Technote provides a reference for the CGDirectDisplay API on Mac OS X.
The CGDirectDisplay API is designed to provide direct access
to display modes, cursor position, gamma tables, and other low-level
functionality. It is intended to replace and extend DrawSprocket, the Display Manager,
and other similar APIs with one single, coherent, integrated API.
This Technote describes the important data types, two typical
usage patterns, and all of the function calls in the API. A separate Technote
will cover the API provided by CGDirectPalette.
Updated: [Nov 07 2000]
Types used by the CGDirectDisplay API:
Data Type
An opaque reference to a display (kCGDirectMainDisplay
refers to the main display as a convenience)
An opaque reference to a palette
An unsigned 32 bit value
An unsigned 32 bit value
A signed 32 bit value representing a coordinate on a display
(The display origin is in the upper left corner)
An unsigned 8 bit value used by the gamma/palette functions
An unsigned 32 bit value holding OpenGL display mask bits
(Each bit represents a different display)
An unsigned 32 bit value representing the position of the refresh beam on the display (0 is at the top)
A signed 32 bit value representing the change in the mouse position
A signed 32 bit error value
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Typical Usage
In the simple case, you want to take over the main display and set it to the
mode that most closely matches your required bit depth and resolution. You can
then do any drawing you need to directly to the base address of the display.
Once you are done, restore the display mode and release the display.
CFDictionaryRef mode;
CFDictionaryRef originalMode;
size_t desiredBitDepth = 16;
size_t desiredWidth = 1024;
size_t desiredHeight = 768;
boolean_t exactMatch;
originalMode = CGDisplayCurrentMode( kCGDirectMainDisplay );
mode = CGDisplayBestModeForParameters(
desiredBitDepth, desiredWidth,
desiredHeight, &exactMatch );
if ( NULL != mode ) {
/* If it is important to have an
exact match, check exactMatch here */
CGDisplayCapture( kCGDirectMainDisplay );
CGDisplaySwitchToMode( kCGDirectMainDisplay, mode );
CGDisplayHideCursor( kCGDirectMainDisplay );
/* Do your drawing/game loop here Use
CGDisplayBaseAddress() to get the base
address of the display */
CGDisplayShowCursor( kCGDirectMainDisplay );
CGDisplaySwitchToMode( kCGDirectMainDisplay, originalMode );
CGDisplayRelease( kCGDirectMainDisplay );
Listing 1. Code listing for the simple case.
In the complex case, you need more control over which display you use or
want to determine for yourself what "best mode" means. In this case, you
get an array of active displays, iterate over that list examining the modes
that each display supports, and choose the most appropriate display/mode
combination for your application.
CFDictionaryRef originalMode;
CGDirectDisplayID displays[kMaxDisplays];
CGDisplayCount numDisplays;
CGDisplayCount i;
CGDisplayErr err;
CFDictionaryRef bestMode = NULL;
CGDirectDisplayID bestDisplay = kCGDirectMainDisplay;
err = CGGetActiveDisplayList(
if ( err != kCGDisplayNoErr )
printf("Cannot get displays (%d)\n", err);
exit( 1 );
for ( i = 0; i < numDisplays; i++ )
CFDictionaryRef mode;
CFIndex i, cnt;
CGDirectDisplayID dspy;
CFArrayRef modeList;
dspy = displays[i];
modeList = CGDisplayAvailableModes(dspy);
if ( NULL != modeList )
// Examine each mode
cnt = CFArrayGetCount( modeList );
for ( i = 0; i < cnt; i++ )
// Pull the mode dictionary out of the CFArray
mode = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex( modeList, i );
/* Examine the mode here thisModeIsTheBest( mode )
is a user supplied function that evaluates each
mode and picks the best one (returning true) */
if ( thisModeIsTheBest( mode ) )
bestMode = mode;
bestDisplay = dspy;
// At this point, you have identified the best mode
// and its corresponding display ID
if ( NULL != bestMode )
originalMode = CGDisplayCurrentMode( bestDisplay );
CGDisplayCapture( bestDisplay );
CGDisplaySwitchToMode( bestDisplay, bestMode );
CGDisplayHideCursor( bestDisplay );
// Do your drawing/game loop here
// Use CGDisplayBaseAddress() to get the base address of the display
CGDisplayShowCursor( bestDisplay );
CGDisplaySwitchToMode( bestDisplay, originalMode );
CGDisplayRelease( bestDisplay );
Listing 2. Code listing for the complex case.
