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Document Revision History

This table describes the changes to Apple Type Services for Fonts Reference.

2007-12-11Updated for Mac OS X v10.5.

Added ATSFontActivateFromFileReference, ATSFontSetGlobalAutoActivationSetting, ATSFontGetGlobalAutoActivationSetting, ATSFontSetAutoActivationSettingForApplication, ATSFontGetAutoActivationSettingForApplication, ATSFontGetContainerFromFileReference, ATSFontGetContainer, ATSFontGetFileReference, ATSFontSetEnabled, and ATSFontIsEnabled.


Added deprecation information for several functions.

2006-08-16Made minor technical corrections.
2005-12-06Fixed incorrect link.
2005-11-09 Provided information about three functions that return font resources in big endian format.

See ATSFontGetTableDirectory, ATSFontGetTable, and ATSFontGetFontFamilyResource.

2005-07-07 Corrected typographical errors.

Fixed minor typographical error.


Fixed errors in the documentation for the function ATSFontIteratorCreate and the description for the constants Scoping Options.


First version of this document. Provides a complete reference to ATS for Fonts version 1.4.

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© 2007 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. (Last updated: 2007-12-11)

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