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A number represents a single reference to a topic.
A number with a "+" sign represents a longer discussion of a topic.

A   C   D   E   I   K   N   

AFPServerSignature data type 1
Authentication Type Constants 1
Certificate Search Options 1
Certificate Usage Options 1
Certificate Verification Criteria 1
Default Internet Port Constant 1
Default Internet Protocol And Authentication Type Constants 1
DisposeKCCallbackUPP function 1
errKCAuthFailed constant 1
errKCBufferTooSmall constant 1
errKCCreateChainFailed constant 1
errKCDataNotAvailable constant 1
errKCDataNotModifiable constant 1
errKCDataTooLarge constant 1
errKCDuplicateCallback constant 1
errKCDuplicateItem constant 1
errKCDuplicateKeychain constant 1
errKCInteractionNotAllowed constant 1
errKCInteractionRequired constant 1
errKCInvalidCallback constant 1
errKCInvalidItemRef constant 1
errKCInvalidKeychain constant 1
errKCInvalidSearchRef constant 1
errKCItemNotFound constant 1
errKCKeySizeNotAllowed constant 1
errKCNoCertificateModule constant 1
errKCNoDefaultKeychain constant 1
errKCNoPolicyModule constant 1
errKCNoStorageModule constant 1
errKCNoSuchAttr constant 1
errKCNoSuchClass constant 1
errKCNoSuchKeychain constant 1
errKCNotAvailable constant 1
errKCReadOnly constant 1
errKCReadOnlyAttr constant 1
errKCWrongKCVersion constant 1
InvokeKCCallbackUPP function 1
kAccountKCItemAttr constant 1
kAddKCEvent constant 1
kAddKCEventMask constant 1
kAddressKCItemAttr constant 1
kAnyAuthType constant 1
kAnyPort constant 1
kAnyProtocol constant 1
kAppleSharePasswordKCItemClass constant 1
kAuthTypeKCItemAttr constant 1
KCAddAppleSharePassword function 1
kcaddapplesharepassword function 1
KCAddCallback function 1
KCAddGenericPassword function 1
kcaddgenericpassword function 1
KCAddInternetPassword function 1
kcaddinternetpassword function 1
KCAddInternetPasswordWithPath function 1
kcaddinternetpasswordwithpath function 1
KCAddItem function 1
KCAttribute data type 1
KCAttributeList data type 1
KCAttrType data type 1
KCCallbackInfo structure 1
KCCallbackProcPtr callback 1
KCCallbackUPP data type 1
KCChangeSettings function 1
KCChooseCertificate function 1
KCCopyItem function 1
KCCountKeychains function 1
KCCreateKeychain function 1
kccreatekeychain function 1
KCDeleteItem function 1
kCertificateKCItemClass constant 1
KCFindAppleSharePassword function 1
kcfindapplesharepassword function 1
KCFindFirstItem function 1
KCFindGenericPassword function 1
kcfindgenericpassword function 1
KCFindInternetPassword function 1
kcfindinternetpassword function 1
KCFindInternetPasswordWithPath function 1
kcfindinternetpasswordwithpath function 1
KCFindNextItem function 1
KCFindX509Certificates function 1
KCGetAttribute function 1
KCGetData function 1
KCGetDefaultKeychain function 1
KCGetIndKeychain function 1
KCGetKeychain function 1
KCGetKeychainManagerVersion function 1
KCGetKeychainName function 1
kcgetkeychainname function 1
KCGetStatus function 1
KCIsInteractionAllowed function 1
KCItemRef data type 1
kClassKCItemAttr constant 1
KCLock function 1
KCMakeAliasFromKCRef function 1
KCMakeKCRefFromAlias function 1
KCMakeKCRefFromFSSpec function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
KCNewItem function 1
kCommentKCItemAttr constant 1
