IntroductionA lot of Carbon APIs allocate memory to create specific items, for example, HIObjectCreate , CreateNewWindow , NewGWorld . Since there is usually only one API to create/allocate a specific item, there is little choice, thus little doubt as to which API is the best to use in each case. But when it comes to allocating blocks of memory for general use, for example, pixel data for image processing, arrays of numeric values for number crunching, or character buffers for text processing, there are many Carbon APIs which could be used for that purpose. With choice comes confusion and the possibility of choosing a sub-optimal API for a particular job. Furthermore, the optimal APIs for Mac OS X are not the same as those which were optimal in Mac OS 9 and earlier releases. Thus, developers who have a lot of legacy code should check this code for possible improvements. Back to Top  Legacy and Deprecated APIsOpen Transport provided the memory allocation function OTAllocMem [void * OTAllocMem(OTByteCount size) ] in the Universal Interfaces in Mac OS 9 and earlier. When Carbon was introduced, OTAllocMem was replaced by OTAllocMemInContext [void * OTAllocMemInContext(OTByteCount size, OTClientContextPtr clientContext) ]. Since Open Transport, as a whole, has been deprecated, there is no reason to use OTAllocMemInContext other than if you still have to support Mac OS 8 or Mac OS 9. Use OTFreeMem to deallocate the allocated memory, you cannot resize the allocated memory. Multiprocessing Services provided the memory allocation function MPAllocate [LogicalAddress MPAllocate(ByteCount size) ], while this function is still available, it is marked as deprecated and not recommended. Since version 2.0, Multiprocessing Services provides MPAllocateAligned [LogicalAddress MPAllocateAligned(ByteCount size, UInt8 alignment, OptionBits options) ] which has always been available in Carbon. Use MPFree to deallocate the allocate memory, you cannot resize the allocated memory. Most of the specific alignments provided by MPAllocateAligned have ceased to be useful, except for the 16-byte boundary alignment required by Altivec code. Since malloc aligns all its allocations on 16-byte boundaries more efficiently than MPAllocateAligned does, the memory-related APIs of the Multiprocessing Services have been deprecated, and so you should not use MPAllocateAligned . The Macintosh Memory Manager provides six functions related to virtual memory management as it was handled on Mac OS 8 and 9. All those six functions are available but do strictly nothing when called on Mac OS X from version 10.0 to version 10.3. It is unlikely that they will ever be doing anything in a later release since the virtual memory management of Mac OS X is very different from its predecessor. Those six functions are ReleaseMemoryData , MakeMemoryNonResident , MakeMemoryResident , FlushMemory , HoldMemory , and UnholdMemory . The Macintosh Memory Manager also provides seven functions which handle memory in the global address space instead of within the application heap on Mac OS 8 and 9. These seven functions are available on Mac OS X but function no differently than their application heap counterparts. Thus TempNewHandle is the same as NewHandle , TempMaxMem is the same as MaxMem , TempFreeMem is the same as FreeMem , TempHLock is the same as HLock , TempHUnlock is the same as HUnlock , TempDisposeHandle is the same as DisposeHandle , and TempTopMem is the same as TopMem . It is also noteworthy to mention that FreeMem always return a hard-coded value of, currently, 20 * 1024 * 1024, that MaxMem returns the same value, that TopMem always returns NULL , and that CompactMem does nothing else but return the value you passed as its parameter. Back to Top  Current APIsCore FoundationCore Foundation provides in CFBase.h the memory allocation function CFAllocatorAllocate [void *CFAllocatorAllocate(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFIndex size, CFOptionFlags hint) ]. This function is thread safe. The main reason for using CFAllocatorAllocate instead of another memory allocation API is that you can choose the CFAllocatorRef the most appropriate for the situation. It can be just the default CFAllocatorRef (kCFAllocatorDefault ), but you can also use any of the other provided CFAllocatorRef (kCFAllocatorSystemDefault , kCFAllocatorMalloc , kCFAllocatorNull , kCFAllocatorUseContext ) or create your own with CFAllocatorCreate (in very rare situations). You can also, in a library, use kCFAllocatorDefault and then you will work with whatever CFAllocatorRef was set as a default by the main application. Use CFAllocatorDeallocate to deallocate the allocate memory, you can use CFAllocatorReallocate to resize the allocated memory. Back to Top  Macintosh Memory ManagerThe Macintosh Memory Manager provides in MacMemory.h the four memory allocation functions NewPtr , NewPtrClear , NewHandle , and NewHandleClear . All those functions are thread-safe starting with Mac OS X v10.3 but not in previous versions. On Mac OS X, those four functions eventually call the C library function malloc with a thin overhead. Use DisposePtr to deallocate the memory allocated by NewPtr or NewPtrClear and you can use SetPtrSize to resize the