Opening the Cursor
Setting the Cursor
Closing the Cursor
Modifying the Cursor
This Technote describes the building and use of cursor components. Cursor components allow you to build custom color cursors completely under your control. Unlike previous color cursors on the Macintosh, these components allow much more flexibility.
Cursors created utilizing this component are pretty unlimited. They could be extra large, thousands or millions of colors, transparent, situationally intelligent, and/or animated. The design is constrained only by your imagination.
Cursor components are built in two parts. The main part is the component itself, which can be built by expanding on the sample code sections provided in this Technote. The second part is the application that instantiates and controls the cursor. The second half of this technote will provide guidance on ways to do this. The last section of this technote will address cursor flicker and present a solution to the problem.
Updated: [Apr 17 2000]
Prerequisites and Resources
The Cursor Component SDK provides a sample application from which most of this Technotes code samples are taken. You should study this application and its cursor components carefully. These are very good starting points.
When building an application, there will be two parts (at least): the application itself and the cursor component(s). The simplest way to put together the components is as code resources. To this end, the SDK sample projects provide a good starting point. (Duplicating the cursor component projects and working from there would seem to be the simplest approach.) The application is much simpler. A short study of the cursor code shows that it is very portable, and can be worked into almost any existing application.
Developers will need Universal Interfaces 3.3 to develop cursor components. This is due to new functionality that has been added to QuickDraw headers and interfaces to support cursor components.
One last note: cursor components are available only with Mac OS 9.0 and later; therefore, you should always have a fallback if you plan deployment on systems prior to Mac OS 9.0. Additionally, currently cursor components are not supported under Mac OS X and Carbon. This may change in the future, and this Note will be updated as necessary.
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Currently, on Mac OS 9, Cursor Components have a few limitations. Due to ATI RAGE 128 video hardware architecture the cursor can exhibit flicker. This flicker varies with different monitor settings and from system to system. See the Fighting Flicker for more information of preventing this problem.
Additionally, Cursor Components do not function with PowerBooks due to adverse interactions with the "mouse trails" feature. There is no workaround, although this may be fixed in the future.
Finally, all cursor drawing and erasing happens at interrupt time. (This will be discussed later in this Technote.) Thus, you should use particular care in designing the drawing and erasing portion of the component, relying only on interrupt-safe functions for these sections. The Interrupt-Safe Routines Technote is a good source for this information.
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Building Components
The component is built as a code resource. The main parts are the actual cursor code file and the resource data. In most cases, image data is stored in the resource, while behavior is defined by the code file.
The cursor component API consists two basic sections. The first section, the component manager, can be adopted straight from the code below and provides one main and four basic functions. This section handles the main function, dispatching, opening and closing the component, and responding to version information requests. The code provided will suit most needs. Be sure to look at the allocation of the CursorGlobalsRecord . It should be adapted to the specific needs of your cursor component. Normally, you can keep the standard return of TRUE for all the cases in the ComponentCanDo functions, but if you do not support all cases you should return FALSE for those that you do not. An example implementation of the component manager section is shown below. As stated previously, this section is fairly straightforward and the code below can be utilized with very little modification.
struct CursorGlobalsRecord
ComponentInstance self;
Rect bounds;
Point hotSpot;
UInt32 animIndex;
UInt32 deviceCount;
CursorDeviceRecord deviceList[12]; // fixed 12 displays max
typedef struct CursorGlobalsRecord CursorGlobalsRecord;
typedef CursorGlobalsRecord * CursorGlobalsPtr;
typedef CursorGlobalsPtr * CursorGlobalsHnd;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Routine descriptors
RoutineDescriptor ComponentCanDoRD =
BUILD_ROUTINE_DESCRIPTOR (uppCallComponentCanDoProcInfo,
RoutineDescriptor ComponentGetVersionRD =
BUILD_ROUTINE_DESCRIPTOR (uppCallComponentVersionProcInfo,
// Describe the main entry
RoutineDescriptor mainRD =
BUILD_ROUTINE_DESCRIPTOR (uppComponentRoutineProcInfo, main);
pascal ComponentResult
(ComponentParameters *params,char **storage)
ComponentResult result = noErr;
// If the selector is less than zero, it's a Component manager selector.
