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A number represents a single reference to a topic.
A number with a "+" sign represents a longer discussion of a topic.

A   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   K   L   M   N   O   P   R   S   T   U   

AcquireRootMenu function 1
AppendMenu function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
AppendMenuItemText function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
AppendMenuItemTextWithCFString function 1
AppendResMenu function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
CalcMenuSize function 1
CancelMenuTracking function 1
ChangeMenuAttributes function 1
ChangeMenuItemAttributes function 1
ChangeMenuItemPropertyAttributes function 1
CheckMenuItem function 1
ClearMenuBar function 1
CMPluginExamineContext function 1
CMPluginHandleSelection function 1
CMPluginPostMenuCleanup function 1
Contextual Menu Gestalt Selector Constants 1
Contextual Menu Help Type Constants 1
Contextual Menu Item Content Constants 1
Contextual Menu Selection Type Constants 1
ContextualMenuSelect function 1
CopyMenuItemData function 1
CopyMenuItems function 1
CopyMenuItemTextAsCFString function 1
CopyMenuTitleAsCFString function 1
CountMenuItems function 1
CountMenuItemsWithCommandID function 1
CreateCustomMenu function 1
CreateNewMenu function 1
CreateStandardFontMenu function 1
Custom Menu Definition Message Constants 1
DeleteMCEntries function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
DeleteMenu function 1
DeleteMenuItem function 1
DeleteMenuItems function 1
DisableAllMenuItems function 1
DisableMenuCommand function 1
DisableMenuItem function 1
DisableMenuItemIcon function 1
DisposeMCInfo function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
DisposeMenu function 1
DisposeMenuBar function 1
DisposeMenuDefUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
DrawMenuBar function 1
DuplicateMenu function 1
DuplicateMenuBar function 1
EnableAllMenuItems function 1
EnableMenuCommand function 1
EnableMenuItem function 1
EnableMenuItemIcon function 1
EraseMenuBackground function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
FlashMenuBar function 1
gestaltContextualMenuAttr constant 1
gestaltContextualMenuHasAttributeAndModifierKeys constant 1
gestaltContextualMenuHasUnicodeSupport constant 1
gestaltContextualMenuTrapAvailable constant 1
gestaltContextualMenuUnusedBit constant 1
GetFontFamilyFromMenuSelection function 1
GetIndMenuItemWithCommandID function 1
GetItemCmd function 1
GetItemIcon function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
GetItemMark function 1
GetItemStyle function 1
GetMBarHeight function 1
GetMCEntry function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
GetMCInfo function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
GetMenu function 1
GetMenuAttributes function 1
GetMenuBar function 1
GetMenuCommandMark function 1
GetMenuCommandProperty function 1
GetMenuCommandPropertySize function 1
GetMenuDefinition function 1
GetMenuExcludesMarkColumn function 1
GetMenuFont function 1
GetMenuHandle function 1
GetMenuHeight function 1
GetMenuID function 1
GetMenuItemAttributes function 1
GetMenuItemCommandID function 1
GetMenuItemCommandKey function 1
GetMenuItemFontID function 1
GetMenuItemHierarchicalID function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
GetMenuItemHierarchicalMenu function 1
GetMenuItemIconHandle function 1
GetMenuItemIndent function 1
GetMenuItemKeyGlyph function 1
GetMenuItemModifiers function 1
GetMenuItemProperty function 1
GetMenuItemPropertyAttributes function 1
GetMenuItemPropertySize function 1
GetMenuItemRefCon function 1
