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A number represents a single reference to a topic.
A number with a "+" sign represents a longer discussion of a topic.

A   C   D   F   H   I   J   K   L   N   R   S   T   

Action Constants 1
Action Count Bits 1
Action Count Constants 1
Action Count Masks 1
Action Types 1
Apple Event Handler Bits 1
Apple Event Handler Masks 1
ATSUI Feature Bits 1
ATSUI Feature Masks 1
Automatic Indentation Settings 1
Automatic Scrolling Behavior 1
Carbon Event Dictionary Keys 1
Clearance Settings 1
Command Event Support Options 1
Continuous Style Information Bits 1
Continuous Style Information Masks 1
Data Offsets 1
Data Option Key Constants 1
Data Option Key Value Constants 1
Default Font Name 1
Default Font Size 1
Default Font Style 1
DisposeTXNActionKeyMapperUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DisposeTXNActionNameMapperUPP function 1
DisposeTXNContextualMenuSetupUPP function 1
DisposeTXNFindUPP function 1
DisposeTXNScrollInfoUPP function 1
Document Attribute Keys 1
Drag and Drop Constants 1
Draw Items Bits 1
Draw Items Masks 1
Font Defaults 1
Font Run Attribute Sizes 1
Font Run Attributes 1
Formatting and Privileges Settings 1
Frame Option Bits 1
Frame Option Masks 1
HIObject Class ID 1
HIObject Control Kind 1
HITextViewCopyBackgroundColor function 1
HITextViewCreate function 1
HITextViewGetTXNObject function 1
HITextViewSetBackgroundColor function 1
Initialization Option Bits 1
Initialization Option Masks 1
Inline State Settings 1
InvokeTXNActionKeyMapperUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
InvokeTXNActionNameMapperUPP function 1
InvokeTXNContextualMenuSetupUPP function 1
InvokeTXNFindUPP function 1
InvokeTXNScrollInfoUPP function 1
Justification Settings 1
kControlKindHITextView constant 1
Keyboard Synchronization Settings 1
kHITextViewClassID constant 1
kOutputTextInUnicodeEncodingBit constant 1
kOutputTextInUnicodeEncodingMask constant 1
kScrollBarsAlwaysActive constant 1
kScrollBarsSyncWithFocus constant 1
kTXNActionAlignCenter constant 1
kTXNActionAlignLeft constant 1
kTXNActionAlignRight constant 1
kTXNActionChangeColor constant 1
kTXNActionChangeFont constant 1
kTXNActionChangeFontFeature constant 1
kTXNActionChangeFontVariation constant 1
kTXNActionChangeGlyphVariation constant 1
kTXNActionChangeSize constant 1
kTXNActionChangeStyle constant 1
kTXNActionChangeTextPosition constant 1
kTXNActionClear constant 1
kTXNActionCountOfAllChanges constant 1
kTXNActionCountOfStyleChanges constant 1
kTXNActionCountOfTextChanges constant 1
kTXNActionCut constant 1
kTXNActionDrop constant 1
kTXNActionKeyMapperKey constant 1
kTXNActionMove constant 1
kTXNActionNameMapperKey constant 1
kTXNActionPaste constant 1
kTXNActionTyping constant 1
kTXNActionUndoLast constant 1
kTXNAIFFFile constant 1
kTXNAlignCenterAction constant 1
kTXNAlignLeftAction constant 1
kTXNAlignRightAction constant 1
kTXNAllCountMask constant 1
kTXNAlreadyInitializedErr constant 1
kTXNAlwaysUseQuickDrawTextBit constant 1
kTXNAlwaysUseQuickDrawTextMask constant 1
kTXNAlwaysWrapAtViewEdgeBit constant 1
kTXNAlwaysWrapAtViewEdgeMask constant 1
kTXNATSUIFontFeaturesAttribute constant 1
kTXNATSUIIsNotInstalledErr constant 1
kTXNATSUIStyle constant 1
kTXNATSUIStyleSize constant 1
kTXNAttributeTagInvalidForRunErr constant 1
kTXNAutoIndentOff constant 1
kTXNAutoIndentOn constant 1
kTXNAutoIndentStateTag constant 1
kTXNAutoScrollBehaviorTag constant 1
kTXNAutoScrollInsertionIntoView constant 1
kTXNAutoScrollNever constant 1
kTXNAutoScrollWhenInsertionVisible constant 1
kTXNAutoWrap constant 1
kTXNBackgroundTypeRGB constant 1
kTXNBadDefaultFileTypeWarning constant 1
kTXNCannotAddFrameErr constant 1
kTXNCannotSetAutoIndentErr constant 1
kTXNCannotTurnTSMOffWhenUsingUnicodeErr constant 1
