
A number represents a single reference to a topic.
A number with a "+" sign represents a longer discussion of a topic.

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   L   M   N   O   P   R   S   T   U   V   W   

Action Dictionary Keys 1
addItem: instance method 1
addItems: instance method 1
addSubresource: instance method 1
alignCenter: instance method 1
alignJustified: instance method 1
alignLeft: instance method 1
alignRight: instance method 1
allowsAnimatedImageLooping instance method 1
allowsAnimatedImages instance method 1
allowsScrolling instance method 1
alternateTitle instance method 1
applicationNameForUserAgent instance method 1
applyStyle: instance method 1
arePlugInsEnabled instance method 1
Argument Keys 1
attributedString protocol instance method 1
autosaves instance method 1
backForwardList instance method 1
backItem instance method 1
backListCount instance method 1
backListWithLimit: instance method 1
boundingBox instance method 1
cacheModel instance method 1
callWebScriptMethod:withArguments: instance method 1
cancel protocol instance method 1
canGoBack instance method 1
canGoForward instance method 1
canMakeTextLarger instance method 1
canMakeTextSmaller instance method 1
canMakeTextStandardSize instance method 1
canPrintHeadersAndFooters instance method 1
canProvideDocumentSource protocol instance method 1
canShowMIMETypeAsHTML: class method 1
canShowMIMEType: class method 1
capacity instance method 1
changeAttributes: instance method 1
changeColor: instance method 1
changeDocumentBackgroundColor: instance method 1
changeFont: instance method 1
checkSpelling: instance method 1
childFrames instance method 1
chooseFilename: protocol instance method 1
close instance method 1
computedStyleForElement:pseudoElement: instance method 1
containsItem: instance method 1
contentFrame instance method 1 2 3
copy: instance method 1
copyFont: instance method 1
createDocumentFragmentWithMarkupString:baseURL: instance method 1
createDocumentFragmentWithText: instance method 1
currentItem instance method 1
cursiveFontFamily instance method 1
customTextEncodingName instance method 1
customUserAgent instance method 1
cut: instance method 1
data instance method 1 2 3
dataSource instance method 1
dataSourceUpdated: protocol instance method 1
defaultFixedFontSize instance method 1
defaultFontSize instance method 1
defaultTextEncodingName instance method 1
delete: instance method 1
deleteSelection instance method 1
deselectAll protocol instance method 1
documentSource protocol instance method 1
documentView instance method 1
documentViewShouldHandlePrint instance method 1
DOMDocument instance method 1
download protocol instance method 1
downloadDelegate instance method 1
downloadWindowForAuthenticationSheet: <NSObject> delegate method 1
Drag-Destination Actions 1
Drag-Source Actions 1
drawsBackground instance method 1
editableDOMRangeForPoint: instance method 1
editingDelegate instance method 1
elementAtPoint: instance method 1
estimatedProgress instance method 1
evaluateWebScript: instance method 1
fantasyFontFamily instance method 1
finalizeForWebScript <NSObject> instance method 1
findFrameNamed: instance method 1
finishedLoadingWithDataSource: protocol instance method 1
fixedFontFamily instance method 1
forwardItem instance method 1
forwardListCount instance method 1
forwardListWithLimit: instance method 1
frameElement instance method 1
frameLoadDelegate instance method 1
frameName instance method 1
frameView instance method 1
globalContext instance method 1
goBack instance method 1 2
goBack: instance method 1
goForward instance method 1 2
goForward: instance method 1
goToBackForwardItem: instance method 1
goToItem: instance method 1
groupName instance method 1
historyAgeInDaysLimit instance method 1
historyItemLimit instance method 1
hostWindow instance method 1
icon instance method 1
identifier instance method 1
ignore protocol instance method 1
image instance method 1
initialRequest instance method 1
initWithData: instance method 1
initWithData:URL:MIMEType:textEncodingName: frameName: instance method 1
initWithFrame:frameName:groupName: instance method 1
initWithIdentifier: instance method 1
initWithMainResource:subresources: subframeArchives: instance method 1
initWithName:webFrameView:webView: instance method 1
initWithRequest: instance method 1
initWithURLString:title:lastVisitedTimeInterval: instance method 1
invokeDefaultMethodWithArguments: protocol instance method 1
invokeUndefinedMethodFromWebScript:withArguments: protocol instance method 1
isContinuousSpellCheckingEnabled instance method 1
isEditable instance method 1
isJavaEnabled instance method 1
isJavaScriptEnabled instance method 1
isKeyExcludedFromWebScript: protocol class method 1
isLoading instance method 1 2
isSelectorExcludedFromWebScript: protocol class method 1
itemAtIndex: instance method 1
itemForURL: instance method 1
javaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically instance method 1
JSObject instance method 1
lastVisitedTimeInterval instance method 1
layout protocol instance method 1
lineBoxRects instance method 1
loadAlternateHTMLString:baseURL:forUnreachableURL: instance method 1
loadArchive: instance method 1
loadData:MIMEType:textEncodingName:baseURL: instance method 1
loadFromURL:error: instance method 1
loadHTMLString:baseURL: instance method 1
loadRequest: instance method 1
loadsImagesAutomatically instance method 1
mainFrame instance method 1
mainFrameDocument instance method 1
mainFrameIcon instance method 1
mainFrameTitle instance method 1
mainFrameURL instance method 1
mainResource instance method 1 2
maintainsInactiveSelection instance method 1
makeTextLarger: instance method 1
makeTextSmaller: instance method 1
makeTextStandardSize: instance method 1
markupString instance method 1
mediaStyle instance method 1
Menu Item Tags 1
MIMEType instance method 1
MIMETypesShownAsHTML class method 1
minimumFontSize instance method 1
minimumLogicalFontSize instance method 1
moveDragCaretToPoint: instance method 1
moveToBeginningOfSentenceAndModifySelection: instance method 1
moveToBeginningOfSentence: instance method 1
moveToEndOfSentenceAndModifySelection: instance method 1
moveToEndOfSentence: instance method 1
name instance method 1
Navigation Type Values 1
objectForWebScript <NSObject> instance method 1
optionalSharedHistory class method 1
orderedItemsLastVisitedOnDay: instance method 1
orderedLastVisitedDays instance method 1
originalURLString instance method 1
Other WebKit Errors 1
pageCacheSize instance method 1
pageTitle instance method 1
parentFrame instance method 1
pasteAsPlainText: instance method 1
pasteAsRichText: instance method 1
pasteboardTypesForElement: instance method 1
pasteboardTypesForSelection instance method 1
paste: instance method 1
pasteFont: instance method 1
performFindPanelAction: instance method 1
plugInViewWithArguments: protocol class method 1
policyDelegate instance method 1
preferences instance method 1
preferencesIdentifier instance method 1
printDocumentView instance method 1
printOperationWithPrintInfo: instance method 1
privateBrowsingEnabled instance method 1
provisionalDataSource instance method 1
receivedData:withDataSource: protocol instance method 1
receivedError:withDataSource: protocol instance method 1
registerURLSchemeAsLocal: class method 1
registerViewClass:representationClass:forMIMEType: class method 1
reload instance method 1
reload: instance method 1
removeAllItems instance method 1
removeDragCaret instance method 1
removeItems: instance method 1
removeWebScriptKey: instance method 1
replaceSelectionWithArchive: instance method 1
replaceSelectionWithMarkupString: instance method 1
replaceSelectionWithNode: instance method 1
replaceSelectionWithText: instance method 1
representation instance method 1
request instance method 1
resourceLoadDelegate instance method 1
response instance method 1
sansSerifFontFamily instance method 1
saveToURL:error: instance method 1
searchFor:direction:caseSensitive:wrap: instance method 1
searchFor:direction:caseSensitive:wrap: protocol instance method 1
selectAll protocol instance method 1
selectedAttributedString protocol instance method 1
selectedDOMRange instance method 1
selectedFrame instance method 1
selectedString protocol instance method 1
selectionAffinity instance method 1
selectSentence: instance method 1
serifFontFamily instance method 1
setAllowsAnimatedImageLooping: instance method 1
setAllowsAnimatedImages: instance method 1
setAllowsScrolling: instance method 1
setAlternateTitle: instance method 1
setApplicationNameForUserAgent: instance method 1
setAutosaves: instance method 1
setCacheModel: instance method 1
setCapacity: instance method 1
setContinuousSpellCheckingEnabled: instance method 1
setCursiveFontFamily: instance method 1
setCustomTextEncodingName: instance method 1
setCustomUserAgent: instance method 1
setDataSource: protocol instance method 1 2
setDefaultFixedFontSize: instance method 1
setDefaultFontSize: instance method 1
setDefaultTextEncodingName: instance method 1
setDownloadDelegate: instance method 1
setDrawsBackground: instance method 1
setEditable: instance method 1
setEditingDelegate: instance method 1
setException: instance method 1
setFantasyFontFamily: instance method 1
setFixedFontFamily: instance method 1
setFrameLoadDelegate: instance method 1
setGroupName: instance method 1
setHistoryAgeInDaysLimit: instance method 1
setHistoryItemLimit: instance method 1
setHostWindow: instance method 1
setJavaEnabled: instance method 1
setJavaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically: instance method 1
setJavaScriptEnabled: instance method 1
setLoadsImagesAutomatically: instance method 1
setMainFrameURL: instance method 1
setMaintainsBackForwardList: instance method 1
