This document assumes you are familiar with the APIs and concepts for ATSUI (Apple Type Services for Unicode Imaging).
ATSUI is Apple's API for drawing Unicode text. In addition to the high-level ATSUI APIs, ATSUI has added a set of APIs that enable you to access text information at a lower level. These APIs contain functions that let you:
- Get information on the glyphs and glyph positions associated with an ATSUTextLayout . For each glyph, you can determine the glyph ID in the corresponding font, which character in the original text the glyph is derived from, and positioning information for the glyph.
- For a given glyph in a particular font, retrieve the outline data for the glyph. These are the curves that make up the glyph's shape.
- For a given glyph in a particular font, retrieve both the ideal (resolution-independent) metrics and the screen (resolution-dependent) metrics for that glyph.
- Given a set of glyphs and positions that have been obtained from an ATSUTextLayout , draw them, after having possibly modified the glyph positioning information.
This is functionality that was previously available on Mac OS 9 through a combination of special TrueType scaler calls or calls to APIs exported by Adobe® Type Manager. Neither of these API sets are available to native OS X applications. By calling these ATSUI low-level APIs, you can use one API set for both TrueType and Type 1 fonts, and your code can run both on CarbonLib and native on OS X.
[Nov 26 2001]
Getting Glyph Information
Getting the glyph information from an ATSUTextLayout is the starting point for all of the APIs described in this document. You need the glyph information in order to call all of the other APIs.
Even if you don't need information on individual glyph properties, having the glyph information allows you to reposition the glyphs before drawing them. You can draw text in ways ATSUI doesn't support directly, such as drawing text along a curve.
To draw text along a curve, you must obtain and draw the glyphs in small groups. If you are handling arbitrary Unicode text, you need to determine what those groups are while being sensitive to international issues. For example, Arabic is a cursive script, and breaking in the middle of a ligature or between two cursively connected glyphs will result in an incorrect appearance in your output.
The API function ATSUGetGlyphInfo returns the following information about each glyph in the range you specify:
ATSUStyle associated with the glyph.
The ID of the glyph within the font specified by the
ATSUStyle .
The offset of the character in the original text with which this glyph is associated.
The cross-stream shift (if any) of the glyph.
The x offset in ideal (resolution-independent) coordinates from the beginning of the line the glyph is on.
The x offset in screen (resolution-dependent) coordinates of the original of the glyph relative to the beginning of the line the glyph is on.
The x offset in screen (resolution-dependent) coordinates from the beginning of the line where a leading caret for this glyph crosses the baseline.
Additional fields whose contents are currently reserved by Apple.
It's important to note that the relationship between the original Unicode characters in the ATSUTextLayout and the glyphs returned by ATSUGetGlyphInfo is not necessarily one to one, and can often be quite complicated. Even the simple accented latin character é can be represented by an e with a combining ´ accent. In this case, two characters map to one glyph.
Common ligatures such as fi also form automatically for some fonts, causing two characters to map to one glyph. Right-to-left scripts such as Arabic, and complex scripts such as Devanagari or Thai have even more complicated mappings from characters to glyphs. Assuming a one to one mapping between characters and glyphs will make it incompatible with such languages, and perhaps not even compatible with European languages and Japanese in some cases.
For this reason it's best to use the high level ATSUI APIs whenever possible, and to let ATSUI lay out an entire paragraph of text at a time. Your application is then completely insulated from such issues.
Here is a code snippet for fetching the glyph information associated with the first glyph of an ATSUTextLayout . For details on the API, including how to draw a possibly modified ATSUGlyphInfoArray , see the API reference at the end of this document.
Listing 1. Retrieving glyph information.
char giaBuffer[128];
ByteCount giabc = 128;
ATSUGlyphInfoArray *gia = (ATSUGlyphInfoArray *)giaBuffer;
status = ATSUGetGlyphInfo(atsuLayout, 0, 1, &giabc, gia);
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Retrieving Glyph Outlines
One of the things you can do with a glyph when you know both its ID and the font it came from is to retrieve the curves that make up the shape of the glyph, known as the glyph outlines. ATSUI provides several APIs to assist in this. Using these APIs, you can:
Determine the native curve type of the font in question. TrueType fonts use quadratic curves, and Type 1 (PostScript) fonts use cubic curves. Use
ATSUGetNativeCurveType for this.
Retrieve the curves making up one glyph's shape by passing in callback functions which get called for each segment of the curves and lines making up the glyph's shape.
Retrieve raw quadratic curve data from a TrueType font or a Type 1 font (Type 1 cubic curves will have been converted to quadratic form).
