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A number represents a single reference to a topic.
A number with a "+" sign represents a longer discussion of a topic.

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   K   M   N   O   P   R   S   U   W   

ActivityInfo structure 1
AOff function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.0) 1
AOn function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.0) 1
AOnIgnoreModem function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.0) 1
Apple Event Types and Errors 1
AutoSleepControl function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.0) 1
BatteryByte Bits 1
BatteryByte data type 1
BatteryByte Masks 1
batteryCharging constant 1
BatteryCount function 1
batteryDeadBit constant 1
batteryDeadMask constant 1
BatteryInfo Bits 1
BatteryInfo structure 1
batteryInstalled constant 1
batteryLowBit constant 1
batteryLowMask constant 1
BatteryStatus function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.0) 1
BatteryTimeRec structure 1
bChargerIsAttached constant 1
BOff function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.0) 1
BOn function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.0) 1
bSourceCanBeCharged constant 1
bSourceIsAC constant 1
bSourceIsAvailable constant 1
bSourceIsBattery constant 1
bSourceIsCharging constant 1
bSourceIsUPS constant 1
bSourceProvidesWarnLevels constant 1
canGetBatteryTime constant 1
canPowerOffPCIBus constant 1
canWakeupOnRing constant 1
chargeOverFlowBit constant 1
chargeOverFlowMask constant 1
chargerConnBit constant 1
chargerConnected constant 1
chargerConnMask constant 1
Client Notification Bits 1
Client Notification Masks 1
connChangedBit constant 1
connChangedMask constant 1
CurrentProcessorSpeed function 1
DelaySystemIdle function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.0) 1
DevicePowerInfo Flags 1
DevicePowerInfo structure 1
DimmingControl function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.0) 1
DisableIdle function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.0) 1
DisableWUTime function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.0) 1
DisposeHDSpindownUPP function 1
DisposePMgrStateChangeUPP function 1
DisposeSleepQUPP function 1
dynamicSpeedChange constant 1
EnableIdle function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.0) 1
EnableProcessorCycling function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.0) 1
extModemSelected constant 1
FullProcessorSpeed function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
GetBatteryTimes function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.0) 1
GetBatteryVoltage function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.0) 1
GetCPUSpeed function 1
GetDimmingTimeout function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.0) 1
GetDimSuspendState function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.0) 1
GetHardDiskTimeout function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.0) 1
GetIntModemInfo function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.0) 1
GetLastActivity function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.0) 1
GetScaledBatteryInfo function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.0) 1
GetSCSIDiskModeAddress function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.0) 1
GetSleepTimeout function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.0) 1
GetSoundMixerState function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.0) 1
GetStartupTimer function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.0) 1
GetWakeupTimer function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.0) 1
GetWUTime function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.0) 1
HardDiskPowered function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.0) 1
HardDiskQInstall function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.0) 1
HardDiskQRemove function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.0) 1
hasAggressiveIdling constant 1
hasChargeNotification constant 1
hasDeepSleep constant 1
hasDimmingSupport constant 1
hasDimSuspendSupport constant 1
hasInternalModem constant 1
hasProcessorCycling constant 1
hasReducedSpeed constant 1
hasSCSIDiskMode constant 1
hasSharedModemPort constant 1
hasSleep constant 1
hasStartupTimer constant 1
hasWakeOnLid constant 1
hasWakeOnNetActivity constant 1
hasWakeupTimer constant 1
HDActivity constant 1
HDPwrQType constant 1
HDPwrQType Constants 1
HDQueueElement Flags 1
HDQueueElement structure 1
HDSpindownProcPtr callback 1
HDSpindownUPP data type 1
hiChargeBit constant 1
hiChargeMask constant 1
IdleActivity constant 1
IdleUpdate function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.0) 1
intModemOffHook constant 1
intModemRingDetect constant 1
intModemRingWakeEnb constant 1
InvokeHDSpindownUPP function 1
InvokePMgrStateChangeUPP function 1
InvokeSleepQUPP function 1
IsAutoSlpControlDisabled function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.0) 1
IsDimmingControlDisabled function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.0) 1
IsProcessorCyclingEnabled function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.0) 1
