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A number represents a single reference to a topic.
A number with a "+" sign represents a longer discussion of a topic.

A   C   D   E   G   I   K   M   N   O   R   S   T   W   

ASCopySourceAttributes function 1
ASGetAppTerminology function 1
ASGetHandler function 1
ASGetProperty function 1
ASGetSourceStyleNames function 1
ASGetSourceStyles function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
ASInit function 1
ASSetHandler function 1
ASSetProperty function 1
ASSetSourceAttributes function 1
ASSetSourceStyles function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
cClosure 1
cCoercion 1
cHandleBreakpoint 1
Component Flags 1
Considerations Bit Masks 1
Considerations Flags 1
cString 1
Current Dialect Constants 1
Date and Time Constants 1
Default Initialization Values 1
Dialect Descriptor Constants 1
DisposeOSAActiveUPP function 1
DisposeOSACreateAppleEventUPP function 1
DisposeOSASendUPP function 1
errOSAAppNotHighLevelEventAware constant 1
errOSABadSelector constant 1
errOSABadStorageType constant 1
errOSACantAccess constant 1
errOSACantAssign constant 1
errOSACantCoerce constant 1
errOSACantCreate constant 1
errOSACantGetTerminology constant 1
errOSACantLaunch constant 1
errOSACantOpenComponent constant 1
errOSAComponentMismatch constant 1
errOSACorruptData constant 1
errOSACorruptTerminology constant 1
errOSADataBlockTooLarge constant 1
errOSADataFormatObsolete constant 1
errOSADataFormatTooNew constant 1
errOSADivideByZero constant 1
errOSAGeneralError constant 1
errOSAInternalTableOverflow constant 1
errOSAInvalidID constant 1
errOSANoSuchDialect constant 1
errOSANumericOverflow constant 1
errOSARecordingIsAlreadyOn constant 1
errOSAScriptError constant 1
errOSASourceNotAvailable constant 1
errOSAStackOverflow constant 1
errOSASystemError constant 1
errOSATypeError constant 1
Generic Scripting Component Selectors 1
GenericID data type 1
Global Properties 1
InvokeOSAActiveUPP function 1
InvokeOSACreateAppleEventUPP function 1
InvokeOSASendUPP function 1
kAppleScriptSubtype constant 1
kASAdd 1
kASAnd 1
kASDefaultMaxHeapSize constant 1
kASDefaultMaxStackSize constant 1
kASDefaultMinHeapSize constant 1
kASDefaultMinStackSize constant 1
kASDefaultPreferredHeapSize constant 1
kASDefaultPreferredStackSize constant 1
kASErrorEventCode 1
kASHasOpenHandler constant 1
kASNumberOfSourceStyles constant 1
kASNumericStrings constant 1
kASNumericStringsConsiderMask constant 1
kASNumericStringsIgnoreMask constant 1
kASSourceStyleApplicationKeyword constant 1
kASSourceStyleComment constant 1
kASSourceStyleLanguageKeyword constant 1
kASSourceStyleLiteral constant 1
kASSourceStyleNormalText constant 1
kASSourceStyleObjectSpecifier constant 1
kASSourceStyleUncompiledText constant 1
kASSourceStyleUserSymbol constant 1
kASStartLogEvent 1
kDialectBundleResType 1
keyAETarget 1
keyAppHandledCoercion 1
keyASPrepositionAt 1
keyASPrepositionOver 1
keyOSADialectCode constant 1
keyOSADialectLangCode constant 1
keyOSADialectName constant 1
keyOSADialectScriptCode constant 1
keyOSASourceEnd 1
keyOSASourceEnd constant 1
keyOSASourceStart 1
keyOSASourceStart constant 1
keyProcedureName 1
keyProgramState 1
kGenericComponentVersion 1
kGenericComponentVersion constant 1
kOSACanGetSource constant 1
kOSAComponentType 1
kOSAComponentType constant 1
kOSADontUsePhac constant 1
kOSAErrorApp constant 1
kOSAErrorBriefMessage constant 1
kOSAErrorExpectedType constant 1
kOSAErrorMessage constant 1
kOSAErrorNumber constant 1
kOSAErrorOffendingObject constant 1
kOSAErrorPartialResult constant 1
kOSAErrorRange constant 1
kOSAGenericScriptingComponentSubtype 1
kOSAModeAlwaysInteract constant 1
kOSAModeAugmentContext constant 1
kOSAModeCanInteract constant 1
kOSAModeCantSwitchLayer constant 1
kOSAModeCompileIntoContext constant 1
kOSAModeDispatchToDirectObject constant 1
kOSAModeDisplayForHumans constant 1
kOSAModeDontDefine 1
kOSAModeDontDefine constant 1
kOSAModeDontGetDataForArguments constant 1
kOSAModeDontReconnect constant 1
kOSAModeDontStoreParent constant 1
kOSAModeDoRecord constant 1
kOSAModeFullyQualifyDescriptors constant 1
kOSAModeNeverInteract constant 1
kOSAModePreventGetSource constant 1
kOSANoDispatch constant 1
kOSANullScript 1
kOSARecordedText 1
kOSAScriptBestType constant 1
kOSAScriptIsModified constant 1
kOSAScriptIsTypeCompiledScript constant 1
kOSAScriptIsTypeScriptContext constant 1