There are two APIs for retrieving curves via callback, ATSUGetQuadraticGlyphPaths and ATSUGetCubicGlyphPaths . You can call ATSUGetQuadraticGlyphPaths even for a font whose native curve type is cubic, and you can call ATSUGetCubicGlyphPaths for a font whose native curve type is quadratic. In each case, the font's curves are converted to the desired format.
As of Mac OS X 10.1, all curves pass through a quadratic form before being returned to the caller. It is not possible to retrieve the cubic curves directly without passing through this intermediate conversion.
When retrieving quadratic paths, the callbacks used are for:
The start of a new path.
Each line in a path, giving its start and end points.
Each quadratic curve in a path, giving its start point, end point, and off-curve control point.
The end of the currently open path.
When retrieving cubic paths, the callbacks used are for:
Each move of the pen position to a new location.
Each line from the current pen position to an ending position.
Each curve from the current pen position to an ending position, with two off-curve control points.
The end of the currently open path.
Note that for cubic paths, the starting position for each curve or line is implicit from the current pen position. The start of a path is also implicit, and will be signalled by the initial move to establish the initial pen position.
Also note that the curves returned are the ones modified by hints present in the font. If you need unhinted outlines, use a very large point size (e.g., 1000 points), and scale the resultant curves down. Alternatively, you can set the ATSUStyleRenderngOptions of the ATSUStyle to zero.
The coordinates returned for the curves and lines are in QuickDraw coordinates, with the y axis pointing down.
See the API reference at the end of this document for further details.
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Retrieving Glyph Metrics
ATSUI lets you retrieve both the ideal (resolution-independent) and screen (resolution-dependent) metrics for a glyph.
For the ideal metrics, ATSUI returns:
The advance of the glyph (the amount by which the pen is advanced after drawing the glyph).
The side bearing of the glyph. This is the offset from the glyph origin to the beginning of the glyph image.
The other side bearing of the glyph. This is the offset from the end of the glyph image to the end of the glyph advance.
For the screen metrics, ATSUI returns:
The device advance. This is the number of pixels of the advance for the glyph as actually drawn on the screen.
The top left point of the glyph in device coordinates.
The height and width of the glyph in pixels. Note that glyphs may possibly overlap when drawn.
The side bearing and other side bearing in pixels.
For further details, see the API reference below.
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Data Type Reference Data Types and Constants
These new APIs make use of the following constants and data types:
/* Glyph outline path constants used in ATSUGetNativeCurveType */
enum { kATSCubicCurveType = 0x0001,
kATSQuadCurveType = 0x0002,
kATSOtherCurveType = 0x0003
typedef UInt16 GlyphID;
typedef UInt16 ATSCurveType;
struct ATSGlyphIdealMetrics {
/* used with API routine ATSGetGlyphIdealMetrics */
Float32Point advance;
Float32Point sideBearing;
Float32Point otherSideBearing;
struct ATSGlyphScreenMetrics {
/* used with API routine ATSGetGlyphScreenMetrics */
Float32Point deviceAdvance;
Float32Point topLeft;
UInt32 height;
UInt32 width;
Float32Point sideBearing;
Float32Point otherSideBearing;
ATSUGetQuadraticGlyphPaths callbacks
For quadratic curves, pt1 is the starting point, pt2 is the ending point, and controlPt is the off-curve control point. In Chapter 1 of the TrueType reference manual, these are referred to as p0, p2, and p1 respectively. For both curves and lines, the starting point is passed explicitly to the callback function. Moves are implicit; there is no MoveTo callback.
typedef CALLBACK_API( OSStatus , ATSQuadraticNewPathProcPtr )
(void *callBackDataPtr);
typedef CALLBACK_API( OSStatus , ATSQuadraticLineProcPtr )
(const Float32Point *pt1, const Float32Point *pt2, void *callBackDataPtr);
typedef CALLBACK_API( OSStatus , ATSQuadraticCurveProcPtr )
(const Float32Point *pt1, const Float32Point *controlPt,
const Float32Point *pt2, void *callBackDataPtr);
typedef CALLBACK_API( OSStatus , ATSQuadraticClosePathProcPtr )
(void *callBackDataPtr);
ATSUGetCubicGlyphPaths callbacks
For cubic curves, the points are defined as in the PostScript Language Reference Manual. p0, the starting point, is implicit from the current pen position. p3 is the ending point; p1 and p2 are the off-curve control points. For both curves and lines, the starting point is implicit; there is an explicit MoveTo callback to move the pen. Conversely, there is no NewPath callback for the cubic case.