kCommonNameKCItemAttr constant 1
KCPublicKeyHash data type 1
kCreationDateKCItemAttr constant 1
kCreatorKCItemAttr constant 1
KCRef data type 1
KCReleaseItem function 1
KCReleaseKeychain function 1
KCReleaseSearch function 1
KCRemoveCallback function 1
KCSearchRef data type 1
KCSetAttribute function 1
KCSetData function 1
KCSetDefaultKeychain function 1
KCSetInteractionAllowed function 1
KCStatus data type 1
KCUnlock function 1
kcunlock function 1
KCUpdateItem function 1
kCustomIconKCItemAttr constant 1
kDataAccessKCEvent constant 1
kDataAccessKCEventMask constant 1
kDecryptKCItemAttr constant 1
kDefaultChangedKCEvent constant 1
kDefaultChangedKCEventMask constant 1
kDeleteKCEvent constant 1
kDeleteKCEventMask constant 1
kDescriptionKCItemAttr constant 1
kEMailKCItemAttr constant 1
kEncryptKCItemAttr constant 1
kEndDateKCItemAttr constant 1
kEveryKCEventMask constant 1
Keychain Events Constants 1
Keychain Events Mask 1
Keychain Item Attribute Tag Constants 1
Keychain Item Type Constants 1
Keychain Protocol Type Constants 1
Keychain Status Constants 1
kFirstFailKCStopOn constant 1
kFirstPassKCStopOn constant 1
kGenericKCItemAttr constant 1
kGenericPasswordKCItemClass constant 1
kIdleKCEvent constant 1
kIdleKCEventMask constant 1
kInternetPasswordKCItemClass constant 1
kInvisibleKCItemAttr constant 1
kIssuerKCItemAttr constant 1
kIssuerURLKCItemAttr constant 1
kKCAuthTypeDefault constant 1
kKCAuthTypeDPA constant 1
kKCAuthTypeHTTPDigest constant 1
kKCAuthTypeMSN constant 1
kKCAuthTypeNTLM constant 1
kKCAuthTypeRPA constant 1
kKCProtocolTypeAFP constant 1
kKCProtocolTypeAppleTalk constant 1
kKCProtocolTypeFTP constant 1
kKCProtocolTypeFTPAccount constant 1
kKCProtocolTypeHTTP constant 1
kKCProtocolTypeIMAP constant 1
kKCProtocolTypeIRC constant 1
kKCProtocolTypeLDAP constant 1
kKCProtocolTypeNNTP constant 1
kKCProtocolTypePOP3 constant 1
kKCProtocolTypeSMTP constant 1
kKCProtocolTypeSOCKS constant 1
kKCProtocolTypeTelnet constant 1
kKeychainListChangedKCEvent constant 1
kLabelKCItemAttr constant 1
kLockKCEvent constant 1
kLockKCEventMask constant 1
kModDateKCItemAttr constant 1
kNegativeKCItemAttr constant 1
kNoneKCStopOn constant 1
kPasswordChangedKCEvent constant 1
kPasswordChangedKCEventMask constant 1
kPathKCItemAttr constant 1
kPolicyKCStopOn constant 1
kPortKCItemAttr constant 1
kProtocolKCItemAttr constant 1
kPublicKeyHashKCItemAttr constant 1
kRdPermKCStatus constant 1
kScriptCodeKCItemAttr constant 1
kSecurityDomainKCItemAttr constant 1
kSerialNumberKCItemAttr constant 1
kServerKCItemAttr constant 1
kServiceKCItemAttr constant 1
kSignatureKCItemAttr constant 1
kSignKCItemAttr constant 1
kStartDateKCItemAttr constant 1
kSubjectKCItemAttr constant 1
kSystemEventKCEventMask constant 1
kSystemKCEvent constant 1
kTypeKCItemAttr constant 1
kUnlockKCEvent constant 1
kUnlockKCEventMask constant 1
kUnlockStateKCStatus constant 1
kUnwrapKCItemAttr constant 1
kUpdateKCEvent constant 1
kUpdateKCEventMask constant 1
kVerifyKCItemAttr constant 1
kVolumeKCItemAttr constant 1
kWrapKCItemAttr constant 1
kWrPermKCStatus constant 1
NewKCCallbackUPP function 1

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© 2001, 2005 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. (Last updated: 2005-07-07)

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