if (params->what < 0)
switch (params->what)
case kComponentOpenSelect:
return CallWithStoragePI(storage,
case kComponentCloseSelect:
return CallWithStoragePI(storage,
case kComponentCanDoSelect:
return CallComponentFunction(params,
case kComponentVersionSelect:
return CallComponentFunction(params,
return noErr;
switch (params->what)
case kCursorComponentInit:
return CallWithStoragePI(storage,
case kCursorComponentGetInfo:
return CallWithStoragePI(storage,
case kCursorComponentSetData:
return CallWithStoragePI(storage,
case kCursorComponentReconfigure:
return CallWithStoragePI(storage,
case kCursorComponentDraw:
return CallWithStoragePI(storage,
case kCursorComponentErase:
return CallWithStoragePI(storage,
case kCursorComponentMove:
return CallWithStoragePI(storage,
case kCursorComponentAnimate:
return CallWithStoragePI(storage,
result = unimpErr;
return result;
pascal ComponentResult
(CursorGlobalsHnd storage, ComponentInstance self)
#pragma unused (storage)
ComponentResult result = noErr;
storage =
if (storage != nil )
SetComponentInstanceStorage(self, (Handle)storage);
// keep an instance of ourself
(*storage)->self = self;
result = MemError();
return result;
pascal ComponentResult
(CursorGlobalsHnd storage, ComponentInstance self)
if (storage != nil)
pascal ComponentResult
(short selector)
switch (selector)
case kComponentOpenSelect:
case kComponentCloseSelect:
case kComponentCanDoSelect:
case kComponentVersionSelect:
case kCursorComponentInit:
case kCursorComponentGetInfo:
case kCursorComponentSetData:
case kCursorComponentReconfigure:
case kCursorComponentDraw:
case kCursorComponentErase:
case kCursorComponentMove:
return true;
return false;
/* Version information */
#define kCursorComponentVersion 1
pascal ComponentResult
// Cursor Component interface version in hi word,
// code rev in lo word
return ((kCursorComponentVersion << 16) | CURSOR_COMPONENT_REV);
The second section of the component is the cursor component functions. This consists of eight basic functions that handle the main processing, drawing and erasing of your cursor. We will cover each functional area in detail, but you are advised to look closely at the examples provided for basic structure and functionality.
This function should create a cursor image, mask and save under buffers, and other info for each device. It will be called once when the component is opened and again when display devices are reconfigured or removed. The function CreateDeviceRecords , included in the sample and shown below, shows an example of handling the tasks of creating the image, mask and save under buffers for each device. This is important since cursors can span multiple devices, and devices can have different color depths resulting in different buffer pixel formats. If the buffers are successfully allocated, CreateDeviceRecords calls back to SetCursorData to set up the new cursors. Notice also the call to InitializeCursorFlush . This is designed to correct a flicker condition that may occur in some system configurations. See the Fighting Flicker for more information. Below is an example of a basic implementation of CursorInitialize and CreateDeviceRecords .
