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A number represents a single reference to a topic.
A number with a "+" sign represents a longer discussion of a topic.

A   B   C   D   F   G   I   K   M   N   R   

AddFolderDescriptor function 1
AddFolderRouting function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
badFolderDescErr constant 1
badRoutingSizeErr constant 1
Create Folder Flags 1
DetermineIfPathIsEnclosedByFolder function 1
Disk and Domain Constants 1
DisposeFolderManagerNotificationUPP function 1
duplicateFolderDescErr constant 1
duplicateRoutingErr constant 1
FindFolder function 1
FindFolderExtended function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.3) 1
FindFolderRouting function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FindFolderUserRedirectionGlobals Flags 1
FindFolderUserRedirectionGlobals structure 1
FindFolderUserRedirectionGlobals Structure Version 1
Folder Descriptor Classes 1
Folder Descriptor Flags 1
Folder Descriptor Locations 1
Folder Type Constants 1
FolderDesc structure 1
FolderManagerCallNotificationProcs Options 1
FolderManagerNotificationProcPtr callback 1
FolderManagerNotificationUPP data type 1
FolderManagerRegisterCallNotificationProcs function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.3) 1
FolderManagerRegisterNotificationProc function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.3) 1
FolderManagerUnregisterNotificationProc function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.3) 1
FolderRouting structure 1
FSDetermineIfRefIsEnclosedByFolder function 1
FSFindFolder function 1
FSFindFolderExtended Flags 1
FSFindFolderExtended function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.3) 1
FSpDetermineIfSpecIsEnclosedByFolder function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
GetFolderDescriptor function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.3) 1
GetFolderName function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
GetFolderRoutings function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetFolderTypes function 1
IdentifyFolder function 1
InvalidateFolderDescriptorCache function 1
invalidFolderTypeErr constant 1
InvokeFolderManagerNotificationUPP function 1
kALMLocationsFolderType constant 1
kALMModulesFolderType constant 1
kALMPreferencesFolderType constant 1
kAppearanceFolderType constant 1
kAppleExtrasFolderType constant 1
kAppleMenuFolderType constant 1
kAppleshareAutomountServerAliasesFolderType 1
kApplicationsFolderType constant 1
kApplicationSupportFolderType constant 1
kAssistantsFolderType constant 1
kBlessedFolder constant 1
kChewableItemsFolderType constant 1
kClassicDomain constant 1
kColorSyncProfilesFolderType constant 1
kContextualMenuItemsFolderType constant 1
kControlPanelDisabledFolderType constant 1
kControlPanelFolderType constant 1
kControlStripModulesFolderType constant 1
kCreateFolder constant 1
kCreateFolderAtBoot constant 1
kCreateFolderAtBootBit constant 1
kCurrentUserFolderLocation 1
kCurrentUserFolderLocation constant 1
kDesktopFolderType constant 1
kDesktopPicturesFolderType constant 1
kDocumentsFolderType constant 1
kDomainTopLevelFolderType 1
kDoNotRemoveWheCurrentApplicationQuitsBit constant 1
kDoNotRemoveWhenCurrentApplicationQuitsBit constant 1
kDontCreateFolder constant 1
kEditorsFolderType constant 1
kExtensionDisabledFolderType constant 1
kExtensionFolderType constant 1
kFavoritesFolderType constant 1
kFindByContentFolderType constant 1
kFindSupportFolderType constant 1
kFolderActionsFolderType constant 1
kFolderCreatedAdminPrivs constant 1
kFolderCreatedAdminPrivsBit constant 1
kFolderCreatedInvisible constant 1
kFolderCreatedInvisibleBit constant 1
kFolderCreatedNameLocked constant 1
kFolderCreatedNameLockedBit constant 1
kFolderManagerNotificationDiscardCachedData constant 1
kFolderManagerNotificationMessageLoginStartup constant 1
kFolderManagerNotificationMessagePostUserLogOut constant 1
kFolderManagerNotificationMessagePreUserLogIn constant 1
kFolderManagerNotificationMessageUserLogIn constant 1
kFolderManagerNotificationMessageUserLogOut constant 1
kFontsFolderType constant 1
kGenEditorsFolderType constant 1
kHelpFolderType constant 1
kInstallerLogsFolderType constant 1
kInternetFolderType constant 1
kInternetPlugInFolderType constant 1
kInternetSearchSitesFolderType constant 1
kLastDomainConstant constant 1
kLauncherItemsFolderType constant 1
kLocalDomain constant 1
kLocalesFolderType 1
kMacOSReadMesFolderType constant 1
kModemScriptsFolderType constant 1
kNetworkDomain constant 1
kOnAppropriateDisk constant 1
kOnSystemDisk constant 1
kOpenDocEditorsFolderType constant 1
kOpenDocFolderType constant 1
kOpenDocLibrariesFolderType constant 1
kOpenDocShellPlugInsFolderType constant 1
kPreferencesFolderType constant 1
kPrinterDescriptionFolderType constant 1
kPrinterDriverFolderType constant 1
kPrintMonitorDocsFolderType constant 1
kRecentApplicationsFolderType constant 1
kRecentDocumentsFolderType constant 1
kRecentServersFolderType constant 1
kRelativeFolder constant 1
kRootFolder constant 1
kScriptingAdditionsFolderType constant 1
kScriptsFolderType constant 1
kSharedLibrariesFolderType constant 1
kShutdownFolderType constant 1
kShutdownItemsDisabledFolderType constant 1
kSoundSetsFolderType constant 1
kSpeakableItemsFolderType constant 1
kSpecialFolder constant 1
kStartupFolderType constant 1
kStartupItemsDisabledFolderType constant 1
kStationeryFolderType constant 1
kSystemControlPanelFolderType constant 1
kSystemDesktopFolderType constant 1
kSystemDomain constant 1
kSystemExtensionDisabledFolderType constant 1
kSystemFolderType constant 1
kSystemPreferencesFolderType constant 1
kSystemTrashFolderType constant 1
kTemporaryFolderType constant 1
kTextEncodingsFolderType constant 1
kThemesFolderType constant 1
kTrashFolderType constant 1
kUserDomain constant 1
kUsersFolderType 1
kUtilitiesFolderType constant 1
kVoicesFolderType constant 1
kVolumeRootFolderType constant 1
kWhereToEmptyTrashFolderType constant 1
MultiUserGestalt structure 1
NewFolderManagerNotificationUPP function 1
noMoreFolderDescErr constant 1
Notification Messages 1
Notification Options 1
ReleaseFolder function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.3) 1
RemoveFolderDescriptor function 1
RemoveFolderRouting function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
routingNotFoundErr constant 1

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© 2003, 2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. (Last updated: 2006-07-12)

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