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Important: The Script Manager is deprecated as of Mac OS X v10.5. Instead, you should update your application to handle Unicode text using the facilities of the Cocoa system (see Text System Overview) or Core Text (see Core Text Programming Guide). See also Internationalization Programming Topics.


A number represents a single reference to a topic.
A number with a "+" sign represents a longer discussion of a topic.

B   C   D   F   G   I   K   L   M   N   O   R   S   T   V   

badDelim constant 1
badEnding constant 1
calArabicCivil constant 1
calArabicLunar constant 1
calCoptic constant 1
Calendar Codes 1
calGregorian constant 1
calJapanese constant 1
calJewish constant 1
calPersian constant 1
Character Byte Types 1
Character Set Extensions 1
Character Type Classes 1
Character Type Field Masks 1
Character Types 1
CharacterByteType function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
CharacterType function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
CharByteTable data type 1
ClearIntlResourceCache function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
CommentType data type 1
crash constant 1
DelimType data type 1
FillParseTable function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FontScript function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FontToScript function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetIntlResource function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
GetIntlResourceTable function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetScriptManagerVariable function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
GetScriptVariable function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
GetSysDirection function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
Glyph Orientations 1
intArabic constant 1
intEuropean constant 1
intJapanese constant 1
IntlScript function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
IntlTokenize function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
intOutputMask constant 1
intRoman constant 1
intWestern constant 1
iuNumberPartsTable constant 1
iuUnTokenTable constant 1
iuWhiteSpaceList constant 1
iuWordSelectTable constant 1
iuWordWrapTable constant 1
Keyboard Script Switching Selectors 1
Keyboard Script Synchronization 1
Keyboard Script Values 1
Keyboard Synchronization Mask 1
langAfrikaans constant 1
langAlbanian constant 1
langAmharic constant 1
langArabic constant 1
langArmenian constant 1
langAssamese constant 1
langAymara constant 1
langAzerbaijanAr constant 1
langAzerbaijani constant 1
langAzerbaijanRoman constant 1
langBasque constant 1
langBelorussian constant 1
langBengali constant 1
langBreton constant 1
langBulgarian constant 1
langBurmese constant 1
langByelorussian constant 1
langCatalan constant 1
langChewa constant 1
langCroatian constant 1
langCzech constant 1
langDanish constant 1
langDutch constant 1
langDzongkha constant 1
langEnglish constant 1
langEsperanto constant 1
langEstonian constant 1
langFaroese constant 1
langFarsi constant 1
langFinnish constant 1
langFlemish constant 1
langFrench constant 1
langGalician constant 1
langGeorgian constant 1
langGerman constant 1
langGreek constant 1
langGreekPoly constant 1
langGreenlandic constant 1
langGuarani constant 1
langGujarati constant 1
langHebrew constant 1
langHindi constant 1
langHungarian constant 1
langIcelandic constant 1
langIndonesian constant 1
langInuktitut constant 1
langIrishGaelic constant 1
langIrishGaelicScript constant 1
langItalian constant 1
langJapanese constant 1
langJavaneseRom constant 1
langKannada constant 1
langKashmiri constant 1
langKazakh constant 1
langKhmer constant 1
langKinyarwanda constant 1
langKirghiz constant 1
langKorean constant 1
langKurdish constant 1
langLao constant 1
langLatin constant 1
langLatvian constant 1
langLithuanian constant 1
langMacedonian constant 1