GetMenuItemText function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
GetMenuItemTextEncoding function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
GetMenuRef function 1
GetMenuRetainCount function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
GetMenuTitle function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
GetMenuTitleIcon function 1
GetMenuTrackingData function 1
GetMenuType function 1
GetMenuWidth function 1
GetNewMBar function 1
HideMenuBar function 1
Hierarchical Font Menu Option Constant 1
hierMenu constant 1
HiliteMenu function 1
HMenuBarHeader structure 1
HMenuBarMenu structure 1
hMenuCmd constant 1
InitContextualMenus function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
InsertFontResMenu function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
InsertIntlResMenu function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
InsertMenu function 1
InsertMenuItem function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
InsertMenuItemText function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
InsertMenuItemTextWithCFString function 1
InsertResMenu function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
InvalidateMenuEnabling function 1
InvalidateMenuItems function 1
InvalidateMenuSize function 1
InvalMenuBar function 1
InvokeMenuDefUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
IsMenuBarInvalid function 1
IsMenuBarVisible function 1
IsMenuCommandEnabled function 1
IsMenuItemEnabled function 1
IsMenuItemIconEnabled function 1
IsMenuItemInvalid function 1
IsMenuKeyEvent function 1
IsMenuSizeInvalid function 1
IsShowContextualMenuClick function 1
IsShowContextualMenuEvent function 1
IsValidMenu function 1
kCMHelpItemAppleGuide constant 1
kCMHelpItemNoHelp constant 1
kCMHelpItemOtherHelp constant 1
kCMHelpItemRemoveHelp constant 1
kCMMenuItemSelected constant 1
kCMNothingSelected constant 1
kCMShowHelpSelected constant 1
keyContextualMenuAttributes constant 1
keyContextualMenuCommandID constant 1
keyContextualMenuModifiers constant 1
keyContextualMenuName constant 1
keyContextualMenuSubmenu constant 1
kHierarchicalFontMenuOption constant 1
kHIMenuAppendItem constant 1
kHIMenuDismissedByActivationChange constant 1
kHIMenuDismissedByAppSwitch constant 1
kHIMenuDismissedByCancelMenuTracking constant 1
kHIMenuDismissedByFocusChange constant 1
kHIMenuDismissedByKeyEvent constant 1
kHIMenuDismissedByMouseDown constant 1
kHIMenuDismissedByMouseUp constant 1
kHIMenuDismissedBySelection constant 1
kHIMenuDismissedByTimeout constant 1
kHIMenuDismissedByUserCancel constant 1
kInsertHierarchicalMenu constant 1
kMenuAppleLogoFilledGlyph constant 1
kMenuAppleLogoOutlineGlyph constant 1
kMenuAttrAutoDisable constant 1
kMenuAttrCondenseSeparators constant 1
kMenuAttrDoNotCacheImage constant 1
kMenuAttrDoNotUseUserCommandKeys constant 1
kMenuAttrExcludesMarkColumn constant 1
kMenuAttrHidden constant 1
kMenuAttrUsePencilGlyph constant 1
kMenuBlankGlyph constant 1
kMenuCalcItemMsg constant 1
kMenuCapsLockGlyph constant 1
kMenuCGImageRefType constant 1
kMenuCheckmarkGlyph constant 1
kMenuChooseMsg constant 1
kMenuClearGlyph constant 1
kMenuColorIconType constant 1
kMenuCommandGlyph constant 1
kMenuContextualMenuGlyph constant 1
kMenuControlGlyph constant 1
kMenuControlISOGlyph constant 1
kMenuControlModifier constant 1
kMenuDefClassID constant 1
kMenuDefProcPtr constant 1
kMenuDeleteLeftGlyph constant 1
kMenuDeleteRightGlyph constant 1
kMenuDiamondGlyph constant 1
kMenuDisposeMsg constant 1
kMenuDownArrowGlyph constant 1
kMenuDownwardArrowDashedGlyph constant 1
kMenuDrawItemMsg constant 1
kMenuDrawItemsMsg constant 1
kMenuDrawMsg constant 1