pascal ComponentResult
(CursorGlobalsHnd storage)
ComponentResult result;
Rect theRect = {0, 0, 16, 16};
Point hotSpot = {0, 0};
if (storage != nil)
result = InitializeCursorFlush();
if (result == noErr)
(*storage)->bounds = theRect;
(*storage)->hotSpot = hotSpot;
(*storage)->deviceCount = 0;
result = CreateDeviceRecords(storage);
return result;
static OSErr
(CursorGlobalsHnd cursorGlobals)
OSErr err;
GDHandle theDevice;
GWorldPtr theWorld;
PrivateCursorData data;
UInt32 counter;
SInt16 depth;
Rect bounds;
short index;
bounds = (*cursorGlobals)->bounds;
// start with the first device
theDevice = DMGetFirstScreenDevice(true);
while (theDevice != nil)
counter = (*cursorGlobals)->deviceCount;
depth = (*(*theDevice)->gdPMap)->pixelSize;
(*cursorGlobals)->deviceList[counter].device = nil;
(*cursorGlobals)->deviceList[counter].saveUnder = nil;
for (index = 0; index < kNumberOfAnimations; index++)
(*cursorGlobals)->deviceList[counter].cursorImage[index] = nil;
// create GWorlds to hold images of cursor expanded to the bitdepth
// of this device
err = CreateImageWorld(&theWorld, depth, &bounds, theDevice);
if (err == noErr)
if (err == noErr)
// create a GWorld to hold mask
err = CreateImageWorld(&theWorld, depth, &bounds, theDevice);
if (err == noErr && theWorld != nil)
(*cursorGlobals)->deviceList[counter].maskImage = theWorld;
// create a GWorld to hold saved screen image
err = CreateImageWorld(&theWorld, depth, &bounds, theDevice);
if (err == noErr && theWorld != nil)
(*cursorGlobals)->deviceList[counter].saveUnder = theWorld;
(*cursorGlobals)->deviceList[counter].device = theDevice;
// increment number of instances counter
theDevice = DMGetNextScreenDevice(theDevice, true);
if (err != noErr)
for (index = 0; index < kNumberOfAnimations; index++)
if ((*cursorGlobals)->deviceList[counter].cursorImage[index] != nil)
if ((*cursorGlobals)->deviceList[counter].maskImage != nil)
if ((*cursorGlobals)->deviceList[counter].saveUnder != nil)
// fill out the cursor data
err = SetCursorData(cursorGlobals, &data);
return err;
This function fills out the CursorInfo structure passed in. The structure pointer should be checked for validity and filled with the appropriate information. The version will be kCursorComponentsVersion . The capabilities field can either be 0 for minimal capabilities or cursorDoesAnimate to indicate that the cursor will be animating (i.e., changing image data on per-frame basis). animateDuration should be set to the number of ticks between frames. At this time only constant-rate animation is supported (i.e., each frame has the same duration). The last two fields, bounds and hotspot , should be appropriate for the cursor and must be zero based. Remember that you will be drawing the entire bounds at interrupt time. Cursors that are too large will cause slow overall machine performance while they are displayed. An example of GetCursorInfo is shown below.
pascal ComponentResult
(CursorGlobalsHnd storage, CursorInfo *info)
OSErr err = noErr;
if (info != nil)
info->version = kCursorComponentsVersion;
// use zero for minimal capabilities
info->capabilities = cursorDoesAnimate
// number of ticks between animations (zero for none)
info->animateDuration = 15;
info->bounds = (*storage)->bounds;
info->hotspot = (*storage)->hotSpot;
err = paramErr;
return err;
This function enables an application to pass data to the cursor component. The first parameter is a handle to the CursorGlobalsRecord . The second parameter is a pointer to private data that is passed in by the application. This function's implementation can range from nothing to as complex as needed. The following example implementation shows using SetCursorData to change the cursor image via pictures from a resource file.