langMalagasy constant 1
langMalayalam constant 1
langMalayArabic constant 1
langMalayRoman constant 1
langMaltese constant 1
langManxGaelic constant 1
langMarathi constant 1
langMoldavian constant 1
langMongolian constant 1
langMongolianCyr constant 1
langNepali constant 1
langNorwegian constant 1
langNyanja constant 1
langOriya constant 1
langOromo constant 1
langPashto constant 1
langPersian constant 1
langPolish constant 1
langPortuguese constant 1
langPunjabi constant 1
langQuechua constant 1
langRomanian constant 1
langRuanda constant 1
langRundi constant 1
langRussian constant 1
langSami constant 1
langSanskrit constant 1
langScottishGaelic constant 1
langSerbian constant 1
langSimpChinese constant 1
langSindhi constant 1
langSinhalese constant 1
langSlovak constant 1
langSlovenian constant 1
langSomali constant 1
langSpanish constant 1
langSundaneseRom constant 1
langSwahili constant 1
langSwedish constant 1
langTagalog constant 1
langTajiki constant 1
langTamil constant 1
langTatar constant 1
langTelugu constant 1
langThai constant 1
langTibetan constant 1
langTigrinya constant 1
langTongan constant 1
langTradChinese constant 1
langTurkish constant 1
langTurkmen constant 1
Language Code - Unspecified 1
Language Codes A 1
Language Codes B 1
Language Codes C 1
Language Codes D 1
Language Codes E 1
Language Codes F 1
langUighur constant 1
langUkrainian constant 1
langUrdu constant 1
langUzbek constant 1
langVietnamese constant 1
langWelsh constant 1
langYiddish constant 1
maxCountry constant 1
Meta Script Codes 1
minCountry constant 1
Negative Verbs 1
Numeral Codes 1
Obsolete Language Codes 1
Obsolete Regions Codes 1
Obsolete Roman Script Constants 1
Obsolete Script Codes 1
Obsolete System Script Codes 1
Obsolete Token Codes 1
Range Checking Region Code 1
Region Codes A 1
Region Codes B 1
Region Codes C 1
Region Codes D 1
Regions Codes E 1
Script Code - Unicode Input 1
Script Codes 1
Script Constants 1
Script Flag Attributes 1
Script Manager Selectors 1
Script Redraw Selectors 1
Script Token Types 1
Script Variable Selectors 1
ScriptTokenType data type 1
SetScriptManagerVariable function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
SetScriptVariable function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
SetSysDirection function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
smAllScripts constant 1
smArabic constant 1
smArmenian constant 1
smBadScript constant 1
smBadVerb constant 1
smBengali constant 1
smBidirect constant 1
smBurmese constant 1
smcClassMask constant 1
smcDoubleMask constant 1
smCentralEuroRoman constant 1
smChar1byte constant 1
smChar2byte constant 1
smCharAscii constant 1
smCharBidirect constant 1
smCharBopomofo constant 1
smCharContextualLR constant 1
smCharEuro constant 1
smCharExtAscii constant 1
smCharFISGana constant 1
smCharFISGreek constant 1
smCharFISIdeo constant 1
smCharFISKana constant 1
smCharFISRussian constant 1
smCharGanaKana constant 1
smCharHangul constant 1
smCharHiragana constant 1
smCharHorizontal constant 1
smCharIdeographic constant 1
smCharJamo constant 1
smCharKatakana constant 1
smCharLeft constant 1
smCharLower constant 1
smCharNonContextualLR constant 1
smCharPortion constant 1
smCharPunct constant 1
smCharRight constant 1
smCharTwoByteGreek constant 1
smCharTwoByteRussian constant 1
smCharUpper constant 1
smCharVertical constant 1
smcOrientationMask constant 1
smcReserved constant 1
smcRightMask constant 1
smcTypeMask constant 1
smcUpperMask constant 1
smCurrentScript constant 1
smCyrillic constant 1
smDefault constant 1
smDevanagari constant 1
smDoubleByte constant 1
smEnabled constant 1
smEthiopic constant 1
smExtArabic constant 1
smfDisableKeyScriptSyncMask constant 1
smfDualCaret constant 1
smFirstByte constant 1
smFISClassLvl1 constant 1
smFISClassLvl2 constant 1
smFISClassUser constant 1
smfNameTagEnab constant 1
smFontForce constant 1
smForced constant 1
smfShowIcon constant 1
smfUseAssocFontInfo constant 1