kTXNCenter constant 1
kTXNCenterTab constant 1
kTXNChangeFontAction constant 1
kTXNChangeFontColorAction constant 1
kTXNChangeFontSizeAction constant 1
kTXNChangeStyleAction constant 1
kTXNClearAction constant 1
kTXNClearTheseFontFeatures constant 1
kTXNClearThisControl constant 1
kTXNColorContinuousBit constant 1
kTXNColorContinuousMask constant 1
kTXNCommandTargetKey constant 1
kTXNCommandUpdateKey constant 1
kTXNCopyNotAllowedInEchoModeErr constant 1
kTXNCutAction constant 1
kTXNDataOptionCharacterEncodingKey constant 1
kTXNDataOptionDocumentTypeKey constant 1
kTXNDataTypeNotAllowedErr constant 1
kTXNDecrementTypeSize constant 1
kTXNDefaultFontName constant 1
kTXNDefaultFontSize constant 1
kTXNDefaultFontStyle constant 1
kTXNDestinationRectKey constant 1
kTXNDisabledFunctionalityErr constant 1
kTXNDisableDragAndDrop constant 1
kTXNDisableDragAndDropBit constant 1
kTXNDisableDragAndDropMask constant 1
kTXNDisableDragAndDropTag constant 1
kTXNDisableLayoutAndDraw constant 1
kTXNDisableLayoutAndDrawTag constant 1
kTXNDocumentAttributeAuthorKey constant 1
kTXNDocumentAttributeCommentKey constant 1
kTXNDocumentAttributeCompanyNameKey constant 1
kTXNDocumentAttributeCopyrightKey constant 1
kTXNDocumentAttributeCreationTimeKey constant 1
kTXNDocumentAttributeEditorKey constant 1
kTXNDocumentAttributeKeywordsKey constant 1
kTXNDocumentAttributeModificationTimeKey constant 1
kTXNDocumentAttributeSubjectKey constant 1
kTXNDocumentAttributeTitleKey constant 1
kTXNDoFontSubstitution constant 1
kTXNDoNotInstallDragProcsBit constant 1
kTXNDoNotInstallDragProcsMask constant 1
kTXNDontCareTypeSize constant 1
kTXNDontCareTypeStyle constant 1
kTXNDontDrawCaretWhenInactiveBit constant 1
kTXNDontDrawCaretWhenInactiveMask constant 1
kTXNDontDrawSelectionWhenInactiveBit constant 1
kTXNDontDrawSelectionWhenInactiveMask constant 1
kTXNDontDrawTextBit constant 1
kTXNDontDrawTextMask constant 1
kTXNDontUpdateBoxRectBit constant 1
kTXNDontUpdateBoxRectMask constant 1
kTXNDontWrapTextBit constant 1
kTXNDontWrapTextMask constant 1
kTXNDrawCaretWhenInactiveTag constant 1
kTXNDrawGrowIconBit constant 1
kTXNDrawGrowIconMask constant 1
kTXNDrawItemAllMask constant 1
kTXNDrawItemScrollbarsBit constant 1
kTXNDrawItemScrollbarsMask constant 1
kTXNDrawItemTextAndSelectionBit constant 1
kTXNDrawItemTextAndSelectionMask constant 1
kTXNDrawItemTextBit constant 1
kTXNDrawItemTextMask constant 1
kTXNDrawSelectionWhenInactiveTag constant 1
kTXNDropAction constant 1
kTXNEnableDragAndDrop constant 1
kTXNEnableLayoutAndDraw constant 1
kTXNEndIterationErr constant 1
kTXNEndOffset constant 1
kTXNEntireWordBit constant 1
kTXNEntireWordMask constant 1
kTXNFlattenMoviesTag constant 1
kTXNFlushDefault constant 1
kTXNFlushLeft constant 1
kTXNFlushRight constant 1
kTXNFontContinuousBit constant 1
kTXNFontContinuousMask constant 1
kTXNFontFeatureAction constant 1
kTXNFontMenuObjectKey constant 1
kTXNFontMenuRefKey constant 1
kTXNFontPanelEventHandlerKey constant 1
kTXNFontSizeAttributeSize constant 1
kTXNFontVariationAction constant 1
kTXNForceFullJust constant 1
kTXNFullJust constant 1
kTXNHorizontal constant 1
kTXNHorizontalScrollBarRectKey constant 1
kTXNIgnoreCaseBit constant 1
kTXNIgnoreCaseMask constant 1
kTXNIllegalToCrossDataBoundariesErr constant 1
kTXNImageWithQDBit constant 1
kTXNImageWithQDMask constant 1
kTXNIncrementTypeSize constant 1
kTXNInlineStateTag constant 1
kTXNInvalidFrameIDErr constant 1
kTXNInvalidRunIndex constant 1
kTXNIOPrivilegesTag constant 1
kTXNJustificationTag constant 1
kTXNKeyboardSyncStateTag constant 1
kTXNLeftTab constant 1
kTXNLeftToRight constant 1
kTXNLineDirectionTag constant 1
kTXNMacOSEncoding constant 1
kTXNMarginsTag constant 1
kTXNMLTEDocumentType constant 1
kTXNMonostyledTextBit constant 1
kTXNMonostyledTextMask constant 1
