
A number represents a single reference to a topic.
A number with a "+" sign represents a longer discussion of a topic.

A   C   D   E   G   I   J   K   M   O   P   R   W   Y   

ABActionCallbacks structure 1
ABActionCopyTitleCallback callback 1
ABActionEnabledCallback callback 1
ABActionGetPropertyCallback callback 1
ABActionSelectedCallback callback 1
ABAddPropertiesAndTypes function 1
ABAddRecord function 1
ABAddressBookRef data type 1 2
ABBeginLoadingImageDataForClient function 1
ABCancelLoadingImageDataForTag function 1
ABCopyArrayOfAllGroups function 1
ABCopyArrayOfAllPeople function 1
ABCopyArrayOfMatchingRecords function 1
ABCopyArrayOfPropertiesForRecordType function 1
ABCopyDefaultCountryCode function 1
ABCopyLocalizedPropertyOrLabel function 1
ABCopyRecordForUniqueId function 1
ABCopyRecordTypeFromUniqueId function 1
ABCreateFormattedAddressFromDictionary function 1
ABGetMe function 1
ABGetSharedAddressBook function 1
ABGroupAddGroup function 1
ABGroupAddMember function 1
ABGroupCopyArrayOfAllMembers function 1
ABGroupCopyArrayOfAllSubgroups function 1
ABGroupCopyDistributionIdentifier function 1
ABGroupCopyParentGroups function 1
ABGroupCreate function 1
ABGroupCreateSearchElement function 1
ABGroupRef data type 1
ABGroupRemoveGroup function 1
ABGroupRemoveMember function 1
ABGroupSetDistributionIdentifier function 1
ABHasUnsavedChanges function 1
ABImageClientCallback callback 1
ABMultiValueAdd function 1
ABMultiValueCopyIdentifierAtIndex function 1
ABMultiValueCopyLabelAtIndex function 1
ABMultiValueCopyPrimaryIdentifier function 1
ABMultiValueCopyValueAtIndex function 1
ABMultiValueCount function 1
ABMultiValueCreate function 1
ABMultiValueCreateCopy function 1
ABMultiValueCreateMutable function 1
ABMultiValueCreateMutableCopy function 1
ABMultiValueIndexForIdentifier function 1
ABMultiValueInsert function 1
ABMultiValuePropertyType function 1
ABMultiValueRef data type 1
ABMultiValueRemove function 1
ABMultiValueReplaceLabel function 1
ABMultiValueReplaceValue function 1
ABMultiValueSetPrimaryIdentifier function 1
ABMutableMultiValueRef data type 1
ABPersonCopyImageData function 1
ABPersonCopyParentGroups function 1
ABPersonCopyVCardRepresentation function 1
ABPersonCreate function 1
ABPersonCreateSearchElement function 1
ABPersonCreateWithVCardRepresentation function 1
ABPersonRef data type 1
ABPersonSetImageData function 1
ABPickerAddProperty function 1
ABPickerAttributes data type 1
ABPickerChangeAttributes function 1
ABPickerClearSearchField function 1
ABPickerCopyColumnTitle function 1
ABPickerCopyDisplayedProperty function 1
ABPickerCopyProperties function 1
ABPickerCopySelectedGroups function 1
ABPickerCopySelectedIdentifiers function 1
ABPickerCopySelectedRecords function 1
ABPickerCopySelectedValues function 1
ABPickerCreate function 1
ABPickerDeselectAll function 1
ABPickerDeselectGroup function 1
ABPickerDeselectIdentifier function 1
ABPickerDeselectRecord function 1
ABPickerEditInAddressBook function 1
ABPickerGetAttributes function 1
ABPickerGetDelegate function 1
ABPickerGetFrame function 1
ABPickerIsVisible function 1
ABPickerRemoveProperty function 1
ABPickerSelectGroup function 1
ABPickerSelectIdentifier function 1
ABPickerSelectInAddressBook function 1
ABPickerSelectRecord function 1
ABPickerSetColumnTitle function 1
ABPickerSetDelegate function 1
ABPickerSetDisplayedProperty function 1
ABPickerSetFrame function 1
ABPickerSetVisibility function 1
ABRecordCopyRecordType function 1
ABRecordCopyUniqueId function 1
ABRecordCopyValue function 1
ABRecordCreateCopy function 1
ABRecordIsReadOnly function 1
ABRecordRef data type 1
ABRecordRemoveValue function 1
ABRecordSetValue function 1
ABRemoveProperties function 1
ABRemoveRecord function 1
ABSave function 1
ABSearchComparison 1
ABSearchConjunction 1
ABSearchElementCreateWithConjunction function 1
ABSearchElementMatchesRecord function 1
ABSearchElementRef data type 1
ABSetMe function 1
ABTypeOfProperty function 1
Address Keys 1
Address Labels 1
AIM Instant Labels 1
Common Properties 1
Database Notifications 1
Email Labels 1
Generic Labels 1
Group Properties 1
ICQ Instant Labels 1
Jabber Instant Labels 1
kABAddressCityKey constant 1
kABAddressCountryCodeKey constant 1
kABAddressCountryKey constant 1
kABAddressHomeLabel constant 1
kABAddressProperty constant 1
kABAddressStateKey constant 1
kABAddressStreetKey constant 1
kABAddressWorkLabel constant 1
kABAddressZIPKey constant 1
kABAIMHomeLabel constant 1
kABAIMInstantProperty constant 1
kABAIMWorkLabel constant 1
kABAnniversaryLabel constant 1