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Finding Display IDs
CGDisplayErr CGGetActiveDisplayList(
CGDisplayCount maxDisplays,
CGDirectDisplayID * activeDspys,
CGDisplayCount * dspyCnt);
- Lists all active displays.
CGDisplayErr CGGetDisplaysWithPoint(
CGPoint point,
CGDisplayCount maxDisplays,
CGDirectDisplayID * dspys,
CGDisplayCount * dspyCnt);
- Lists all displays containing
point .
- Returns 0 in
dspyCnt if no displays contain point .
- Note that displays can overlap (via mirroring, for example) so the
dspys array
may contain more than one display ID.
CGDisplayErr CGGetDisplaysWithRect(
CGRect rect,
CGDisplayCount maxDisplays,
CGDirectDisplayID * dspys,
CGDisplayCount * dspyCnt);
- Lists all displays containing at least part of
rect .
- Returns 0 in
dspyCnt if no displays contain point .
- Note that displays can overlap (via mirroring, for example) so the
array may contain more than one display ID.
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Selecting Display Modes
CFDictionaryRef CGDisplayCurrentMode(
CGDirectDisplayID display);
- Returns a CFDictionaryRef describing the current display mode.
- Returns NULL for an invalid display ID.
CFArrayRef CGDisplayAvailableModes(
CGDirectDisplayID display);
- Returns a CFArray of CFDictionaries describing all available modes.
- Returns NULL for an invalid display ID.
CFDictionaryRef CGDisplayBestModeForParameters(
CGDirectDisplayID display,
size_t bitsPerPixel,
size_t width,
size_t height,
boolean_t *exactMatch);
- Finds a display mode of the specified depth with dimensions
equal to or greater than those specified.
- If no exact depth match is found, checks for the next larger
depth with dimensions equal to or greater than those specified.
- If no mode satisfies the criteria, returns the current mode.
- Sets
exactMatch (if not NULL ) to
true if an exact match is found and false
if no exact match is available.
- Returns NULL for an invalid display ID.
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Retrieving Display Mode Information
CGRect CGDisplayBounds(CGDirectDisplayID display);
- Returns the screen size and origin in global coordinates.
- Returns an empty rect for an invalid display ID.
size_t CGDisplayPixelsWide(
CGDirectDisplayID display);
- Returns the display width in pixels.
- Returns 0 for an invalid display ID.
size_t CGDisplayPixelsHigh(
CGDirectDisplayID display);
- Returns the display height in pixels.
- Returns 0 for an invalid display ID.
size_t CGDisplayBitsPerPixel(
CGDirectDisplayID display);
- Returns the current bit depth of the specified display.
- Returns 0 for an invalid display ID.
size_t CGDisplayBitsPerSample(
CGDirectDisplayID display);
- Returns the number of bits per color sample for the specified display.
- Returns 0 for an invalid display ID.
size_t CGDisplaySamplesPerPixel(
CGDirectDisplayID display);
- Returns the number of color samples per pixel for the specified display.
- Returns 0 for an invalid display ID.
size_t CGDisplayBytesPerRow(
CGDirectDisplayID display);
- Returns the number of bytes per row for the specified display.
- Returns 0 for an invalid display ID.
void * CGDisplayBaseAddress(
CGDirectDisplayID display);
- Returns the base address of the specified display.
- Returns NULL for an invalid display ID.
- Note that if the display has not been captured, the returned address
may refer to read-only memory.
void * CGDisplayAddressForPosition(
CGDirectDisplayID display,
CGDisplayCoord x,
CGDisplayCoord y);
- Returns the address for location (X,Y) in screen coordinates.
- (0,0) represents the upper-left corner of the display.
- Returns NULL if the display ID is invalid or the X and Y coordinates are out of bounds.