kTXNMoveAction constant 1
kTXNMovieData constant 1
kTXNMovieFile constant 1
kTXNMultipleFrameType constant 1
kTXNMultipleStylesPerTextDocumentResType constant 1
kTXNNoAppleEventHandlersBit constant 1
kTXNNoAppleEventHandlersMask constant 1
kTXNNoAutoWrap constant 1
kTXNNoKeyboardSyncBit constant 1
kTXNNoKeyboardSyncMask constant 1
kTXNNoMatchErr constant 1
kTXNNoSelectionBit constant 1
kTXNNoSelectionMask constant 1
kTXNNoSyncKeyboard constant 1
kTXNNoTSMEverBit constant 1
kTXNNoTSMEverMask constant 1
kTXNNoUserIOTag constant 1
kTXNOperationNotAllowedErr constant 1
kTXNOutsideOfFrameErr constant 1
kTXNOutsideOfLineErr constant 1
kTXNPageFrameType constant 1
kTXNPasteAction constant 1
kTXNPictureData constant 1
kTXNPictureFile constant 1
kTXNPlainTextDocumentType constant 1
kTXNQDFontColorAttribute constant 1
kTXNQDFontColorAttributeSize constant 1
kTXNQDFontFamilyIDAttribute constant 1
kTXNQDFontFamilyIDAttributeSize constant 1
kTXNQDFontNameAttribute constant 1
kTXNQDFontNameAttributeSize constant 1
kTXNQDFontSizeAttribute constant 1
kTXNQDFontSizeAttributeSize constant 1
kTXNQDFontStyleAttribute constant 1
kTXNQDFontStyleAttributeSize constant 1
kTXNQuickTimeDocumentType constant 1
kTXNReadOnly constant 1
kTXNReadOnlyBit constant 1
kTXNReadOnlyMask constant 1
kTXNReadWrite constant 1
kTXNRefConTag constant 1
kTXNRestartAppleEventHandlersBit constant 1
kTXNRestartAppleEventHandlersMask constant 1
kTXNRightTab constant 1
kTXNRightToLeft constant 1
kTXNRotateTextBit constant 1
kTXNRotateTextMask constant 1
kTXNRTFDocumentType constant 1
kTXNRunCountBit constant 1
kTXNRunCountMask constant 1
kTXNRunIndexOutofBoundsErr constant 1
kTXNSaveStylesAsSTYLResourceBit constant 1
kTXNSaveStylesAsSTYLResourceMask constant 1
kTXNScrollUnitsInLines constant 1
kTXNScrollUnitsInPixels constant 1
kTXNScrollUnitsInViewRects constant 1
kTXNSelectionOff constant 1
kTXNSelectionOn constant 1
kTXNSelectionStateTag constant 1
kTXNSetFlushnessBit constant 1
kTXNSetFlushnessMask constant 1
kTXNSetJustificationBit constant 1
kTXNSetJustificationMask constant 1
kTXNShowEnd constant 1
kTXNShowStart constant 1
kTXNShowWindowBit constant 1
kTXNShowWindowMask constant 1
kTXNSingleLevelUndoTag constant 1
kTXNSingleLineOnlyBit constant 1
kTXNSingleLineOnlyMask constant 1
kTXNSingleStylePerTextDocumentResType constant 1
kTXNSizeContinuousBit constant 1
kTXNSizeContinuousMask constant 1
kTXNSomeOrAllTagsInvalidForRunErr constant 1
kTXNSoundData constant 1
kTXNSoundFile constant 1
kTXNStartOffset constant 1
kTXNStyleContinuousBit constant 1
kTXNStyleContinuousMask constant 1
kTXNSupportEditCommandProcessing constant 1
kTXNSupportEditCommandUpdating constant 1
kTXNSupportFontCommandProcessing constant 1
kTXNSupportFontCommandUpdating constant 1
kTXNSupportSpellCheckCommandProcessing constant 1
kTXNSupportSpellCheckCommandUpdating constant 1
kTXNSyncKeyboard constant 1
kTXNSystemDefaultEncoding constant 1
kTXNTabSettingsTag constant 1
kTXNTextData constant 1
kTXNTextEditStyleFrameType constant 1
kTXNTextEncodingAttribute constant 1
kTXNTextEncodingAttributeSize constant 1
kTXNTextensionFile constant 1
kTXNTextFile constant 1
kTXNTextHandlerKey constant 1
kTXNTextInputCountBit constant 1
kTXNTextInputCountMask constant 1
kTXNTextRectKey constant 1
kTXNTSMDocumentAccessHandlerKey constant 1
kTXNTypingAction constant 1
kTXNUndoLastAction constant 1
kTXNUnicodeEncoding constant 1
kTXNUnicodeTextData constant 1
kTXNUnicodeTextFile constant 1
kTXNURLAttribute constant 1
kTXNUseBottomline constant 1
kTXNUseCarbonEvents constant 1
kTXNUseCGContextRefBit constant 1
kTXNUseCGContextRefMask constant 1
kTXNUseCurrentSelection constant 1
kTXNUseEncodingWordRulesBit constant 1
kTXNUseEncodingWordRulesMask constant 1
kTXNUseFontFallBackBit constant 1
kTXNUseFontFallBackMask constant 1
