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A number represents a single reference to a topic.
A number with a "+" sign represents a longer discussion of a topic.

A   B   C   D   E   F   H   I   K   M   N   O   P   R   S   T   U   V   W   

abortModal instance method 1
activateContextHelpMode: instance method 1
activateIgnoringOtherApps: instance method 1
addWindowsItem:title:filename: instance method 1
Application Kit framework version numbers 1
application:delegateHandlesKey: <NSObject> delegate method 1
application:openFile: <NSObject> delegate method 1
application:openFiles: <NSObject> delegate method 1
application:openFileWithoutUI: <NSObject> delegate method 1
application:openTempFile: <NSObject> delegate method 1
application:printFile: <NSObject> delegate method 1
application:printFiles: <NSObject> delegate method 1
application:printFiles:withSettings: showPrintPanels: <NSObject> delegate method 1
application:willPresentError: <NSObject> delegate method 1
applicationDidBecomeActive: <NSObject> delegate method 1
applicationDidChangeScreenParameters: <NSObject> delegate method 1
applicationDidFinishLaunching: <NSObject> delegate method 1
applicationDidHide: <NSObject> delegate method 1
applicationDidResignActive: <NSObject> delegate method 1
applicationDidUnhide: <NSObject> delegate method 1
applicationDidUpdate: <NSObject> delegate method 1
applicationDockMenu: <NSObject> delegate method 1
applicationIconImage instance method 1
applicationOpenUntitledFile: <NSObject> delegate method 1
applicationShouldHandleReopen:hasVisibleWindows: <NSObject> delegate method 1
applicationShouldOpenUntitledFile: <NSObject> delegate method 1
applicationShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed: <NSObject> delegate method 1
applicationShouldTerminate: <NSObject> delegate method 1
applicationWillBecomeActive: <NSObject> delegate method 1
applicationWillFinishLaunching: <NSObject> delegate method 1
applicationWillHide: <NSObject> delegate method 1
applicationWillResignActive: <NSObject> delegate method 1
applicationWillTerminate: <NSObject> delegate method 1
applicationWillUnhide: <NSObject> delegate method 1
applicationWillUpdate: <NSObject> delegate method 1
arrangeInFront: instance method 1
beginModalSessionForWindow: instance method 1
beginModalSessionForWindow:relativeToWindow: instance method 1
beginSheet:modalForWindow:modalDelegate: didEndSelector:contextInfo: instance method 1
cancelUserAttentionRequest: instance method 1
changeWindowsItem:title:filename: instance method 1
context instance method 1
currentEvent instance method 1
deactivate instance method 1
delegate instance method 1
detachDrawingThread:toTarget:withObject: class method 1
discardEventsMatchingMask:beforeEvent: instance method 1
dockTile instance method 1
endModalSession: instance method 1
endSheet: instance method 1
endSheet:returnCode: instance method 1
finishLaunching instance method 1
hide: instance method 1
hideOtherApplications: instance method 1
isActive instance method 1
isHidden instance method 1
isRunning instance method 1
keyWindow instance method 1
mainMenu instance method 1
mainWindow instance method 1
makeWindowsPerform:inOrder: instance method 1
miniaturizeAll: instance method 1
modalWindow instance method 1
nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue: instance method 1
NSApp 1
NSApp constant 1
NSAppKitVersionNumber 1
NSAppKitVersionNumber constant 1
NSAppKitVersionNumber10_0 constant 1
NSAppKitVersionNumber10_1 constant 1
NSAppKitVersionNumber10_2 constant 1
NSAppKitVersionNumber10_2_3 constant 1
NSAppKitVersionNumber10_3 constant 1
NSAppKitVersionNumber10_3_2 constant 1
NSAppKitVersionNumber10_3_3 constant 1
NSAppKitVersionNumber10_3_5 constant 1
NSAppKitVersionNumber10_3_7 constant 1
NSAppKitVersionNumber10_3_9 constant 1
NSAppKitVersionNumber10_4 constant 1
NSApplicationDelegateReply data type 1
NSApplicationDelegateReplyCancel constant 1
NSApplicationDelegateReplyFailure constant 1
NSApplicationDelegateReplySuccess constant 1
NSApplicationDidBecomeActiveNotification notification 1
NSApplicationDidChangeScreenParametersNotification notification 1
NSApplicationDidFinishLaunchingNotification notification 1
NSApplicationDidHideNotification notification 1
NSApplicationDidResignActiveNotification notification 1
NSApplicationDidUnhideNotification notification 1
NSApplicationDidUpdateNotification notification 1
NSApplicationPrintReply 1
NSApplicationTerminateReply data type 1
NSApplicationWillBecomeActiveNotification notification 1
NSApplicationWillFinishLaunchingNotification notification 1
NSApplicationWillHideNotification notification 1
NSApplicationWillResignActiveNotification notification 1
NSApplicationWillTerminateNotification notification 1
NSApplicationWillUnhideNotification notification 1
NSApplicationWillUpdateNotification notification 1
NSCriticalRequest constant 1
NSEventTrackingRunLoopMode constant 1
NSInformationalRequest constant 1
NSModalPanelRunLoopMode constant 1
NSPrintingCancelled constant 1
NSPrintingFailure constant 1
NSPrintingReplyLater constant 1
NSPrintingSuccess constant 1
NSRequestUserAttentionType data type 1
NSRunAbortedResponse constant 1
NSRunContinuesResponse constant 1
NSRunStoppedResponse constant 1
NSTerminateCancel constant 1
NSTerminateLater constant 1
NSTerminateNow constant 1
NSUpdateWindowsRunLoopOrdering 1
NSUpdateWindowsRunLoopOrdering constant 1
orderedDocuments instance method 1
orderedWindows instance method 1
orderFrontCharacterPalette: instance method 1
orderFrontColorPanel: instance method 1
orderFrontStandardAboutPanel: instance method 1
orderFrontStandardAboutPanelWithOptions: instance method 1
postEvent:atStart: instance method 1
preventWindowOrdering instance method 1
registerServicesMenuSendTypes:returnTypes: instance method 1
removeWindowsItem: instance method 1
replyToApplicationShouldTerminate: instance method 1
replyToOpenOrPrint: instance method 1
reportException: instance method 1
requestUserAttention: instance method 1
Return values for modal operations 1
run instance method 1
Run loop modes 1
runModalForWindow: instance method 1
runModalForWindow:relativeToWindow: instance method 1
runModalSession: instance method 1
runPageLayout: instance method 1
sendAction:to:from: instance method 1
sendEvent: instance method 1
servicesMenu instance method 1
servicesProvider instance method 1
setApplicationIconImage: instance method 1
setDelegate: instance method 1
setMainMenu: instance method 1
setServicesMenu: instance method 1
setServicesProvider: instance method 1
setWindowsMenu: instance method 1
setWindowsNeedUpdate: instance method 1
sharedApplication class method 1
showHelp: instance method 1
stop: instance method 1
stopModal instance method 1
stopModalWithCode: instance method 1
targetForAction: instance method 1
targetForAction:to:from: instance method 1
terminate: instance method 1
tryToPerform:with: instance method 1
unhideAllApplications: instance method 1
unhide: instance method 1
unhideWithoutActivation instance method 1
updateWindows instance method 1
updateWindowsItem: instance method 1
validRequestorForSendType:returnType: instance method 1
windows instance method 1
windowsMenu instance method 1
windowWithWindowNumber: instance method 1

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© 2009 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. (Last updated: 2009-02-04)

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