typedef CALLBACK_API( OSStatus , ATSCubicMoveToProcPtr )
(const Float32Point *pt, void *callBackDataPtr);
typedef CALLBACK_API( OSStatus , ATSCubicLineToProcPtr )
(const Float32Point *pt, void *callBackDataPtr);
typedef CALLBACK_API( OSStatus , ATSCubicCurveToProcPtr )
(const Float32Point *pt1, const Float32Point *pt2,
const Float32Point *pt3, void *callBackDataPtr);
typedef CALLBACK_API( OSStatus , ATSCubicClosePathProcPtr )
(void *callBackDataPtr);
struct Float32Point {
Float32 x;
Float32 y;
Float32Point is defined in MacTypes.h
The following data structures are used to return glyph outlines. The format of the data is the same as that in the glyph table of a TrueType font; this is documented in chapter 6 of the TrueType Reference Manual. The data is modified as follows before being returned to the caller: the control bits are padded to an integral number of longs, and all coordinates are converted from fixed to floating point. See the TrueType reference manual for further details.
struct ATSUCurvePath {
UInt32 vectors;
UInt32 controlBits[1];
Float32Point vector[1];
struct ATSUCurvePaths {
UInt32 contours;
ATSUCurvePath contour[1];
The following data structures are used to return the glyph information associated with an ATSUTextLayout . For each glyph, the following information is returned: the 16 bit glyph identifier (unique to the associated font), the reserved fields "reserved" and "layoutFlags," the index of the character in the associated Unicode character stream from which this glyph is derived, the ATSUStyle used for this glyph, any cross-stream shift for the glyph, its ideal with-stream offset from the origin of this layout, its device-adjusted with-stream offset from the origin of this layout, and the position in device coordinates where a trailing caret for this glyph would intersect the baseline.
struct ATSUGlyphInfo {
GlyphID glyphID;
UInt16 reserved;
UInt32 layoutFlags;
UniCharArrayOffset charIndex;
ATSUStyle style;
Float32 deltaY;
Float32 idealX;
SInt16 screenX;
SInt16 caretX;
struct ATSUGlyphInfoArray {
ItemCount numGlyphs;
ATSUTextLayout layout;
ATSUGlyphInfo glyphs[1];
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API Reference
OSStatus ATSUGlyphGetIdealMetrics (
ATSUStyle iATSUStyle,
ItemCount iNumOfGlyphs,
GlyphID * iGlyphIDs,
Sint32 iInputOffset,
ATSGlyphIdealMetrics * oIdealMetrics );
This function is used to get the ideal metrics of glyphs specified by the array of input glyphIDs and an ATSUStyle . The ideal metrics are derived from the glyph outlines and specific style attributes such as the font, point size, and verticality. Since you can pass only a single style, at most one style run can be handled per call. oIdealMetrics must have been previously allocated by the caller to contain the requested number of returned metrics.
If vertical metrics are needed, set kATSUVerticalCharacterTag in the ATSUStyle .
Input Parameters
ATSUStyle iATSUStyle
The opaque ATSUI style object, needed to specify the font and other information that can affect the metrics.
ItemCount iNumOfGlyphs
The number of glyph metrics requested and hence the number of glyphIDs provided as input.
GlyphID *iGlyphIDs
The address of the first element of an array of glyphID values whose metrics are desired.
Sint32 iInputOffset
The number of bytes for ATSGetGlyphFractionalMetrics to increment or decrement to find each successive glyphID provided as input starting at iGlyphIDs . This is useful when the glyphIDs are imbedded in an array of data structures. If you are passing in just an array of glyphIDs , set this to sizeof(GlyphID) .
Output Parameters
ATSGlyphIdealMetrics *oIdealMetrics
The pointer to the caller supplied allocated block of memory filled with the requested number of metrics.
Return Values
oIdealMetrics and iGlyphIDs must not be NULL.
Memory manager errors
OSStatus ATSUGetNativeCurveType(
ATSUStyle iATSUStyle,
CurveType * oCurveType);
This function is used to get the native curve type of the font referred to by the ATSUStyle - cubic or quadratic.
Input Parameters
ATSUStyle iATSUStyle
The opaque ATSUI style object.
Output Parameters
CurveType * oCurveType
The format in which the curves of the selected font are stored - cubic or quadratic.