kTXNUseInline constant 1
kTXNUseQDforImagingBit constant 1
kTXNUseQDforImagingMask constant 1
kTXNUserCanceledOperationErr constant 1
kTXNUseTemporaryMemoryBit constant 1
kTXNUseTemporaryMemoryMask constant 1
kTXNUseVerticalTextBit constant 1
kTXNUseVerticalTextMask constant 1
kTXNVertical constant 1
kTXNVerticalScrollBarRectKey constant 1
kTXNViewRectKey constant 1
kTXNVisibilityTag constant 1
kTXNWantGraphicsBit constant 1
kTXNWantGraphicsMask constant 1
kTXNWantHScrollBarBit constant 1
kTXNWantHScrollBarMask constant 1
kTXNWantMoviesBit constant 1
kTXNWantMoviesMask constant 1
kTXNWantSoundBit constant 1
kTXNWantSoundMask constant 1
kTXNWantVScrollBarBit constant 1
kTXNWantVScrollBarMask constant 1
kTXNWheelMouseEventHandlerKey constant 1
kTXNWillDefaultToATSUIBit constant 1
kTXNWillDefaultToATSUIMask constant 1
kTXNWillDefaultToCarbonEventBit constant 1
kTXNWillDefaultToCarbonEventMask constant 1
kTXNWindowEventHandlerKey constant 1
kTXNWindowResizeEventHandlerKey constant 1
kTXNWordWrapStateTag constant 1
Layout and Draw Constants 1
Line Direction Settings 1
Line Wrapping Settings 1
NewTXNActionKeyMapperUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
NewTXNActionNameMapperUPP function 1
NewTXNContextualMenuSetupUPP function 1
NewTXNFindUPP function 1
NewTXNScrollInfoUPP function 1
Read and Write Privileges Settings 1
Rectangle Keys 1
Scroll Bar Orientation 1
Scroll Bar States 1
Scroll Units 1
Search Criteria Bits 1
Search Criteria Masks 1
Selection Display Settings 1
Selection State Settings 1
Style Resource Types 1
Supported Data Types 1
Supported File Types 1
Supported Frame Types 1
Tab Types 1
Text Background Types 1
Text Box Options Bits 1
Text Box Options Masks 1
Text Encoding Preferences 1
TXNActionKeyMapperProcPtr callback 1
TXNActionKeyMapperUPP data type 1
TXNActionNameMapperProcPtr callback 1
TXNActionNameMapperUPP data type 1
TXNActivate function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.3) 1
TXNAdjustCursor function 1
TXNATSUIFeatures structure 1
TXNATSUIVariations structure 1
TXNAttachObjectToWindow function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.3) 1
TXNAttachObjectToWindowRef function 1
TXNAttributeData structure 1
TXNBackground structure 1
TXNBackgroundData structure 1
TXNBeginActionGroup function 1
TXNCanRedo function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
TXNCanRedoAction function 1
TXNCanUndo function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
TXNCanUndoAction function 1
TXNCarbonEventInfo structure 1
TXNClear function 1
TXNClearActionChangeCount function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
TXNClearCountForActionType function 1
TXNClick function 1
TXNContextualMenuSetupProcPtr callback 1
TXNContextualMenuSetupUPP data type 1
TXNControlData structure 1
TXNConvertFromPublicScrap function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.3) 1
TXNConvertToPublicScrap function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.3) 1
TXNCopy function 1
TXNCopyTypeIdentifiersForRange function 1
TXNCountRunsInRange function 1
TXNCreateObject function 1
TXNCut function 1
TXNDataSize function 1
TXNDeleteObject function 1
TXNDisposeFontMenuObject function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
TXNDoFontMenuSelection function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
TXNDragReceiver function 1
TXNDragTracker function 1
TXNDraw function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.3) 1
TXNDrawCFStringTextBox function 1
TXNDrawObject function 1
TXNDrawUnicodeTextBox function 1
TXNEchoMode function 1
TXNEndActionGroup function 1
TXNErrors data type 1
TXNFind function 1
TXNFindProcPtr callback 1
TXNFindUPP data type 1
TXNFlattenObjectToCFDataRef function 1
TXNFocus function 1
TXNFontMenuObject data type 1