kABArrayProperty constant 1
kABAssistantLabel constant 1
kABBirthdayProperty constant 1
kABBitsInBitFieldMatch constant 1
kABBrotherLabel constant 1
kABCalendarURIsProperty constant 1
kABChildLabel constant 1
kABContainsSubString constant 1
kABContainsSubStringCaseInsensitive constant 1
kABCreationDateProperty constant 1
kABDatabaseChangedExternallyNotification constant 1
kABDatabaseChangedNotification constant 1
kABDataProperty constant 1
kABDateProperty constant 1
kABDefaultNameOrdering constant 1
kABDepartmentProperty constant 1
kABDictionaryProperty constant 1
kABDoesNotContainSubString constant 1
kABDoesNotContainSubStringCaseInsensitive constant 1
kABEmailHomeLabel constant 1
kABEmailProperty constant 1
kABEmailWorkLabel constant 1
kABEqual constant 1
kABEqualCaseInsensitive constant 1
kABErrorInProperty constant 1
kABFatherLabel constant 1
kABFirstNameFirst constant 1
kABFirstNamePhoneticProperty constant 1
kABFirstNameProperty constant 1
kABFriendLabel constant 1
kABGreaterThan constant 1
kABGreaterThanOrEqual constant 1
kABGroupNameProperty constant 1
kABGroupRecordType constant 1
kABHomeLabel constant 1
kABHomePageLabel constant 1
kABHomePageProperty constant 1
kABICQHomeLabel constant 1
kABICQInstantProperty constant 1
kABICQWorkLabel constant 1
kABIntegerProperty constant 1
kABJabberHomeLabel constant 1
kABJabberInstantProperty constant 1
kABJabberWorkLabel constant 1
kABJobTitleProperty constant 1
kABLastNameFirst constant 1
kABLastNamePhoneticProperty constant 1
kABLastNameProperty constant 1
kABLessThan constant 1
kABLessThanOrEqual constant 1
kABMaidenNameProperty constant 1
kABManagerLabel constant 1
kABMiddleNamePhoneticProperty constant 1
kABMiddleNameProperty constant 1
kABModificationDateProperty constant 1
kABMotherLabel constant 1
kABMSNHomeLabel constant 1
kABMSNInstantProperty constant 1
kABMSNWorkLabel constant 1
kABMultiArrayProperty constant 1
kABMultiDataProperty constant 1
kABMultiDateProperty constant 1
kABMultiDictionaryProperty constant 1
kABMultiIntegerProperty constant 1
kABMultiRealProperty constant 1
kABMultiStringProperty constant 1
kABNameOrderingMask constant 1
kABNicknameProperty constant 1
kABNoteProperty constant 1
kABNotEqual constant 1
kABNotEqualCaseInsensitive constant 1
kABNotWithinIntervalAroundToday constant 1
kABNotWithinIntervalAroundTodayYearless constant 1
kABNotWithinIntervalFromToday constant 1
kABNotWithinIntervalFromTodayYearless constant 1
kABOrganizationProperty constant 1
kABOtherDatesProperty constant 1
kABOtherLabel constant 1
kABParentLabel constant 1
kABPartnerLabel constant 1
kABPersonFlags constant 1
kABPersonRecordType constant 1
kABPhoneHomeFAXLabel constant 1
kABPhoneHomeLabel constant 1
kABPhoneMainLabel constant 1
kABPhoneMobileLabel constant 1
kABPhonePagerLabel constant 1
kABPhoneProperty constant 1
kABPhoneWorkFAXLabel constant 1
kABPhoneWorkLabel constant 1
kABPickerMultipleValueSelection constant 1
kABPickerSingleValueSelection constant 1
kABPrefixMatch constant 1
kABPrefixMatchCaseInsensitive constant 1
kABRealProperty constant 1
kABRelatedNamesProperty constant 1
kABSearchAnd constant 1
kABSearchOr constant 1
kABShowAsCompany constant 1
kABShowAsMask constant 1
kABShowAsPerson constant 1
kABSisterLabel constant 1
kABSpouseLabel constant 1
kABStringProperty constant 1
kABSuffixMatch constant 1
kABSuffixMatchCaseInsensitive constant 1
kABSuffixProperty constant 1
kABTitleProperty constant 1
kABUIDProperty constant 1
kABURLsProperty constant 1
kABWithinIntervalAroundToday constant 1
kABWithinIntervalAroundTodayYearless constant 1
kABWithinIntervalFromToday constant 1
kABWithinIntervalFromTodayYearless constant 1
kABWorkLabel constant 1
kABYahooHomeLabel constant 1
kABYahooInstantProperty constant 1
kABYahooWorkLabel constant 1
kEventABPeoplePickerDisplayedPropertyChanged constant 1
kEventABPeoplePickerGroupDoubleClicked constant 1
kEventABPeoplePickerGroupSelectionChanged constant 1
kEventABPeoplePickerNameDoubleClicked constant 1
kEventABPeoplePickerNameSelectionChanged constant 1
kEventABPeoplePickerValueSelectionChanged constant 1
kEventClassABPeoplePicker constant 1
kEventParamABPickerRef constant 1
MSN Instant Labels 1
Other Dates Labels 1
People-Picker Event Class 1
People-Picker Event Kinds 1
People-Picker Event Parameter Name 1
Person Flags 1
Person Properties 1
Phone Labels 1
Property Types 1
Record Type 1 2
Related Names Labels 1
Web Page Labels 1
Yahoo Instant Labels 1

© 2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. (Last updated: 2006-05-23)

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