IsSpindownDisabled function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.0) 1
kCapacityIsActual constant 1
kCapacityIsPercentOfMax constant 1
kChargerIsAttachedMask constant 1
kCurrentCapacityIsActualValue constant 1
kCurrentCapacityIsPercentOfMax constant 1
kDeviceCanAssertPMEDuringSleep constant 1
kDeviceDidNotWakeMachine constant 1
kDeviceDriverPresent constant 1
kDeviceDriverSupportsPowerMgt constant 1
kDevicePCIPowerOffAllowed constant 1
kDevicePowerInfoVersion constant 1
kDeviceRequestsFullWake constant 1
kDeviceRequestsWakeToDoze constant 1
kDeviceSupportsPMIS constant 1
kDeviceUsesCommonLogicPower constant 1
kDozeRequest constant 1
kEnterIdle constant 1
kEnterRun constant 1
kEnterStandby constant 1
kExitIdle constant 1
kHDQueuePostBit constant 1
kHDQueuePostMask constant 1
kMediaModeOff constant 1
kMediaModeOn constant 1
kMediaModeStandBy constant 1
kMediaModeSuspend constant 1
kMediaPowerCSCode Constants 1
kPCIPowerOffAllowed constant 1
kPMDevicePowerLevel_D1 constant 1
kPMDevicePowerLevel_D2 constant 1
kPMDevicePowerLevel_Off constant 1
kPMDevicePowerLevel_On constant 1
kPowerSummaryVersion constant 1
kSleepDeny constant 1
kSourceCanBeChargedMask constant 1
kSourceIsACMask constant 1
kSourceIsAvailableMask constant 1
kSourceIsBatteryMask constant 1
kSourceIsChargingMask constant 1
kSourceIsUPSMask constant 1
kSourceProvidesWarnLevelsMask constant 1
kStillIdle constant 1
kUseDefaultMinimumWakeTime constant 1
kUseDefaultMinimumWakeTime Constants 1
MaximumProcessorSpeed function 1
MinimumProcessorSpeed function 1
Modem State Bits 1
ModemByte Bits 1
ModemByte data type 1
ModemByte Masks 1
modemInstalledBit constant 1
modemInstalledMask constant 1
modemOnBit constant 1
modemOnHookBit constant 1
modemOnHookMask constant 1
modemOnMask constant 1
modemSetBit constant 1
ModemStatus function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.0) 1
mustProcessorCycle constant 1
Net Activity Wake Options 1
NetActivity constant 1
NewHDSpindownUPP function 1
NewPMgrStateChangeUPP function 1
NewSleepQUPP function 1
noCalls constant 1
noErr constant 1
noRequest constant 1
OverallAct constant 1
PCI Bus PMIS Power Levels 1
pmBusyErr constant 1
PMFeatures function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
PMgrQueueElement structure 1
PMgrStateChangeProcPtr callback 1
PMgrStateChangeUPP data type 1
PMgrStateQInstall function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.0) 1
PMgrStateQRemove function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.0) 1
PMgrStateQType constant 1
pmRecvEndErr constant 1
pmRecvStartErr constant 1
pmReplyTOErr constant 1
PMResultCode data type 1
PMSelectorCount function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
pmSendEndErr constant 1
pmSendStartErr constant 1
Power Capacity Types 1
Power Handler Wake Results 1
Power Manager Features Bits 1
Power Source Attribute Bits 1
Power Source Capacity Usage Types 1
Power Source State Bits 1
Power Source Version 1
Power Summary Flags 1
PowerHandlerProcPtr callback 1
PowerLevel data type 1
PowerSourceID data type 1
PowerSourceParamBlock structure 1
PowerSourceParamBlockPtr data type 1
PowerSummary structure 1
ringDetectBit constant 1
ringDetectMask constant 1
ringWakeUpBit constant 1
ringWakeUpMask constant 1
SetDimmingTimeout function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.0) 1
SetDimSuspendState function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.0) 1
SetHardDiskTimeout function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.0) 1
SetIntModemState function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.0) 1
SetProcessorSpeed function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
SetSCSIDiskModeAddress function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.0) 1
SetSleepTimeout function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.0) 1
SetSoundMixerState function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.0) 1
SetSpindownDisable function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
SetStartupTimer function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.0) 1
SetWakeupTimer function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.0) 1
SetWUTime function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.0) 1
Sleep Commands 1
sleepDemand constant 1
sleepQFlags Bits 1
SleepQInstall function 1
sleepQProc Commands 1
SleepQProcPtr callback 1
SleepQRec structure 1
SleepQRecPtr data type 1
SleepQRemove function 1
sleepQType constant 1
SleepQUPP data type 1
sleepRequest constant 1
sleepRevoke constant 1
sleepWakeUp constant 1
slpQType constant 1
SoundMixerByte Bits 1
SoundMixerByte data type 1
SoundMixerByte Masks 1
SpinDownHardDisk function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.0) 1
StartupTime structure 1
Storage Media Sleep Modes 1
supportsIdleQueue constant 1
supportsServerModeAPIs constant 1
supportsUPSIntegration constant 1
System Activity Selectors 1
UpdateSystemActivity function 1
upsConnected constant 1
upsIsPowerSource constant 1
UsrActivity constant 1
WakeupTime structure 1

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© 2002, 2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. (Last updated: 2006-07-13)

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