Glyph Paths
ATSUGlyphGetCubicPaths & ATSUGlyphGetQuadraticPaths
OSStatus ATSUGlyphGetCubicPaths(
ATSUStyle iATSUStyle,
GlyphID iGlyphID,
ATSCubicMoveToUPP iMoveToProc,
ATSCubicLineToUPP iLineToProc,
ATSCubicCurveToUPP iCurveToProc,
ATSCubicClosePathUPP iClosePathProc,
void *iCallBackDataPtr,
OSStatus *oCallBackResult);
This function returns the cubic outline paths for a single glyph via callback functions. The outlines that are returned are the hinted outlines at the size specified; to obtain the effect of unhinted outlines, request a very large size (e.g., 1000 points) and scale the curves back down to the desired size.
As of Mac OS X 10.1, the curves returned by this function are derived from quadratic curves, irrespective of the native curve type of the font.
Some fonts restrict access to their glyph paths; in that case, ATSUGlyphGetCubicPaths will return the error code kATSNotPublicOutlinesErr .
Input Parameters
ATSUStyle iATSUStyle
The opaque ATSUI style object.
GlyphID iGlyphID
The glyphID for which to retrieve outline data. This must be a valid glyph in the font specified by iATSUStyle .
ATSCubicMoveToUPP iMoveToProc
The pointer to a function that will handle pen movement.
ATSCubicLineToUPP iLineToProc
The pointer to a function that will handle the LineTo operation.
ATSCubicCurveToUPP iCurveToProc
The pointer to a function that will handle the CurveTo operation.
ATSCubicClosePathUPP iClosePathProc
The pointer to a function that will handle the ClosePath operation.
void *iCallBackDataPtr
This pointer is passed through to callback functions. The caller can use this pointer to pass data to the functions.
Output Parameters
OSStatus * oCallBackResult
When a callback function returns a non-zero result, ATSGlyphGetCubicPaths stops parsing the path and returns the result kATSOutlineParseAbortedErr ; the value returned by the callback is returned in oCallBackResult .
Return Values
iATSUStyle must be a pointer to a valid ATSUStyle ATSUStyle . The iGlyphID must be valid.
Memory manager errors
OSStatus ATSUGlyphGetQuadraticPaths(
ATSUStyle iATSUStyle,
GlyphID iGlyphID,
ATSQuadraticNewPathUPP iNewPathProc,
ATSQuadraticLineUPP iLineToProc,
ATSQuadraticCurveUPP iCurveToProc,
ATSQuadraticClosePathUPP iClosePathProc,
void *iCallBackDataPtr,
OSStatus *oCallBackResult);
This function returns the quadratic outline paths for a single glyph via callback functions. The outlines that are returned are the hinted outlines at the size specified; to obtain the effect of unhinted outlines, request a very large size (e.g., 1000 points) and scale the curves back down to the desired size.
Some fonts restrict access to their glyph paths; in that case, ATSGlyphGetQuadraticPaths will return the error code kATSNotPublicOutlinesErr .
Input Parameters
ATSUStyle iATSUStyle
The opaque ATSUI style object.
GlyphID iGlyphID
The glyphID for which to retrieve outline data. This must be a valid glyph in the font specified by iATSUStyle .
ATSQuadraticNewPathUPP iNewPathProc
The pointer to a function that will handle the NewPath operation.
ATSQuadraticLineUPP iLineToProc
The pointer to a function that will handle the LineTo operation.
ATSQuadraticCurveUPP iCurveToProc
The pointer to a function that will handle the CurveTo operation.
ATSQuadraticClosePathUPP iClosePathProc
The pointer to a function that will handle the ClosePath operation.
void *iCallBackDataPtr
This pointer is passed through to callback functions. The caller can use this pointer to pass data to the functions.
Output Parameters
OSStatus * oCallBackResult
When a callback function returns a non-zero result, ATSGlyphGetQuadraticPaths stops parsing the path and returns the result kATSOutlineParseAbortedErr ; the value returned by the callback is returned in oCallBackResult .
Return Values
iATSUStyle must be a pointer to a valid ATSUStyle ATSUStyle . The iGlyphID must be valid.
Memory manager errors
OSStatus ATSUGlyphGetCurvePaths (
ATSUStyle iATSUStyle,
GlyphID iGlyphID,
ByteCount *ioBufferSize,
ATSUCurvePaths *oPaths);
This function returns the outline paths for a single glyph via data structures. The outlines that are returned are the hinted outlines at the size specified; to obtain the effect of unhinted outlines, request a very large size (e.g., 1000 points) and scale the curves back down to the desired size.
This function will only return quadratic paths. Apple recommends that you use the callback APIs, ATSUGlyphGetCubicPaths and ATSUGlyphGetQuadraticPaths , if possible.
Some fonts restrict access to their glyph paths; in that case, ATSUGetCurvePaths will return the error code kATSNotPublicOutlinesErr and NULL for oPaths.