- Note, if the display has not been captured, the returned address
may refer to read-only memory.
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Using CGDirectDisplayIDs with OpenGL
CGDisplayErr CGGetDisplaysWithOpenGLDisplayMask(
CGOpenGLDisplayMask mask,
CGDisplayCount maxDisplays,
CGDirectDisplayID * dspys,
CGDisplayCount * dspyCnt);
- Finds a list of displays whose mask bits are specified in
mask .
- Note that more than one display can be specified in the mask so the
array may contain more than one display ID.
CGOpenGLDisplayMask CGDisplayIDToOpenGLDisplayMask(
CGDirectDisplayID display);
- Finds the OpenGL display mask corresponding to a given display ID.
- Returns 0 for an invalid display ID.
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Capturing and Releasing Displays
CGDisplayErr CGDisplayCapture(
CGDirectDisplayID display);
- Captures the specified display to put up the shield window and
allow for synchronous mode changes.
CGDisplayErr CGDisplayRelease(
CGDirectDisplayID display);
- Releases the specified display and removes the shield window.
boolean_t CGDisplayIsCaptured(
CGDirectDisplayID display);
- Returns
true if the specified display is captured.
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Switching the Display Mode
CGDisplayErr CGDisplaySwitchToMode(
CGDirectDisplayID display,
CFDictionaryRef mode);
- Switches the specified display into the mode described by the
mode dictionary.
- Note that switching modes may change display parameters and addresses.
- The selected display mode persists for the life of the program and, when the program
terminates, the display mode automatically reverts to
the mode set in the Monitors panel in the System Preferences.
- Note that display mode switching is only synchronous when applied to a captured display.
If the display has not been captured, mode switching is asynchronous and may not be complete
CGDisplaySwitchToMode returns.
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Adjusting the Display Gamma and Palette
CGDisplayErr CGSetDisplayTransferByFormula(
CGDirectDisplayID display,
CGGammaValue redMin,
CGGammaValue redMax,
CGGammaValue redGamma,
CGGammaValue greenMin,
CGGammaValue greenMax,
CGGammaValue greenGamma,
CGGammaValue blueMin,
CGGammaValue blueMax,
CGGammaValue blueGamma);
- Sets the display gamma/transfer function from a formula specifying
min and max values and a gamma for each channel.
- Gamma values must be greater than 0.0.
- Specify a value of (1.0 / 1.6) to get an antigamma of 1.6.
- Min values must be greater than or equal to 0.0 and less than 1.0.
- Max values must be greater than 0.0 and less than or equal to 1.0.
- Returns kCGSRangeCheck error if the values are out of range or max is greater than or equal to min.
- Values are computed by sampling a function for a range of indices from 0 through 1:
value = Min + ((Max - Min) * pow(index, Gamma))
- The resulting values are converted to a machine specific format and loaded into the hardware.
CGDisplayErr CGGetDisplayTransferByFormula(
CGDirectDisplayID display,
CGGammaValue *redMin,
CGGammaValue *redMax,
CGGammaValue *redGamma,
CGGammaValue *greenMin,
CGGammaValue *greenMax,
CGGammaValue *greenGamma,
CGGammaValue *blueMin,
CGGammaValue *blueMax,
CGGammaValue *blueGamma);
- Gets the display gamma/transfer function from a formula specifying
min and max values and a gamma for each channel.
CGDisplayErr CGSetDisplayTransferByTable(
CGDirectDisplayID display,
CGTableCount tableSize,
const CGGammaValue *redTable,
const CGGammaValue *greenTable,
const CGGammaValue *blueTable);
- Sets the display gamma/transfer function using tables of data for each channel.
- Values within each table should have values in the range of 0.0 through 1.0.
- The same table may be passed in for red, green, and blue channels.
tableSize indicates the number of entries in each table.
- The tables are interpolated as needed to generate the number of samples needed by hardware.
CGDisplayErr CGGetDisplayTransferByTable(
CGDirectDisplayID display,
CGTableCount capacity,
CGGammaValue *redTable,
CGGammaValue *greenTable,
CGGammaValue *blueTable,
CGTableCount *sampleCount);
- Gets the display transfer tables.
capacity indicates the number of samples each array can hold.
sampleCount is filled in with the number of samples actually copied in.