kMenuEjectGlyph constant 1
kMenuEnterGlyph constant 1
kMenuEscapeGlyph constant 1
kMenuEventDontCheckSubmenus constant 1
kMenuEventIncludeDisabledItems constant 1
kMenuEventQueryOnly constant 1
kMenuF10Glyph constant 1
kMenuF11Glyph constant 1
kMenuF12Glyph constant 1
kMenuF13Glyph constant 1
kMenuF14Glyph constant 1
kMenuF15Glyph constant 1
kMenuF1Glyph constant 1
kMenuF2Glyph constant 1
kMenuF3Glyph constant 1
kMenuF4Glyph constant 1
kMenuF5Glyph constant 1
kMenuF6Glyph constant 1
kMenuF7Glyph constant 1
kMenuF8Glyph constant 1
kMenuF9Glyph constant 1
kMenuFindItemMsg constant 1
kMenuHelpGlyph constant 1
kMenuHiliteItemMsg constant 1
kMenuIconRefType constant 1
kMenuIconResourceType constant 1
kMenuIconSuiteType constant 1
kMenuIconType constant 1
kMenuInitMsg constant 1
kMenuItemAttrAutoDisable constant 1
kMenuItemAttrAutoRepeat constant 1
kMenuItemAttrCustomDraw constant 1
kMenuItemAttrDisabled constant 1
kMenuItemAttrDynamic constant 1
kMenuItemAttrHidden constant 1
kMenuItemAttrIconDisabled constant 1
kMenuItemAttrIgnoreMeta constant 1
kMenuItemAttrIncludeInCmdKeyMatching constant 1
kMenuItemAttrNotPreviousAlternate constant 1
kMenuItemAttrSectionHeader constant 1
kMenuItemAttrSeparator constant 1
kMenuItemAttrSubmenuParentChoosable constant 1
kMenuItemAttrUpdateSingleItem constant 1
kMenuItemAttrUseVirtualKey constant 1
kMenuItemDataAllDataVersionOne constant 1
kMenuItemDataAllDataVersionTwo constant 1
kMenuItemDataAttributes constant 1
kMenuItemDataCFString constant 1
kMenuItemDataCmdKey constant 1
kMenuItemDataCmdKeyGlyph constant 1
kMenuItemDataCmdKeyModifiers constant 1
kMenuItemDataCmdVirtualKey constant 1
kMenuItemDataCommandID constant 1
kMenuItemDataEnabled constant 1
kMenuItemDataFontID constant 1
kMenuItemDataIconEnabled constant 1
kMenuItemDataIconHandle constant 1
kMenuItemDataIconID constant 1
kMenuItemDataIndent constant 1
kMenuItemDataMark constant 1
kMenuItemDataProperties constant 1
kMenuItemDataRefcon constant 1
kMenuItemDataStyle constant 1
kMenuItemDataSubmenuHandle constant 1
kMenuItemDataSubmenuID constant 1
kMenuItemDataText constant 1
kMenuItemDataTextEncoding constant 1
kMenuLeftArrowDashedGlyph constant 1
kMenuLeftArrowGlyph constant 1
kMenuLeftDoubleQuotesJapaneseGlyph constant 1
kMenuNoCommandModifier constant 1
kMenuNoIcon constant 1
kMenuNoModifiers constant 1
kMenuNonmarkingReturnGlyph constant 1
kMenuNorthwestArrowGlyph constant 1
kMenuNullGlyph constant 1
kMenuOptionGlyph constant 1
kMenuOptionModifier constant 1
kMenuPageDownGlyph constant 1
kMenuPageUpGlyph constant 1
kMenuParagraphKoreanGlyph constant 1
kMenuPencilGlyph constant 1
kMenuPopUpMsg constant 1
kMenuPowerGlyph constant 1
kMenuPropertyPersistent constant 1
kMenuReturnGlyph constant 1
kMenuReturnR2LGlyph constant 1
kMenuRightArrowDashedGlyph constant 1
kMenuRightArrowGlyph constant 1
kMenuRightDoubleQuotesJapaneseGlyph constant 1
kMenuShiftGlyph constant 1
kMenuShiftModifier constant 1
kMenuShrinkIconType constant 1
kMenuSizeMsg constant 1
kMenuSmallIconType constant 1
kMenuSoutheastArrowGlyph constant 1
kMenuSpaceGlyph constant 1
kMenuStdMenuBarProc constant 1
kMenuStdMenuProc constant 1
kMenuSystemIconSelectorType constant 1
kMenuTabLeftGlyph constant 1
kMenuTabRightGlyph constant 1
kMenuThemeSavvyMsg constant 1
kMenuTrackingModeKeyboard constant 1
kMenuTrackingModeMouse constant 1
kMenuTrademarkJapaneseGlyph constant 1
kMenuUpArrowDashedGlyph constant 1
kMenuUpArrowGlyph constant 1
kThemeSavvyMenuResponse constant 1
LMGetTheMenu function 1
mCalcItemMsg constant 1
MCEntry structure 1
mChooseMsg constant 1
MDEFDrawData structure 1
MDEFDrawItemsData structure 1
MDEFFindItemData structure 1