smGeez constant 1
smGenFlags constant 1
smGeorgian constant 1
smGreek constant 1
smGujarati constant 1
smGurmukhi constant 1
smHebrew constant 1
smIdeographicLevel1 constant 1
smIdeographicLevel2 constant 1
smIdeographicUser constant 1
smIntlForce constant 1
smJamoBogJaeum constant 1
smJamoBogMoeum constant 1
smJamoJaeum constant 1
smJamoMoeum constant 1
smJapanese constant 1
smKanaHardOK constant 1
smKanaSmall constant 1
smKanaSoftOK constant 1
smKannada constant 1
smKCHRCache constant 1
smKeyCache constant 1
smKeyDisableKybds constant 1
smKeyDisableKybdSwitch constant 1
smKeyDisableState constant 1
smKeyEnableKybds constant 1
smKeyForceKeyScriptBit constant 1
smKeyForceKeyScriptMask constant 1
smKeyNextInputMethod constant 1
smKeyNextKybd constant 1
smKeyNextScript constant 1
smKeyRoman constant 1
smKeyScript constant 1
smKeySetDirLeftRight constant 1
smKeySetDirRightLeft constant 1
smKeySwap constant 1
smKeySwapInputMethod constant 1
smKeySwapKybd constant 1
smKeySwapScript constant 1
smKeySysScript constant 1
smKeyToggleDirection constant 1
smKeyToggleInline constant 1
smKhmer constant 1
smKorean constant 1
smLao constant 1
smLastByte constant 1
smLastScript constant 1
smLayoutCache constant 1
smMalayalam constant 1
smMiddleByte constant 1
smMongolian constant 1
smMunged constant 1
smNotInstalled constant 1
smNumberPartsTable constant 1
smOldVerbSupport constant 1
smOriya constant 1
smOverride constant 1
smPrint constant 1
smPunctBlank constant 1
smPunctGraphic constant 1
smPunctNormal constant 1
smPunctNumber constant 1
smPunctRepeat constant 1
smPunctSymbol constant 1
smRedrawChar constant 1
smRedrawLine constant 1
smRedrawWord constant 1
smRegionCode constant 1
smRoman constant 1
smRSymbol constant 1
smScriptAliasStyle constant 1
smScriptAppBase constant 1
smScriptAppFond constant 1
smScriptAppFondSize constant 1
smScriptBundle constant 1
smScriptCreator constant 1
smScriptDate constant 1
smScriptEnabled constant 1
smScriptEncoding constant 1
smScriptFile constant 1
smScriptFlags constant 1
smScriptFntBase constant 1
smScriptHelpFondSize constant 1
smScriptIcon constant 1
smScriptJust constant 1
smScriptKeys constant 1
smScriptLang constant 1
smScriptLigatures constant 1
smScriptMonoFondSize constant 1
smScriptMunged constant 1
smScriptName constant 1
smScriptNumber constant 1
smScriptNumbers constant 1
smScriptNumDate constant 1
smScriptPrefFondSize constant 1
smScriptPrint constant 1
smScriptRedraw constant 1
smScriptRight constant 1
smScriptSmallFondSize constant 1
smScriptSort constant 1
smScriptSysBase constant 1
smScriptSysFond constant 1
smScriptSysFondSize constant 1
smScriptToken constant 1
smScriptTrap constant 1
smScriptValidStyles constant 1
smScriptVersion constant 1
smSetKashidas constant 1
smSetKashProp constant 1
smsfAutoInit constant 1
smsfB0Digits constant 1
smsfContext constant 1
smsfForms constant 1
smsfIntellCP constant 1
smsfLigatures constant 1
smsfNatCase constant 1
smsfNoForceFont constant 1
smsfReverse constant 1
smsfSingByte constant 1
smsfSynchUnstyledTE constant 1
smsfUnivExt constant 1
smSimpChinese constant 1
smSingleByte constant 1
smSinhalese constant 1
smSysRef constant 1
smSysScript constant 1
smSystemScript constant 1
smTamil constant 1
smTelugu constant 1
smThai constant 1
smTibetan constant 1
smTradChinese constant 1
smTransAscii constant 1
smTransAscii1 constant 1
smTransAscii2 constant 1
smTransBopomofo2 constant 1
smTransCase constant 1
smTransGana2 constant 1
smTransHangul2 constant 1
smTransHangulFormat constant 1
smTransJamo2 constant 1
smTransKana1 constant 1
smTransKana2 constant 1
smTransLower constant 1
smTransNative constant 1
smTransPreDoubleByting constant 1
smTransPreLowerCasing constant 1
smTransRuleBaseFormat constant 1
smTransSystem constant 1
smTransUpper constant 1
smUninterp constant 1
smUnTokenTable constant 1
smVersion constant 1
smVietnamese constant 1
smWhiteSpaceList constant 1