allocated memory (beware, even on Mac OS X, SetPtrSize may fail). Use DisposeHandle to deallocate the memory allocated by NewHandle or NewHandleClear and you can use SetHandleSize to resize the allocated memory. There is no performance advantage to calling NewPtr instead of malloc , or NewPtrClear instead of calloc . This is the reverse of what was true on Mac OS 8 and 9 where malloc was eventually calling NewPtr in some C runtimes. Carbon APIs use specific handles less and less, either because the technology has been or is being deprecated; a better, modern replacement has been introduced; or specific handles have been converted in opaque references. See the tables below for some examples; since Carbon APIs rely on handles less and less as new versions of Mac OS X are released, these table lists are not exhaustive and the best way to know whether you should or should not use a specific handle is to look at the comments of its declaration in its header file. Table 1: Technologies which are or are being deprecated. Technology | Types (not exhaustive) |
QuickDraw | PixMapHandle , CTabHandle , PicHandle , PaletteHandle | TextEdit | TEHandle , TextStyleHandle , CharsHandle , STHandle |
Table 2: Technologies which have a modern replacement. Technology | Types (not exhaustive) | Modern Technology |
Sound Manager | SndHandle , SndListHandle , Snd2ListHandle | CoreAudio | File Translation | FileTranslationSpecArrayHandle , FileTranslationListHandle , ScrapTranslationListHandle | Translation Services |
Table 3: Specific Handles obsoleted by a modern replacement. Specific Handles | Modern Replacement |
ListHandle (using the List control) | DataBrowser control | NavTypeListHandle (Navigation Services) | Use a filter function, use LSCanRefAcceptItem (Launch Services) | CIconHandle , IconFamilyHandle | IconRef | ControlHandle | ControlRef | MenuHandle | MenuRef |
Table 4: Specific Handles still in use. Specific Handles | Note |
RgnHandle | HIShapeRef will replace RgnHandle as the HIShape technology evolves | AliasHandle | The Alias Manager is evolving to deal with the type AliasRecord * |
It is still inadvisable to fake handles, that is to use a pointer on a pointer to a memory block, and use them as parameters in Carbon APIs. If the Carbon API attempts to call GetHandleSize or SetHandleSize , then unexpected consequences will follow. Back to Top  Standard C LibraryThe Standard C Library provides the memory allocation functions malloc , calloc (which clears the memory block), and valloc (which aligns the memory block on a virtual memory page boundary). malloc and calloc align their allocations on 16-byte boundaries.
All these functions are thread-safe. Use free to deallocate the allocate memory, you can use realloc to safely resize the allocated memory. Apple Engineers spent a long time making malloc the most efficient memory allocation function. Use malloc (or calloc ) preferably to any other memory allocation function. Note: When debugging in Xcode, you may use GuardMalloc. That actually means that you are using libgmalloc which modifies the behavior of malloc and calloc . libgmalloc alignes the end of the allocated block with the end of a page. Thus, if you need 16-byte aligned allocations, you may need to pad your structures or arrays to a multiple of 16 when debugging with GuardMalloc. Back to Top  Moving and Setting bytesAfter allocating memory, it is common to move bytes around. There are many functions which can do the job. Fortunately, it is easier to determine which API should be used almost exclusively. Prefer BlockMoveData or BlockMoveDataUncached to BlockMove , but anyway, these functions eventually call memmove , so... For copying bytes from one location to another, use memmove or bcopy which are thread-safe and check for overlaps. On shipping releases of Mac OS X, memcpy also checks for overlaps, but the IEEE specification does not require that check, so behavior on other platforms is undefined, so use it with caution. In some situations, rather than calling memmove , you can use a tight loop or let the compiler generate the code for moving bytes if the size of the transfer is known at compilation time. In most other situations, use memmove . Rather than allocating a new block of memory, you may want to reuse instead previously allocated memory. In that case, it is common to zero that memory before using it. We recommend that you use bzero or memset rather than BlockZero to do so. Back to Top  SummaryDo not use OTAllocMem or OTAllocMemInContext . Do not use MPAllocate or MPAllocateAligned . Do not use TempNewHandle . Use NewPtr or NewHandle only in legacy code that you didn't optimize yet. Do not use them in new code. CFAllocatorAllocate should be rarely used.
IMPORTANT: Use malloc or calloc almost exclusively. Back to Top  Reference SectionOptimizing Your Memory Allocations. Optimization Strategies for Mac OS. Memory Management Edge Cases. Memory Management in Mac OS X. malloc (3) and calloc (3) man documentation
Back to Top  Document Revision HistoryDate | Notes |
2005-07-12 | Added a reference to malloc man documentation. | 2005-05-24 | GuardMalloc information added. | 2005-04-07 | Recommends the best ways to allocate memory on Mac OS X. |
Posted: 2005-07-12