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advancementForGlyph: instance method 1
afmDictionary instance method 1
ascender instance method 1
boldSystemFontOfSize: class method 1
boundingRectForFont instance method 1
boundingRectForGlyph: instance method 1
capHeight instance method 1
controlContentFontOfSize: class method 1
coveredCharacterSet instance method 1
defaultLineHeightForFont instance method 1
descender instance method 1
displayName instance method 1
encodingScheme instance method 1
familyName instance method 1
fontDescriptor instance method 1
fontName instance method 1
fontWithDescriptor:size: class method 1
fontWithDescriptor:textTransform: class method 1
fontWithName:matrix: class method 1
fontWithName:size: class method 1
getAdvancements:forGlyphs:count: instance method 1
getAdvancements:forPackedGlyphs:length: instance method 1
getBoundingRects:forGlyphs:count: instance method 1
glyphIsEncoded: instance method 1
glyphPacking instance method 1
glyphWithName: instance method 1
isBaseFont instance method 1
isFixedPitch instance method 1
italicAngle instance method 1
Keys to the AFM Dictionary 1
labelFontOfSize: class method 1
labelFontSize class method 1
leading instance method 1
matrix instance method 1
maximumAdvancement instance method 1
menuBarFontOfSize: class method 1
menuFontOfSize: class method 1
messageFontOfSize: class method 1
mostCompatibleStringEncoding instance method 1
NSAFMAscender constant (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
NSAFMCapHeight constant (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
NSAFMCharacterSet constant (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
NSAFMDescender constant (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
NSAFMEncodingScheme constant (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
NSAFMFamilyName constant (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
NSAFMFontName constant (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
NSAFMFormatVersion constant (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
NSAFMFullName constant (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
NSAFMItalicAngle constant (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
NSAFMMappingScheme constant (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
NSAFMNotice constant (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
NSAFMUnderlinePosition constant (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
NSAFMUnderlineThickness constant (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
NSAFMVersion constant (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
NSAFMWeight constant (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
NSAFMXHeight constant (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
NSAntialiasThresholdChangedNotification notification 1
NSAsciiWithDoubleByteEUCGlyphPacking constant 1
NSControlGlyph constant 1
NSFontAntialiasedIntegerAdvancementsRenderingMode constant 1
NSFontAntialiasedRenderingMode constant 1
NSFontDefaultRenderingMode constant 1
NSFontIdentityMatrix constant 1
NSFontIntegerAdvancementsRenderingMode constant 1
NSFontRenderingMode 1
NSFontSetChangedNotification notification 1
NSFourByteGlyphPacking constant 1
NSGlyph data type 1
NSGlyphAbove constant 1
NSGlyphBelow constant 1
NSGlyphRelation data type 1
NSJapaneseEUCGlyphPacking constant 1
NSMultibyteGlyphPacking 1
NSMultibyteGlyphPacking data type 1
NSNativeShortGlyphPacking constant 1
NSNullGlyph constant 1
NSOneByteGlyphPacking constant 1
NSTwoByteGlyphPacking constant 1
numberOfGlyphs instance method 1
paletteFontOfSize: class method 1
pointSize instance method 1
positionOfGlyph:forCharacter:struckOverRect: instance method 1
positionOfGlyph:precededByGlyph:isNominal: instance method 1
positionOfGlyph:struckOverGlyph:metricsExist: instance method 1
positionOfGlyph:struckOverRect:metricsExist: instance method 1
positionOfGlyph:withRelation:toBaseGlyph: totalAdvancement:metricsExist: instance method 1
positionsForCompositeSequence:numberOfGlyphs: pointArray: instance method 1
PostScript Transformation Matrix 1
preferredFontNames class method 1
printerFont instance method 1
renderingMode instance method 1
Reserved Glyph Codes 1
screenFont instance method 1
screenFontWithRenderingMode: instance method 1
set instance method 1
setInContext: instance method 1
setPreferredFontNames: class method 1
setUserFixedPitchFont: class method 1
setUserFont: class method 1
smallSystemFontSize class method 1
systemFontOfSize: class method 1
systemFontSize class method 1
systemFontSizeForControlSize: class method 1
textTransform instance method 1
titleBarFontOfSize: class method 1
toolTipsFontOfSize: class method 1
underlinePosition instance method 1
underlineThickness instance method 1
useFont: class method 1
userFixedPitchFontOfSize: class method 1
userFontOfSize: class method 1
widthOfString: instance method 1
xHeight instance method 1

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© 2007 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. (Last updated: 2007-06-08)

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