pascal ComponentResult
(CursorGlobalsHnd storage, PrivateCursorPtr data)
ComponentResult result = -1;
PicHandle cursorPict;
PicHandle maskPict;
GWorldPtr imageWorld;
GWorldPtr oldPort;
GDHandle oldGD;
Rect theRect;
short resFile;
short c;
short index;
// hide the cursor since we are going to change it
// wack the values to those known by cursor so demo app works
data->pictureID = kCursorPictureID;
data->hotSpot.h = (short)(((*storage)->bounds.right -
(*storage)->bounds.left) / 2);
data->hotSpot.v = (short)(((*storage)->bounds.bottom -
(*storage)->bounds.top) / 2);
resFile = OpenComponentResFile((Component)(*storage)->self);
if (resFile != -1)
cursorPict = GetPicture((short)data->pictureID);
maskPict = GetPicture((short)(data->pictureID + kNumberOfAnimations));
if (cursorPict != nil && maskPict != nil)
theRect = (*storage)->bounds;
GetGWorld(&oldPort, &oldGD);
for (c = 0; c < (*storage)->deviceCount; c++)
for (index = 0; index < kNumberOfAnimations; index++)
imageWorld = (*storage)->deviceList[c].cursorImage[index];
cursorPict = GetPicture((short)(data->pictureID + index));
if (imageWorld != nil && cursorPict != nil)
SetGWorld(imageWorld, nil);
DrawPicture(cursorPict, &theRect);
imageWorld = (*storage)->deviceList[c].maskImage;
if (imageWorld != nil)
SetGWorld(imageWorld, nil);
DrawPicture(maskPict, &theRect);
(*storage)->hotSpot = data->hotSpot;
// Now tell Quickdraw we changed
result = CursorComponentChanged((*storage)->self);
// show the new cursor
return result;
This function is called when the graphics environment has changed. The component should now rebuild its cursors (if required) to correspond to the new environment. A simple example implementation is below. This example calls DisposeDeviceRecords , also shown below, which is the de-allocation function for CreateDeviceRecords (shown above).
pascal ComponentResult
(CursorGlobalsHnd storage)
ComponentResult result;
if (storage != nil)
// dispose of old device records if they exist
if ((*storage)->deviceCount > 0)
result = CreateDeviceRecords(storage);
return result;
static void
(CursorGlobalsHnd cursorGlobals)
SInt16 index;
SInt16 cursorIndex;
for (index = 0; index < (*cursorGlobals)->deviceCount; index++)
(*cursorGlobals)->deviceList[index].device = nil;
for (cursorIndex = 0; cursorIndex < kNumberOfAnimations; cursorIndex++)
if ((*cursorGlobals)->deviceList[index].cursorImage[cursorIndex] != nil)
if ((*cursorGlobals)->deviceList[index].saveUnder != nil)
(*cursorGlobals)->deviceList[index].saveUnder = nil;
(*cursorGlobals)->deviceCount = 0;
This is the core of the cursor component, and it will be called every time the cursor is drawn for every display that the cursor spans. Additionally, since cursors are drawn at interrupt time, this function must not move memory (call Memory Manager routines). The first parameter, as usual, is a handle to CursorGlobalsRecord . Following this is a GDHandle for the GDevice on which to draw the cursor. The component should use this information to find the correct cursor images to draw. This is handled in the example by the FindDeviceRecordIndex function. This function, like the others in this example, works together with FindDeviceRecordIndex locating the specific index that corresponds to the cursor image data for the device passed in. The component developer is free to implement this functionality any way you prefer. The last parameter is the point at which to draw the cursor (in locate coordinates). This can be negative if the origin of the cursor is on an adjacent display.
Once the cursor data is found and you have the display and point, the cursor needs to be drawn. It is key to note that this entire drawing sequence occurs at interrupt time; it should be quick and use only interrupt-safe routines. Additionally, the plotted cursor must be clipped to the appropriate device. Lastly, the plotting code absolutely must save the data underneath the cursor image prior to plotting the new one. This can be done all at once, or pixel-by-pixel, as shown in the example. PlotMaskedImageWithSave is shown below as an example of how to plot and save the cursor data. The last call in this routine, CursorFlush , is required to previously mentioned flicker condition that can occur in cursor components. See the Fighting Flicker section for a full explanation.
