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A number represents a single reference to a topic.
A number with a "+" sign represents a longer discussion of a topic.

A   B   C   D   F   G   H   I   K   L   N   O   S   T   U   V   

ActivateTextService function 1
ActivateTSMDocument function 1
Attribute Bits for TSM Document Access Carbon Events 1
Attribute Masks for TSM Document Access Carbon Events 1
bHandleAERecording constant 1
bLanguageMask constant 1
bScriptLanguageMask constant 1
bScriptMask constant 1
bTakeActiveEvent constant 1
Carbon Event Class for TSM Document Access 1
Carbon Event Parameters for General TSM Events 1
Carbon Event Parameters for TSM Document Access 1
Carbon Events for TSM Document Access 1
CloseTextService function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
Collection Tags 1
Component Flags 1
CopyTextServiceInputModeList function 1
DeactivateTextService function 1
DeactivateTSMDocument function 1
DeleteTSMDocument function 1
DeselectTextService function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
Document Property Tags 1
FixTextService function 1
FixTSMDocument function 1
GetDefaultInputMethod function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
GetDefaultInputMethodOfClass function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
GetInputModePaletteMenu function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
GetScriptLanguageSupport function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
GetServiceList function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
GetTextServiceLanguage function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
GetTextServiceMenu function 1
GetTextServiceProperty function 1
HidePaletteWindows function 1
Individual Input Mode Keys 1
InitiateTextService function 1
Input Method Identifier 1
Input Mode - Standard Tags 1
Input Mode Dictionary Key 1
Input Mode Palette Control Keys 1
Input Mode Palette Menu Definition Keys 1
Input Mode Variants 1
InputModePaletteItemHit function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
Interfaces 1
InterfaceTypeList data type 1
IsTextServiceSelected function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
kCharacterPaletteInputMethodClass constant 1
kCMActivateTextService constant 1
kCMDeactivateTextService constant 1
kCMFixTextService constant 1
kCMGetScriptLangSupport constant 1
kCMGetTextServiceMenu constant 1
kCMGetTextServiceProperty constant 1
kCMHidePaletteWindows constant 1
kCMInitiateTextService constant 1
kCMSetTextServiceCursor constant 1
kCMSetTextServiceProperty constant 1
kCMTerminateTextService constant 1
kCMTextServiceEvent constant 1
kCMTextServiceMenuSelect constant 1
kCMUCTextServiceEvent constant 1
kEventClassTSMDocumentAccess constant 1
kEventParamTSMDocAccessCharacterCount constant 1
kEventParamTSMDocAccessEffectiveRange constant 1
kEventParamTSMDocAccessLockCount constant 1
kEventParamTSMDocAccessReplyATSFont constant 1
kEventParamTSMDocAccessReplyATSUGlyphSelector constant 1
kEventParamTSMDocAccessReplyCharacterRange constant 1
kEventParamTSMDocAccessReplyCharactersPtr constant 1
kEventParamTSMDocAccessReplyFontSize constant 1
constant 1
kEventParamTSMDocAccessSendCharacterIndex constant 1
kEventParamTSMDocAccessSendCharacterRange constant 1
kEventParamTSMDocAccessSendCharactersPtr constant 1
kEventParamTSMDocAccessSendComponentInstance constant 1
kEventParamTSMDocAccessSendRefCon constant 1
kEventParamTSMSendComponentInstance constant 1
kEventParamTSMSendRefCon constant 1
kEventTSMDocumentAccessGetCharacters constant 1
kEventTSMDocumentAccessGetCharactersPtr constant 1
constant 1
kEventTSMDocumentAccessGetFont constant 1
kEventTSMDocumentAccessGetGlyphInfo constant 1
kEventTSMDocumentAccessGetLength constant 1
kEventTSMDocumentAccessGetSelectedRange constant 1
kEventTSMDocumentAccessLockDocument constant 1
kEventTSMDocumentAccessUnlockDocument constant 1
kIM1ByteInputMode constant 1
kIM2ByteInputMode constant 1
kIMDirectInputMode constant 1
kIMJaTypingMethodKana constant 1
kIMJaTypingMethodProperty constant 1
kIMJaTypingMethodRoman constant 1
kInkInputMethodClass constant 1
kInputMethodService constant 1
kKeyboardInputMethodClass constant 1
kNeutralScript constant 1
kOCRInputMethodClass constant 1
kSpeechInputMethodClass constant 1
kTextService constant 1
kTextServiceDocumentInterfaceType constant 1
kTextServiceInputModeBopomofo constant 1
kTextServiceInputModeHangul constant 1
kTextServiceInputModeJapanese constant 1
kTextServiceInputModeJapaneseFirstName constant 1
kTextServiceInputModeJapaneseFullWidthRoman constant 1
kTextServiceInputModeJapaneseHalfWidthKana constant 1
kTextServiceInputModeJapaneseHiragana constant 1
kTextServiceInputModeJapaneseKatakana constant 1
kTextServiceInputModeJapaneseLastName constant 1
kTextServiceInputModeJapanesePlaceName constant 1