Input Parameters
ATSUStyle iATSUStyle
The opaque ATSUI style object.
GlyphID iGlyphID
The glyphID for which to retrieve outline data. This must be a valid glyph in the font specified by iATSUStyle .
ByteCount *ioBufferSize
If oPaths is NULL, on output this parameter will contain the size of the buffer that would need to be allocated. If oPaths is not NULL, on input this is the maximum size of the passed in ATSUCurvePaths struct array; on output the actual size used.
ATSUCurvePaths oPaths
The glyph paths.
Return Values
the ioBufferSize must not be NULL. iATSUStyle must be a valid ATSUStyle . The iGlyphID must be a valid glyphID for the font selected by the ATSUStyle .
Memory manager errors
Glyph Data Access
OSStatus ATSUGetGlyphInfo(
ATSUTextLayout iTextLayout,
UniCharArrayOffset iLineStart,
UniCharCount iLineLength,
ByteCount *ioBufferSize,
ATSGlyphInfoArray *oGlyphInfoPtr );
This function returns the glyph information from an ATSUTextLayout . The data is a copy of the internal information used by ATSUI, and can be modified. However, if you are going to use this ATSGlyphInfoArray when calling ATSUIDrawGlyphInfo , changing any information other than the following can cause undefined behavior when you attempt to draw: deltaY, idealX, screenX, caretX.
You should not change or dispose of the ATSUTextLayout associated with the returned glyph information until you are done with that glyph information.
Input Parameters
ATSUTextLayout iTextLayout
The opaque ATSUI text layout object.
UniCharArrayOffset iLineStart
The offset of the first Unicode character to get glyph data from.
UniCharCount iLineLength
Number of Unicode characters to get glyph data from.
ByteCount *ioBufferSize
If oGlyphInfoPtr is NULL, on output this parameter will contain the size of the buffer that needs to be allocated. As input, the size of the passed in ATSGlyphInfoArray struct, as output the actual size of oGlyphInfoPtr .
ATSGlyphInfoArray oGlyphInfoPtr
Pointer to the glyph info array for output.
Return Values
ioBufferSize must not be NULL. iTextLayout must be a pointer to a valid ATSUTextLayout .
Memory manager errors
OSStatus ATSUDrawGlyphInfo(
ATSGlyphInfoArray *iGlyphInfoArray,
Float32Point iLocation);
This function is used to draw the glyphs in an ATSGlyphInfoArray . If the caller has modified data in iGlyphInfoArray other than the following, the results are undefined: deltaY, idealX, screenX, caretX.
Input Parameters
ATSGlyphInfoArray iGlyphInfoArray
Pointer to the glyph info data
Float32Point iLocation
The location in the current graphics environment at which to begin drawing all the glyphs in the glyph info array.
Return Values
the iGlyphInfoArray must not be NULL.
Memory manager errors
Device Specific Routines ATSUGlyphGetScreenMetrics
OSStatus ATSUGlyphGetScreenMetrics (
ATSUStyle iATSUStyle,
ItemCount iNumOfGlyphs,
GlyphID * iGlyphIDs,
Sint32 iInputOffset,
ATSGlyphScreenMetrics * oScreenMetrics );
This function is used to get the screen metrics of glyphs specified by an array of input glyphIDs and an ATSUStyle . The screen metrics are derived from the supplied style's font scaler's calculations based on the current QuickDraw grafPort's resolution and bit-depth, whether anti-aliasing is set for the style's point size, the style transform, and other set style attributes. Since there is only a single style input, only a single style run can be measured with each call.
Screen metrics are useful when you are working at the level of pixels, e.g., if you need to know exactly how many pixels a particular glyph will occupy.
oScreenMetrics must have been previously allocated by the caller to contain the requested number of returned metrics.
Input Parameters
ATSUStyle iATSUStyle
The ATSUI opaque style.
ItemCount iNumOfGlyphs
The number of glyph metrics requested and hence the number of glyphIDs provided as input.
GlyphID *iGlyphIDs
The address to the first glyphID for ATSGetGlyphRenderingMetrics to access its metrics.
Sint32 iInputOffset
The number of bytes for ATSGetGlyphRenderingMetrics to increment or decrement to find each successive glyphID provided as input starting at iGlyphIDs .
Output Parameters
ATSGlyphScreenMetrics *oScreenMetrics
The pointer to the caller supplied allocated block of memory filled with the requested number of metrics.
Return Values
the oScreenMetrics and iGlyphIDs must not be NULL.
Memory manager errors
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