
record that is to be installed. */
static pascal void InstallBufferDT(long dtParam) {
MessageRecPtr theElt;
/* get a pointer to the message */
theElt = (MessageRecPtr) dtParam;
/* initialize its fields */
theElt->qLinkField.qLink = NULL;
theElt->qLinkField.qType = 0;
/* add the message to the message queue */
Enqueue((QElemPtr) theElt, &gMessageOSQueue);
/* in some cases, it may be useful to do
additional processing at this point. For
instance, you may wish to restart a send
operation that ran out of data, etc... */
/* SetUpInstallUPP is a remote procedure call used to
set up the universal procedure pointer for the
deferred task. This is done in a remote procedure
call as the NewDeferredTaskUPP call is not listed
as a macro/call that can be made from preemptive tasks.*/
static void *SetUpInstallUPP(void *parameter) {
gInstallMessageDT = NewDeferredTaskUPP(InstallBufferDT);
return NULL;
/* InitMessageQueue is called to set up the message queue
and related variables. The purpose of this routine is
to illustrate what steps need to be done to prepare
for sending messages from a preemptive task to an interrupt
task using an O.S. Queue. */
OSStatus InitMessageQueue(void) {
OSStatus err;
long i;
MessageRecPtr rover;
/* initialize our variables */
gFreeMessageQueue = 0;
MPBlockClear(&gMessageOSQueue, sizeof(gMessageOSQueue));
/* allocate our message storage */
gMsgStorage = (MessageRecPtr) MPAllocateAligned(
sizeof(MPSBufferElement) * kMaxMessages,
if (gMsgStorage == NULL) { err = memFullErr; goto bail; }
/* allocate the free message queue */
err = MPCreateQueue(&gFreeMessageQueue);
if (err != noErr) goto bail;
/* pre-allocate kMaxMessages slots in the queue */
err = MPSetQueueReserve(gFreeMessageQueue, kMaxMessages);
if (err != noErr) goto bail;
/* add message records to the free message queue */
for (rover = gMsgStorage, i=0; i < kMaxMessages; i++, rover++) {
err = MPNotifyQueue(gFreeMessageQueue, (void*) rover, NULL, NULL);
if (err != noErr) goto bail;
/* set up the upp for the install deferred task */
MPRemoteCall(SetUpInstallUPP, NULL, kMPOwningProcessRemoteContext);
/* done */
return noErr;
if (gFreeMessageQueue != 0) MPDeleteQueue(gFreeMessageQueue);
if (gMsgStorage != NULL) MPFree(gMsgStorage);
return err;
Listing 8. Setting up variables and storage for sending
to an interrupt task using an O.S. queue.
Once the necessary structures and variables have been set up,
a message from a preemptive task to an interrupt task is simply a
of obtaining a message buffer from the free message buffer queue,
copying some data to it, and then calling the
InstallBufferDT deferred
task to install the message in the O.S. Queue. This method will not
require any storage allocations inside of the preemptive task
or inside of the interrupt-level task (where that is not possible), but
it provides a reasonably dynamic method for passing information between
the two routines. Also, if all of the message buffers are currently in
the O.S. queue, the call to MPWaitOnQueue shown in
listing 9
will wait until such a time as when the interrupt task places a
buffer into
the free message buffer queue.
OSStatus SendMessageToInterruptTask(unsigned char *message) {
MessageRecPtr theMessage;
OSStatus err;
/* get a message from the free queue */
err = MPWaitOnQueue(gFreeMessageQueue,
(void **) &theMessage,
NULL, NULL, kDurationForever);
if (err != noErr) return err;
/* copy the data to the message record */
MPBlockCopy(message, theMessage->messageData, kMessageSize);
/* call the deferred task to install it */
theMessage->eltTask.qLink = NULL;
theMessage->eltTask.qType = dtQType;
theMessage->eltTask.dtFlags = 0;
theMessage->eltTask.dtAddr = gInstallMessageDT;
theMessage->eltTask.dtParam = (long) theMessage;
theMessage->eltTask.dtReserved = 0;
err = DTInstall(&theMessage->eltTask);
/* done */
return err;
Listing 9. Sending a message from a preemptive task to an
interrupt task using an O.S. Queue.
Inside of the interrupt routine, messages can be extracted from
the queue using the Dequeue routine. Once the message
has been
processed, the interrupt task can call MPNotifyQueue
to add the
message back into the free message buffer queue so it will be
available to the preemptive task. Listing 10 illustrates one way
an interrupt routine would extract messages from the O.S. Queue
and return them to the free message buffer queue once they are
no longer needed.
MessageRecPtr theMessage;
theMessage = (MessageRecPtr) gMessageOSQueue.qHead;
if (theMessage != NULL) {
if (Dequeue((QElemPtr) theMessage, &gMessageOSQueue) == noErr) {
/* perform some operations using the message... */
/* add the message back into the free queue */
MPNotifyQueue(gFreeMessageQueue, (void*) theMessage, NULL, NULL);
Listing 10. Receiving a message from a preemptive task inside
of an interrupt task.
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Resource Management
Oftentimes when many preemptive tasks are engaged in a complex
task, there must be a mechanism in place to ensure the number of
tasks attempting to utilize a limited number of resources does not
outnumber the actual number of resources available. For example,
if we have ten tasks and two printers, and each one of those tasks
must print from time to time, then a mechanism must be in place to
ensure that no more than two tasks will be using the printers at any
given time.
Semaphores allow you to restrict access to resources in a way
that ensures that only a certain number of tasks may access a
particular resource at any given time.
Critical regions
Critical regions are a special type of semaphore that
allow you to restrict access to a particular resource
(section of code) to a single execution thread.
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Tips & Tricks
- If there is a need to call a toolbox routine from an
task, first check to see if the toolbox routine is interrupt
safe. If it is, then call it using a deferred task rather
than using a remote procedure call. Deferred tasks have a
latency time than remote procedure calls. As a result, your
code will run quicker and will not be subject to any of the
unpredictable delays associated with using remote procedure
- With the above tip in mind, it is worth mentioning that
most of Open Transport can be called from deferred
- Avoid using global variables for sharing information
tasks. Doing so can lead to bugs that are difficult to track
down. Use the routines provided by Multiprocessing services
to share data between tasks.
- With Multiprocessing Services 2.1 and later, it is safe to
MPSignalSemaphore and MPSetEvent
at interrupt time. It is also possible to call
at interrupt time if MPSetQueueReserve has
been called
to reserve sufficient space in the queue.
- Event groups are the fastest way to send information
tasks. Always consider the possibility of using them instead
of queues.
- Task implementation and design should assume that other
tasks are running simultaneously. When there are resources
that are shared between tasks, access to them should be
using the resource management facilities.
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Multiprocessing SDK.
Multiprocessing Services Online Documentation.
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