pascal ComponentResult
(CursorGlobalsHnd storage, GDHandle device, Point *position)
SInt16 index;
index = FindDeviceRecordIndex(storage, device);
if (index != -1)
PlotMaskedImageWithSave (device, *position,
return noErr;
static SInt16
(CursorGlobalsHnd cursorGlobals, GDHandle findDevice)
UInt16 index;
for (index = 0; index < (*cursorGlobals)->deviceCount; index++)
if ((*cursorGlobals)->deviceList[index].device == findDevice)
return index;
// didn't find device
return -1;
static void
(GDHandle device, Point mouse, PixMapHandle srcPix,
PixMapHandle mskPix, PixMapHandle savePix)
Rect theRect;
UInt32 h;
UInt32 v;
UInt32 srcHStart;
UInt32 srcVStart;
UInt32 offRowBytes;
UInt32 dstRowBytes;
SInt32 srcHeight;
SInt32 srcWidth;
UInt32 deviceHeight;
UInt32 deviceWidth;
UInt32 offOffset;
SInt32 xOffset;
SInt32 yOffset;
UInt16 depth;
Ptr srcBase;
Ptr mskBase;
Ptr dstBase;
Ptr saveBase;
Ptr srcData;
Ptr mskData;
Ptr dstData;
Ptr saveData;
// get base of src, msk, and save
srcBase = (*srcPix)->baseAddr;
mskBase = (*mskPix)->baseAddr;
saveBase = (*savePix)->baseAddr;
offRowBytes = (*srcPix)->rowBytes & 0x7FFF;
// get base and rowbytes of destination
dstBase = (*(*device)->gdPMap)->baseAddr;
dstRowBytes = (*(*device)->gdPMap)->rowBytes & 0x7FFF;
depth = (*(*device)->gdPMap)->pixelSize;
theRect = (*device)->gdRect;
deviceWidth = theRect.right - theRect.left;
deviceHeight = theRect.bottom - theRect.top;
theRect = (*srcPix)->bounds;
srcWidth = theRect.right - theRect.left;
srcHeight = theRect.bottom - theRect.top;
xOffset = mouse.h;
yOffset = mouse.v;
srcHStart = 0;
srcVStart = 0;
// trim h
if (xOffset < 0)
srcWidth -= -xOffset;
srcHStart = -xOffset;
xOffset = 0;
if ((xOffset + srcWidth) > deviceWidth)
srcWidth = deviceWidth - xOffset;
// trim y
if (yOffset < 0)
srcHeight -= -yOffset;
srcVStart = -yOffset;
yOffset = 0;
if ((yOffset + srcHeight) > deviceHeight)
srcHeight = deviceHeight - yOffset;
switch (depth)
case 1:
case 2:
case 4:
case 8:
DebugStr("\pDon't handle indexed yet");
case 16:
// need to align this stuff
UInt16 *srcPixel;
UInt16 *mskPixel;
UInt16 *dstPixel;
UInt16 *savePixel;
offOffset = (srcVStart * offRowBytes) + (srcHStart << 1);
srcData = srcBase + offOffset;
mskData = mskBase + offOffset;
saveData = saveBase + offOffset;
dstData = dstBase + (yOffset * dstRowBytes) + (xOffset << 1);
for (v = 0; v < srcHeight; v++)
srcPixel = (UInt16 *)srcData;
mskPixel = (UInt16 *)mskData;
dstPixel = (UInt16 *)dstData;
savePixel = (UInt16 *)saveData;
for (h = 0; h < srcWidth; h++)
if (*mskPixel++ == 0x00)
*savePixel = *dstPixel;
*dstPixel = *srcPixel;
srcData += offRowBytes;
mskData += offRowBytes;
dstData += dstRowBytes;
saveData += offRowBytes;
case 32:
UInt32 *srcPixel;
UInt32 *mskPixel;
UInt32 *dstPixel;
UInt32 *savePixel;
offOffset = (srcVStart * offRowBytes) + (srcHStart << 2);
srcData = srcBase + offOffset;
mskData = mskBase + offOffset;
saveData = saveBase + offOffset;
dstData = dstBase + (yOffset * dstRowBytes) + (xOffset << 2);
for (v = 0; v < srcHeight; v++)
srcPixel = (UInt32 *)srcData;
mskPixel = (UInt32 *)mskData;
dstPixel = (UInt32 *)dstData;
savePixel = (UInt32 *)saveData;
for (h = 0; h < srcWidth; h++)
if (*mskPixel++ == 0x00)
*savePixel = *dstPixel;
*dstPixel = *srcPixel;
srcData += offRowBytes;
mskData += offRowBytes;
saveData += offRowBytes;
dstData += dstRowBytes;
This function really is a drawing function. It just undoes the work done by CursorDraw by restoring the save screen image data. The parameters are the same as for CursorDraw and have the same caveats. The applicable save data must be found based on the GDHandle parameter. RestoreMaskedImage (as shown below) restores the clipped data back to the screen. As with other component functions, this must be interrupt safe.