smWordSelectTable constant 1
smWordWrapTable constant 1
Source Masks 1
stringOverflow constant 1
Table Selectors 1
Token Results 1
Token Types 1
token1Quote constant 1
token2Equal constant 1
token2Quote constant 1
tokenAlpha constant 1
tokenAltNum constant 1
tokenAltReal constant 1
tokenAmpersand constant 1
tokenAsterisk constant 1
tokenAtSign constant 1
tokenBackSlash constant 1
tokenBar constant 1
TokenBlock structure 1
tokenCapPi constant 1
tokenCaret constant 1
tokenCenterDot constant 1
tokenColon constant 1
tokenColonEqual constant 1
tokenComma constant 1
tokenDivide constant 1
tokenDollar constant 1
tokenEllipsis constant 1
tokenEmpty constant 1
tokenEqual constant 1
tokenEscape constant 1
tokenExclam constant 1
tokenExclamEqual constant 1
tokenFraction constant 1
tokenGreat constant 1
tokenGreatEqual1 constant 1
tokenGreatEqual2 constant 1
tokenHash constant 1
tokenInfinity constant 1
tokenIntegral constant 1
tokenIntl constant 1
tokenIntlCurrency constant 1
tokenLeft1Quote constant 1
tokenLeft2Quote constant 1
tokenLeftBracket constant 1
tokenLeftComment constant 1
tokenLeftCurly constant 1
tokenLeftEnclose constant 1
tokenLeftLit constant 1
tokenLeftParen constant 1
tokenLeftSingGuillemet constant 1
tokenLess constant 1
tokenLessEqual1 constant 1
tokenLessEqual2 constant 1
tokenLessGreat constant 1
tokenLiteral constant 1
tokenMicro constant 1
tokenMinus constant 1
tokenNewLine constant 1
tokenNil constant 1
tokenNoBreakSpace constant 1
tokenNotEqual constant 1
tokenNumeric constant 1
tokenOK constant 1
tokenOverflow constant 1
tokenPercent constant 1
tokenPeriod constant 1
tokenPerThousand constant 1
tokenPi constant 1
tokenPlus constant 1
tokenPlusMinus constant 1
tokenQuestion constant 1
tokenRealNum constant 1
TokenRec structure 1
tokenReserve1 constant 1
tokenReserve2 constant 1
tokenRight1Quote constant 1
tokenRight2Quote constant 1
tokenRightBracket constant 1
tokenRightComment constant 1
tokenRightCurly constant 1
tokenRightEnclose constant 1
tokenRightLit constant 1
tokenRightParen constant 1
tokenRightSingGuillemet constant 1
tokenRoot constant 1
Tokens - Mathematical 1
Tokens - Punctuation 1
Tokens for Symbols 1
tokenSemicolon constant 1
tokenSigma constant 1
tokenSlash constant 1
tokenTilde constant 1
tokenUnderline constant 1
tokenUnknown constant 1
tokenWhite constant 1
TransliterateText function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
Transliteration Target Types 1 1
Transliteration Target Types 2 1
verArabic constant 1
verAustralia constant 1
verBelgiumLuxPoint constant 1
verBengali constant 1
verBritain constant 1
verByeloRussian constant 1
verCanadaComma constant 1
verCanadaPoint constant 1
verChina constant 1
verCyprus constant 1
verCzech constant 1
verDenmark constant 1
verEstonia constant 1
verFarEastGeneric constant 1
verFaroeIsl constant 1
verFinland constant 1
verFlemish constant 1
verFrance constant 1
verFrCanada constant 1
verFrSwiss constant 1
verGermany constant 1
verGreece constant 1
verGreecePoly constant 1
verGrSwiss constant 1
verHungary constant 1
verIceland constant 1
verIndiaHindi constant 1
verInternational constant 1
verIran constant 1
verIreland constant 1
verIsrael constant 1
verItalianSwiss constant 1
verItaly constant 1
verJapan constant 1
verKorea constant 1
verLatvia constant 1
verLithuania constant 1
verMagyar constant 1
verMalta constant 1
verNetherlands constant 1
verNetherlandsComma constant 1
verNorway constant 1
verPakistanUrdu constant 1
verPoland constant 1
verPortugal constant 1
verRomania constant 1
verRussia constant 1
verSami constant 1
verScriptGeneric constant 1
verSlovak constant 1
verSpain constant 1
verSweden constant 1
verTaiwan constant 1
verThailand constant 1
verTurkey constant 1
verTurkishModified constant 1
verUS constant 1
vervariantDenmark constant 1
vervariantNorway constant 1
vervariantPortugal constant 1
verYugoCroatian constant 1

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