kTextServiceInputModeKorean constant 1
kTextServiceInputModePassword constant 1
kTextServiceInputModePropertyTag constant 1
kTextServiceInputModeRoman constant 1
kTextServiceInputModeSimpChinese constant 1
kTextServiceInputModeTradChinese constant 1
kTextServiceInputModeTradChinesePlaceName constant 1
kTextServiceJaTypingMethodPropertyTag constant 1
kTextServiceVersion2 constant 1
kTSInputModePaletteItemAltIconKey constant 1
kTSInputModePaletteItemEnabledKey constant 1
kTSInputModePaletteItemIconKey constant 1
kTSInputModePaletteItemIDKey constant 1
kTSInputModePaletteItemKeyEquivalentKey constant 1
kTSInputModePaletteItemKeyEquivalentModifiersKey constant 1
kTSInputModePaletteItemStateKey constant 1
kTSInputModePaletteItemTitleKey constant 1
kTSInputModePaletteItemTypeKey constant 1
kTSM15Version constant 1
kTSM20Version constant 1
kTSM22Version constant 1
kTSM23Version constant 1
kTSMDocAccessEffectiveRangeAttribute constant 1
kTSMDocAccessEffectiveRangeAttributeBit constant 1
kTSMDocAccessFontSizeAttribute constant 1
kTSMDocAccessFontSizeAttributeBit constant 1
kTSMDocumentInputModePropertyTag constant 1
kTSMDocumentPropertySupportGlyphInfo constant 1
kTSMDocumentPropertyUnicodeInputWindow constant 1
kTSMDocumentRefconPropertyTag constant 1
kTSMDocumentSupportDocumentAccessPropertyTag constant 1
kTSMDocumentSupportGlyphInfoPropertyTag constant 1
kTSMDocumentTextServicePropertyTag constant 1
kTSMDocumentTSMTEPropertyTag constant 1
kTSMDocumentUnicodeInputWindowPropertyTag constant 1
kTSMDocumentUnicodePropertyTag constant 1
kTSMDocumentUseFloatingWindowPropertyTag constant 1
kTSMTEDocumentInterfaceType constant 1
kTSMVersion constant 1
kUnicodeDocument constant 1
kUnicodeDocumentInterfaceType constant 1
kUnicodeTextService constant 1
kUnknownLanguage constant 1
kUnknownScript constant 1
kUseFloatingWindowTag constant 1
Language and Script Constants 1
Locale Object Attributes 1
Low-level Routine Selectors 1
New Low-level Routine Selector 1
NewTSMDocument function 1
OpenTextService function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
ScriptLanguageRecord structure 1
ScriptLanguageSupport structure 1
SelectTextService function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
SendAEFromTSMComponent function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
SendTextInputEvent function 1
SetDefaultInputMethod function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
SetDefaultInputMethodOfClass function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
SetTextServiceLanguage function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
SetTextServiceProperty function 1
TerminateTextService function 1
Text Service Classes 1
Text Service Properties 1
Text Service Version 1
Text Services Object Attributes 1
Text Services Property Values 1
TextServiceEventRef function 1
TextServiceInfo structure 1
TextServiceList structure 1
TextServicePropertyValue data type 1
TSM Document Interface Type data type 1
TSM Document Interfaces 1
tsmAlreadyRegisteredErr constant 1
tsmCantChangeForcedClassStateErr constant 1
tsmCantOpenComponentErr constant 1
tsmComponentAlreadyOpenErr constant 1
tsmComponentNoErr constant 1
TSMContext data type 1
TSMCopyInputMethodEnabledInputModes function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
tsmDefaultIsNotInputMethodErr constant 1
tsmDocNotActiveErr constant 1
tsmDocPropertyBufferTooSmallErr constant 1
tsmDocPropertyNotFoundErr constant 1
TSMDocumentID data type 1
tsmDocumentOpenErr constant 1
TSMGetActiveDocument function 1
TSMGetDocumentProperty function 1
TSMGlyphInfo structure 1
TSMGlyphInfoArray structure 1
tsmInputMethodIsOldErr constant 1
tsmInputMethodNotFoundErr constant 1
TSMInputModePaletteLoadButtons function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
TSMInputModePaletteUpdateButtons function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
tsmInvalidDocIDErr constant 1
tsmNeverRegisteredErr constant 1
tsmNoOpenTSErr constant 1
tsmNotAnAppErr constant 1
TSMRemoveDocumentProperty function 1
tsmScriptHasNoIMErr constant 1
TSMSelectInputMode function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
TSMSetDocumentProperty function 1
TSMSetInlineInputRegion function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
tsmTextServiceNotFoundErr constant 1
tsmTSHasNoMenuErr constant 1
tsmTSMDocBusyErr constant 1
tsmTSNotOpenErr constant 1
tsmUnknownErr constant 1
tsmUnsupportedTypeErr constant 1
tsmUnsupScriptLanguageErr constant 1
tsmUseInputWindowErr constant 1
typeATSFontRef constant 1
typeGlyphSelector constant 1
Unicode Identifiers 1
UseInputWindow function 1
Version Constants 1

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© 2002, 2005 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. (Last updated: 2005-11-09)

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