pascal ComponentResult
(CursorGlobalsHnd storage, GDHandle device, Point *position)
SInt16 index;
index = FindDeviceRecordIndex(storage, device);
if (index != -1)
RestoreMaskedImage(device, *position,
return noErr;
static void
(GDHandle device, Point mouse, PixMapHandle srcPix, PixMapHandle mskPix)
Rect theRect;
UInt32 h;
UInt32 v;
UInt32 srcHStart;
UInt32 srcVStart;
UInt32 offRowBytes;
UInt32 dstRowBytes;
UInt32 offOffset;
SInt32 srcHeight;
SInt32 srcWidth;
UInt32 deviceHeight;
UInt32 deviceWidth;
SInt32 xOffset;
SInt32 yOffset;
UInt16 depth;
Ptr srcBase;
Ptr dstBase;
Ptr mskBase;
Ptr srcData;
Ptr dstData;
Ptr mskData;
// get base of src and mask
srcBase = (*srcPix)->baseAddr;
mskBase = (*mskPix)->baseAddr;
offRowBytes = (*srcPix)->rowBytes & 0x7FFF;
// get base and rowbytes of destination
dstBase = (*(*device)->gdPMap)->baseAddr;
dstRowBytes = (*(*device)->gdPMap)->rowBytes & 0x7FFF;
depth = (*(*device)->gdPMap)->pixelSize;
theRect = (*device)->gdRect;
deviceWidth = theRect.right - theRect.left;
deviceHeight = theRect.bottom - theRect.top;
theRect = (*srcPix)->bounds;
srcWidth = theRect.right - theRect.left;
srcHeight = theRect.bottom - theRect.top;
xOffset = mouse.h;
yOffset = mouse.v;
srcHStart = 0;
srcVStart = 0;
// trim h
if (xOffset < 0)
srcWidth -= -xOffset;
srcHStart = -xOffset;
xOffset = 0;
if ((xOffset + srcWidth) > deviceWidth)
srcWidth = deviceWidth - xOffset;
// trim y
if (yOffset < 0)
srcHeight -= -yOffset;
srcVStart = -yOffset;
yOffset = 0;
if ((yOffset + srcHeight) > deviceHeight)
srcHeight = deviceHeight - yOffset;
switch (depth)
case 1:
case 2:
case 4:
case 8:
DebugStr("\pDon't handle indexed yet");
case 16:
// need to align this stuff
UInt16 *srcPixel;
UInt16 *dstPixel;
UInt16 *mskPixel;
offOffset = (srcVStart * offRowBytes) + (srcHStart << 1);
srcData = srcBase + offOffset;
mskData = mskBase + offOffset;
dstData = dstBase + (yOffset * dstRowBytes) + (xOffset << 1);
for (v = 0; v < srcHeight; v++)
srcPixel = (UInt16 *)srcData;
dstPixel = (UInt16 *)dstData;
mskPixel = (UInt16 *)mskData;
for (h = 0; h < srcWidth; h++)
if (*mskPixel == 0x00)
*dstPixel = *srcPixel;
srcData += offRowBytes;
mskData += offRowBytes;
dstData += dstRowBytes;
case 32:
UInt32 *srcPixel;
UInt32 *dstPixel;
UInt32 *mskPixel;
offOffset = (srcVStart * offRowBytes) + (srcHStart << 2);
srcData = srcBase + offOffset;
mskData = mskBase + offOffset;
dstData = dstBase + (yOffset * dstRowBytes) + (xOffset << 2);
for (v = 0; v < srcHeight; v++)
srcPixel = (UInt32 *)srcData;
dstPixel = (UInt32 *)dstData;
mskPixel = (UInt32 *)mskData;
for (h = 0; h < srcWidth; h++)
if (*mskPixel == 0x00)
*dstPixel = *srcPixel;
srcData += offRowBytes;
mskData += offRowBytes;
dstData += dstRowBytes;
This function must both erase and restore the last image, and draw a new image. To this end, both the old position and new position are provided. Again, this all happens at interrupt time; the GDHandle must be used to determine the cursor data to restore and draw the screen and cursor image. All the caveats for the previously described plotting functions apply.