kOSAScriptIsTypeScriptValue constant 1
kOSAScriptResourceType 1
kOSAScriptResourceType constant 1
kOSASelectComponentSpecificStart 1
kOSASelectComponentSpecificStart constant 1
kOSASelectCopyScript 1
kOSASuite 1
kOSASupportsAECoercion constant 1
kOSASupportsAESending constant 1
kOSASupportsCompiling constant 1
kOSASupportsConvenience constant 1
kOSASupportsDialects constant 1
kOSASupportsEventHandling constant 1
kOSASupportsGetSource constant 1
kOSASupportsRecording constant 1
kOSAUseStandardDispatch constant 1
Mode Flags 1
NewOSAActiveUPP function 1
NewOSACreateAppleEventUPP function 1
NewOSASendUPP function 1
Null Mode Flags 1
OSAActiveProcPtr callback 1
OSAActiveUPP data type 1
OSAAddStorageType function 1
OSAAvailableDialectCodeList function 1
OSAAvailableDialects function 1
OSACoerceFromDesc function 1
OSACoerceToDesc function 1
OSACompile function 1
OSACompileExecute function 1
OSAControlFlowError constant 1
OSACopyDisplayString function 1
OSACopyID function 1
OSACopyScriptingDefinition function 1
OSACopySourceString function 1
OSACreateAppleEventProcPtr callback 1
OSACreateAppleEventUPP data type 1
OSADebugCallFrameRef data type 1
OSADebuggerCreateSession function 1
OSADebuggerDisposeCallFrame function 1
OSADebuggerDisposeSession function 1
OSADebuggerGetBreakpoint function 1
OSADebuggerGetCallFrameState function 1
OSADebuggerGetCurrentCallFrame function 1
OSADebuggerGetDefaultBreakpoint function 1
OSADebuggerGetPreviousCallFrame function 1
OSADebuggerGetSessionState function 1
OSADebuggerGetStatementRanges function 1
OSADebuggerGetVariable function 1
OSADebuggerSessionStep function 1
OSADebuggerSetBreakpoint function 1
OSADebuggerSetVariable function 1
OSADebugSessionRef data type 1
OSADebugStepKind 1
OSADisplay function 1
OSADispose function 1
OSADoEvent function 1
OSADoScript function 1
OSADoScriptFile function 1
OSADuplicateHandler constant 1
OSADuplicateParameter constant 1
OSADuplicateProperty constant 1
OSAError data type 1
OSAExecute function 1
OSAExecuteEvent function 1
OSAGenericToRealID function 1
OSAGetActiveProc function 1
OSAGetAppTerminology function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
OSAGetCreateProc function 1
OSAGetCurrentDialect function 1
OSAGetDefaultScriptingComponent function 1
OSAGetDialectInfo function 1
OSAGetHandler function 1
OSAGetHandlerNames function 1
OSAGetProperty function 1
OSAGetPropertyNames function 1
OSAGetResumeDispatchProc function 1
OSAGetScriptInfo function 1
OSAGetScriptingComponent function 1
OSAGetScriptingComponentFromStored function 1
OSAGetSendProc function 1
OSAGetSource function 1
OSAGetStorageType function 1
OSAGetSysTerminology function 1
OSAID data type 1
OSAIllegalAccess constant 1
OSAIllegalAssign constant 1
OSAIllegalIndex constant 1
OSAIllegalRange constant 1
OSAInconsistentDeclarations constant 1
OSALoad function 1
OSALoadExecute function 1
OSALoadExecuteFile function 1
OSALoadFile function 1
OSAMakeContext function 1
OSAMessageNotUnderstood constant 1
OSAMissingParameter constant 1
OSAParameterMismatch constant 1
OSAProgramState 1
OSARealToGenericID function 1
OSARemoveStorageType function 1
OSAScriptError function 1
OSAScriptError Selectors 1
OSAScriptingComponentName function 1
OSASendProcPtr callback 1
OSASendUPP data type 1
OSASetActiveProc function 1
OSASetCreateProc function 1
OSASetCurrentDialect function 1
OSASetDefaultScriptingComponent function 1
OSASetDefaultTarget function 1
OSASetHandler function 1
OSASetProperty function 1
OSASetResumeDispatchProc function 1
OSASetScriptInfo function 1
OSASetSendProc function 1
OSAStartRecording function 1
OSAStopRecording function 1
OSAStore function 1
OSAStoreFile function 1
OSASyntaxError constant 1
OSASyntaxTypeError constant 1
OSATokenTooLong constant 1
OSAUndefinedHandler constant 1
OSAUndefinedVariable constant 1
Recording Constants 1
Resume Dispatch Function Constants 1
Script Document File Type 1
Script Information Selectors 1
ScriptingComponentSelector data type 1
Source Constants 1
Source Style Constants 1
StatementRange structure 1
typeAppleScript 1
typeASStorage constant 1
typeOSADialectInfo constant 1
typeOSAErrorRange 1
typeOSAGenericStorage 1
typeOSAGenericStorage constant 1
typeStatementRange 1
Weekdays 1

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© 1993, 2007 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. (Last updated: 2007-05-07)

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