CGDirectDisplayID display,
CGTableCount tableSize,
const CGByteValue *redTable,
const CGByteValue *greenTable,
const CGByteValue *blueTable);
- Sets the display gamma/transfer function using tables of byte values for each channel.
- Values within each table should have values in the range of 0 through 255.
- The same table may be passed in for red, green, and blue channels.
tableSize indicates the number of entries in each table.
- The tables are interpolated as needed to generate the number of samples needed by hardware.
boolean_t CGDisplayCanSetPalette(
CGDirectDisplayID display);
- Returns
true if the specified display supports palettes.
- 8-bit pseudo-color only.
CGDisplayErr CGDisplaySetPalette(
CGDirectDisplayID display,
const CGDirectPaletteRef palette);
- Sets the palette for the specified display ID.
- Note that the current gamma function is applied to the palette elements before they are
loaded into the hardware.
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Accessing the CoreGraphics Shielding Window
void * CGShieldingWindowID(
CGDirectDisplayID display);
- Returns the CoreGraphics raw shield window ID for use with the drawing surface APIs.
- Returns NULL if the display ID is invalid or the display is not shielded.
int32_t CGShieldingWindowLevel(void);
- Returns the window level used for the shielding window.
- This value may be used to position Cocoa windows at the
same window level as the shielding window.
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Controlling the Mouse Cursor
CGDisplayErr CGDisplayHideCursor(
CGDirectDisplayID display);
- Increments the hide cursor count, hiding the mouse cursor if necessary.
CGDisplayErr CGDisplayShowCursor(
CGDirectDisplayID display);
- Decrements the hide cursor count, showing the mouse cursor if necessary.
CGDisplayErr CGDisplayMoveCursorToPoint(
CGDirectDisplayID display, CGPoint point);
- Moves the mouse cursor to the specified point relative to the display
origin (the upper left corner of the display).
- Returns
kCGDisplayNoErr if successful.
- Note that no events are generated as a result of this move.
- Points that would lie outside the desktop are clipped to the desktop.
void CGGetLastMouseDelta(
CGMouseDelta * deltaX,
CGMouseDelta * deltaY );
- Returns the mouse position change associated with the last mouse move
event received by this application.
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Waiting for the Vertical Blank
CGDisplayErr CGDisplayWaitForBeamPositionOutsideLines(
CGDirectDisplayID display,
CGBeamPosition upperScanLine,
CGBeamPosition lowerScanLine );
- Waits until the beam position is outside the range specified by
upperScanLine and lowerScanLine .
- Returns
kCGDisplayNoErr on success and an error if display ,
upperScanLine , or lowerScanLine are invalid.
- Note that if
upperScanLine and lowerScanLine encompass
the entire display height, the function returns an error.
lowerScanLine must be greater than or equal to upperScanLine .
- Some display systems may not use conventional video vertical and
horizontal sweeps in refreshing the display. These displays report a
kCGDisplayRefreshRate of 0 in the CFDictionaryRef returned by
CGDisplayCurrentMode and on such displays
CGDisplayWaitForBeamPositionOutsideLines returns at once.
upperScanLine and lowerScanLine should be set
to allow enough lead time for the drawing operation to complete.
A common strategy is to wait for the beam to pass the bottom of the
drawing area, allowing almost a full vertical sweep period to perform
drawing. To do this, set upperScanLine to 0, and set
lowerScanLine to the bottom of the bounding box:
lowerScanLine = (CGBeamPosition)(cgrect.origin.y + cgrect.size.height);
CGBeamPosition CGDisplayBeamPosition(
CGDirectDisplayID display );
- Returns the current beam position on the display.
- Returns 0 if
display is invalid or the display doesn't
implement a conventional vertical sweep for painting.
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This Technote covers the basic information you need to start using
the CGDirectDisplay API, including the important type definitions, function
calls, and typical usage patterns. Information on using the CGDirectPalette
API will follow in an upcoming Technote.
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