pascal ComponentResult
(CursorGlobalsHnd storage, GDHandle device, Point *lastPosition, Point *newPosition)
SInt16 index;
index = FindDeviceRecordIndex(storage, device);
if (index != -1)
RestoreMaskedImage(device, *lastPosition,
PlotMaskedImageWithSave(device, *newPosition,
return noErr;
The last function in the component API is CursorAnimate . It is responsible for indexing through the cursor's various images. You will only need to provide this function if your component handles animation. The animate function is called once for each display. In the example case, we simply index through pre-rendered images so we care only about the first display. If your component renders each frame on the fly, you will most likely require notifications for each display. Once again, the specifics of the animate function are completely defined by your cursor implementation. Below is a simple example of a rotating animation.
pascal ComponentResult
(CursorGlobalsHnd storage, GDHandle device, Point *lastPosition)
#pragma unused (device, lastPosition)
UInt32 index;
if (device == GetMainDevice())
index = (*storage)->animIndex;
if (index > kNumberOfAnimations - 1)
index = 0;
(*storage)->animIndex = index;
return noErr;
The cursor component compiled as a code resource needs a 'thng' resource, which allows the application to identify the specific component it is accessing. Below is a simple example of a beach ball cursor's 'thng' resource. Note the kCursorSubType : this will be used later to identify this particular cursor code resource. Beyond this, you are free to use resources to store any data required to build the cursor.
#define kCursorResID 129
#define kCursorName "Beachball Cursor"
#define kCursorType 'curs'
#define kCursorSubType 'bbcc'
#define kCursorManufacturer 'appl'
resource 'thng' (kCursorResID, kCursorName, purgeable)
'STR ',
kCursorResID + 5000,
'STR ',
kCursorResID + 5050,
{ /* array ComponentPlatformInfo: 1 elements */
/* [1] */
0x80000000, 'crco', kCursorResID, platformPowerPC
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Using Components
Once the cursor component is created, an application must be created to instantiate it. The application interface for the component is fairly simple. The basic requirements are that the code resource is loaded, the cursor is instantiated by opening it, and then it is set. Once this occurs the application can pass data directly to the cursor. Finally, when it is done with it, close and unload it.
Registering Components
First, we look at handling the code resource. The code below registers the cursors code resource, allowing it to be opened.
OSErr err = -1;
if (RegisterComponentResourceFile (CurResFile(), 0))
err = noErr;
return err;
Opening the Cursor
Once the component is registered, we can open the cursor. This is achieved by setting up a ComponentDescription to look for the cursor component. The keys here are the subtype and the manufacturer: ensure that these match your cursor's 'thng' resource. Once this it completed, call FindNextComponent to find the next component that fits the description. If this returns without error, the component found can be used in the new QuickDraw function OpenCursorComponent to actually open the cursor. OpenCursorComponent is defined as follows:
OSErr OpenCursorComponent (Component c, ComponentInstance * ci);
The ComponentInstance parameter should be set on return to a specific instance the cursor that can used with the other cursor component functions. This functionality can be seen in the example below, which takes a component subtype and attempts to open it, in turn setting the global ComponentInstance as applicable.