MDEFHiliteItemData structure 1
mDrawItemMsg constant 1
mDrawMsg constant 1
Menu Attribute Constants 1
Menu Definition Feature Constants 1
Menu Definition IDs 1
Menu Definition Type Constants 1
Menu Dismissal Constants 1
Menu Event Option Constants 1
Menu Glyph Constants 1
Menu Item Attribute Constants 1
Menu Item Data Flags 1
Menu Item Icon Type Constants 1
Menu Item Property Attribute Constant 1
Menu Tracking Mode Constants 1
MenuBarHandle data type 1
MenuBarHeader structure 1
MenuBarMenu structure 1
MenuChoice function 1
MenuCommand data type 1
MenuCRsrc structure 1
MenuDefProcPtr callback 1
MenuDefSpec structure 1
MenuDefUPP data type 1
MenuEvent function 1
MenuHandle data type 1
MenuHasEnabledItems function 1
MenuID data type 1
menuInvalidErr constant 1
MenuItemDataRec structure 1
MenuItemID data type 1
MenuItemIndex data type 1
menuItemNotFoundErr constant 1
MenuKey function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
menuNotFoundErr constant 1
menuPropertyInvalidErr constant 1
menuPropertyNotFoundErr constant 1
MenuRef data type 1
MenuSelect function 1
MenuTrackingData structure 1
menuUsesSystemDefErr constant 1
Modifier Key Mask Constants 1
mPopUpMsg constant 1
mSizeMsg constant 1
NewMenu function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
NewMenuDefUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
No Mark Marking Character Constant 1
noMark constant 1
Obsolete Menu Definition Messages 1
PopUpMenuSelect function 1
ProcessIsContextualMenuClient function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
RegisterMenuDefinition function 1
ReleaseMenu function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
RemoveMenuCommandProperty function 1
RemoveMenuItemProperty function 1
RetainMenu function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
ScrollMenuImage function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
SetItemCmd function 1
SetItemIcon function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
SetItemMark function 1
SetItemStyle function 1
SetMCEntries function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
SetMCInfo function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
SetMenuBar function 1
SetMenuCommandMark function 1
SetMenuCommandProperty function 1
SetMenuDefinition function 1
SetMenuExcludesMarkColumn function 1
SetMenuFlashCount function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
SetMenuFont function 1
SetMenuHeight function 1
SetMenuID function 1
SetMenuItemCommandID function 1
SetMenuItemCommandKey function 1
SetMenuItemData function 1
SetMenuItemFontID function 1
SetMenuItemHierarchicalID function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
SetMenuItemHierarchicalMenu function 1
SetMenuItemIconHandle function 1
SetMenuItemIndent function 1
SetMenuItemKeyGlyph function 1
SetMenuItemModifiers function 1
SetMenuItemProperty function 1
SetMenuItemRefCon function 1
SetMenuItemText function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
SetMenuItemTextEncoding function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
SetMenuItemTextWithCFString function 1
SetMenuTitle function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
SetMenuTitleIcon function 1
SetMenuTitleWithCFString function 1
SetMenuWidth function 1
SetRootMenu function 1
ShowMenuBar function 1
Standard Menu Definition Constants 1
textMenuProc constant 1
UpdateInvalidMenuItems function 1
UpdateStandardFontMenu function 1

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© 1992, 2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. (Last updated: 2006-09-15)

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