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Document Revision History

This table describes the changes to NSWindow Class Reference.

2009-03-04Fixed several typographical errors, added information to setFrameAutosaveName:, and documented several undocumented symbols.
2008-10-15Enhanced discussion of NSBackingStoreType constants.
2007-10-31Corrected typographical errors.
2007-09-04Noted memory management policy exception for initWithWindowRef:.
2007-05-30Updated for Mac OS X v10.5.

Added usage details to contentRectForFrameRect:styleMask: andframeRectForContentRect:styleMask:.


Clarified and expanded descriptions of firstResponder, windowRef, and fieldEditor:forObject:.


Clarified use of the contentRectForFrameRect:styleMask: and frameRectForContentRect:styleMask: methods.


Reorganized “Tasks” section.

2006-11-07Clarified descriptions of fieldEditor:forObject:, firstResponder, and windowRef.
2006-06-28Made minor changes to adhere to reference consistency guidelines; enhanced the discussion of isZoomed.
2006-05-23Clarified the return value of contentAspectRatio.

First publication of this content as a separate document.

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© 2009 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. (Last updated: 2009-03-04)

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