(OSType subType)
OSErr err;
ComponentDescription theDesc;
Component comp = nil;
Point hotspot;
// set up the descriptor
theDesc.componentType = 'curs';
theDesc.componentSubType = subType;
theDesc.componentManufacturer = 'appl';
theDesc.componentFlags = 0L;
theDesc.componentFlagsMask = 0L;
comp = FindNextComponent(0L, &theDesc);
if (comp != nil)
err = OpenCursorComponent(comp, &gComp);
if (err == noErr)
gCurrentSubType = subType;
gComp = nil;
if (err != noErr)
HandleError(err, false);
Setting the Cursor
After the cursor is opened it can be set. This should be done when the application wants to display the particular cursor. To achieve this SetCursorComponent is call. The function is defined in QuickDraw.h as:
OSErr SetCursorComponent (ComponentInstance ci);
This can be accomplished in the following simple manner.
Closing the Cursor
Once the application is done with a particular cursor (and absolutely before exit), it should be close with CloseCursorComponent defined as:
OSErr CloseCursorComponent (ComponentInstance ci);
Again, this is simply implemented in the sample by just checking for NIL and passing the global ComponentInstance to the function as shown below.
if (gComp != nil)
gComp = nil;
Modifying the Cursor
Cursor components possess the CursorComponentSetData function, which allows modification of the cursor. This can be used to change frame data, set a state, or just about anything else you can imagine. The set data function is defined as:
OSErr CursorComponentSetData (ComponentInstance ci, long data);
This allows passing either direct data or a pointer to the cursor itself. An example of utilizing can also be found in the example application's SetCursorPictureID function that sets the bitmap for the current cursor.
(short pictureID, Point *hotspot)
OSErr err = noErr;
PrivateCursorData data;
static short lastID = -99;
// return if image is already set
if (lastID == pictureID) return err;
// only set image if cursor is bitmap cursor...
if (gCurrentSubType == kBitMapSubType)
data.pictureID = (long)pictureID;
data.hotSpot = *hotspot;
err = CursorComponentSetData((ComponentInstance)gComp, (long)&data);
if (err == noErr)
lastID = pictureID;
return err;
Basically CursorComponentSetData provides an application-defined conduit to the cursor component, but does not alter any outside characteristics. It is worthwhile to note if the call to CursorComponentSetData modifies that appearance of the cursor, CursorComponentSetData should call CursorComponentChanged . This will notify QuickDraw that the appearance and/or other info about the cursor has changed. QuickDraw will re-interrogate the cursor for hotspot, bounds, etc., and redraw it.
If you are changing cursors (not just changing images) you should ensure that you open the new cursor before closing the old one. This will prevent the cursor from reverting to the arrow during the change. Here's some example code to do this:
(OSType subType)
ComponentInstance oldCursor;
// save the current cursor
oldCursor = gComp;
// open the new one
if (oldCursor != nil)
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Fighting Flicker
Cursor flicker can occur when using color cursors under some circumstances. RAGE 128-based systems may not flush their internal cache on every cursor redraw, causing some or all of the cursor to flicker. This problem can be corrected by utilizing the included CursorFlush library. The CursorFlush header file defines two routines, InitializeCursorFlush and CursorFlush . The former should be called in the CursorInitialize function to set up the flush library. The later should be called when drawing is complete to ensure the video card correctly displays the cursor image without flicker.
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Obviously, Cursor Components provide a useful and greatly expanded human interface element. At first, they may seem difficult to implement. By reading this Technote and studying the code provided in the SDK, you can see the implementation is straightforward, and the resources in the SDK provide a good start. Freeform color cursors are here today on the Mac OS; it is only your imagination that limits their implementation. Go forth and build some awesome cursors.
Cursor Component SDK
Technote 1104: Interrupt-Safe Routines
Inside Macintosh: Imaging With QuickDraw
Technote web site
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