TXNForceUpdate function 1
TXNFrameID data type 1
TXNGetAccessibilityHIObject function 1
TXNGetActionChangeCount function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
TXNGetChangeCount function 1
TXNGetCommandEventSupport function 1
TXNGetContinuousTypeAttributes function 1
TXNGetCountForActionType function 1
TXNGetData function 1
TXNGetDataEncoded function 1
TXNGetEventTarget function 1
TXNGetFontDefaults function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
TXNGetFontMenuHandle function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
TXNGetHIRect function 1
TXNGetIndexedRunInfoFromRange function 1
TXNGetLineCount function 1
TXNGetLineMetrics function 1
TXNGetRectBounds function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.3) 1
TXNGetSelection function 1
TXNGetSleepTicks function 1
TXNGetSpellCheckAsYouType function 1
TXNGetTXNObjectControls function 1
TXNGetViewRect function 1
TXNGetWindowRef function 1
TXNGrowWindow function 1
TXNHIPointToOffset function 1
TXNIdle function 1
TXNInitTextension function 1
TXNIsObjectAttachedToSpecificWindow function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.3) 1
TXNIsObjectAttachedToWindow function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.3) 1
TXNIsScrapPastable function 1
TXNIsSelectionEmpty function 1
TXNKeyDown function 1
TXNLongRect structure 1
TXNMacOSPreferredFontDescription structure 1
TXNMargins structure 1
TXNMatchTextRecord structure 1
TXNNewFontMenuObject function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
TXNNewObject function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.3) 1
TXNObject data type 1
TXNObjectRefCon data type 1
TXNOffsetToHIPoint function 1
TXNOffsetToPoint function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.3) 1
TXNPageSetup function 1
TXNPaste function 1
TXNPointToOffset function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.3) 1
TXNPrepareFontMenu function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
TXNPrint function 1
TXNReadFromCFURL function 1
TXNRecalcTextLayout function 1
TXNRedo function 1
TXNRegisterScrollInfoProc function 1
TXNResizeFrame function 1
TXNRevert function 1
TXNSave function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
TXNScroll function 1
TXNScrollInfoProcPtr callback 1
TXNScrollInfoUPP data type 1
TXNSelectAll function 1
TXNSetActionNameMapper function 1
TXNSetBackground function 1
TXNSetCommandEventSupport function 1
TXNSetContextualMenuSetup function 1
TXNSetData function 1
TXNSetDataFromCFURLRef function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
TXNSetDataFromFile function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.3) 1
TXNSetEventTarget function 1
TXNSetFontDefaults function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
TXNSetFrameBounds function 1
TXNSetHIRectBounds function 1
TXNSetRectBounds function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.3) 1
TXNSetScrollbarState function 1
TXNSetSelection function 1
TXNSetSpellCheckAsYouType function 1
TXNSetTXNObjectControls function 1
TXNSetTypeAttributes function 1
TXNSetViewRect function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.2) 1
TXNShowSelection function 1
TXNTab structure 1
TXNTerminateTextension function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.3) 1
TXNTextBoxOptionsData structure 1
TXNTSMCheck function 1
TXNTypeAttributes structure 1
TXNUndo function 1
TXNUpdate function 1
TXNVersionInformation function 1
TXNVersionValue data type 1
TXNWriteRangeToCFURL function 1
TXNZoomWindow function 1
TXTNTag data type 1

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© 2000, 2007 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. (Last updated: 2007-02-19)

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