setMediaStyle: instance method 1
setMIMETypesShownAsHTML: class method 1
setMinimumFontSize: instance method 1
setMinimumLogicalFontSize: instance method 1
setNeedsLayout: protocol instance method 1
setOptionalSharedHistory: class method 1
setPageCacheSize: instance method 1
setPlugInsEnabled: instance method 1
setPolicyDelegate: instance method 1
setPreferences: instance method 1
setPreferencesIdentifier: instance method 1
setPrivateBrowsingEnabled: instance method 1
setResourceLoadDelegate: instance method 1
setSansSerifFontFamily: instance method 1
setSelectedDOMRange:affinity: instance method 1
setSerifFontFamily: instance method 1
setShouldCloseWithWindow: instance method 1
setShouldPrintBackgrounds: instance method 1
setSmartInsertDeleteEnabled: instance method 1
setStandardFontFamily: instance method 1
setTabsToLinks: instance method 1
setTextSizeMultiplier: instance method 1
setTypingStyle: instance method 1
setUIDelegate: instance method 1
setUserStyleSheetEnabled: instance method 1
setUserStyleSheetLocation: instance method 1
setUsesPageCache: instance method 1
setWebScriptValueAtIndex:value: instance method 1
shouldCloseWithWindow instance method 1
shouldPrintBackgrounds instance method 1
showGuessPanel: instance method 1
smartInsertDeleteEnabled instance method 1
spellCheckerDocumentTag instance method 1
standardFontFamily instance method 1
standardPreferences class method 1
startSpeaking: instance method 1
stopLoading instance method 1
stopLoading: instance method 1
stopSpeaking: instance method 1
string protocol instance method 1
stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString: instance method 1
stringRepresentation instance method 1
styleDeclarationWithText: instance method 1
subframeArchives instance method 1
subresourceForURL: instance method 1
subresources instance method 1 2
supportsTextEncoding instance method 1
supportsTextEncoding protocol instance method 1
tabsToLinks instance method 1
takeStringURLFrom: instance method 1
textEncodingName instance method 1 2
textSizeMultiplier instance method 1
throwException: class method 1
title instance method 1
title protocol instance method 1
toggleContinuousSpellChecking: instance method 1
toggleSmartInsertDelete: instance method 1
typingStyle instance method 1
UIDelegate instance method 1
undefined class method 1
undoManager instance method 1
undoManagerForWebView: <NSObject> instance method 1
unreachableURL instance method 1
URL instance method 1
URLFromPasteboard: class method 1
URLString instance method 1
URLTitleFromPasteboard: class method 1
URLWithAttributeString: instance method 1
use protocol instance method 1
userAgentForURL: instance method 1
userStyleSheetEnabled instance method 1
userStyleSheetLocation instance method 1
usesPageCache instance method 1
viewDidMoveToHostWindow protocol instance method 1
viewWillMoveToHostWindow: protocol instance method 1
Web History Dictionary Keys 1
WebActionButtonKey constant 1
WebActionElementKey constant 1
WebActionModifierFlagsKey constant 1
WebActionNavigationTypeKey constant 1
WebActionOriginalURLKey constant 1
webArchive instance method 1 2 3
WebArchivePboardType 1
WebArchivePboardType constant 1
WebArchive—Pasteboard Types 1
WebCacheModel data type 1
WebCacheModelDocumentBrowser constant 1
WebCacheModelDocumentViewer constant 1
WebCacheModelPrimaryWebBrowser constant 1
WebDragDestinationActionAny constant 1
WebDragDestinationActionDHTML constant 1
WebDragDestinationActionEdit constant 1
WebDragDestinationActionLoad constant 1
WebDragDestinationActionNone constant 1
WebDragSourceActionAny constant 1
WebDragSourceActionDHTML constant 1
WebDragSourceActionImage constant 1
WebDragSourceActionLink constant 1
WebDragSourceActionNone constant 1
WebDragSourceActionSelection constant 1
WebEditingDelegate—WebViewInsertAction 1
WebElementDOMNodeKey constant 1
WebElementFrameKey constant 1
WebElementImageAltStringKey constant 1
WebElementImageKey constant 1
WebElementImageRectKey constant 1
WebElementImageURLKey constant 1
WebElementIsSelectedKey constant 1
WebElementLinkLabelKey constant 1
WebElementLinkTargetFrameKey constant 1
WebElementLinkTitleKey constant 1
WebElementLinkURLKey constant 1
webFrame <NSObject> instance method 1
webFrame instance method 1 2 3
WebHistory Notification Names 1
WebHistoryAllItemsRemovedNotification notification 1
WebHistoryItemChangedNotification notification 1
WebHistoryItemsAddedNotification notification 1
WebHistoryItemsKey constant 1
WebHistoryItemsRemovedNotification notification 1
WebHistoryLoadedNotification notification 1
WebHistorySavedNotification notification 1
WebHistory—User Info Dictionary Key 1
WebKit Plug-in and Java Errors 1
WebKit Policy Errors 1
WebKitErrorCannotFindPlugIn constant 1
WebKitErrorCannotLoadPlugIn constant 1
WebKitErrorCannotShowMIMEType constant 1
WebKitErrorCannotShowURL constant 1
WebKitErrorDomain constant 1
WebKitErrorFrameLoadInterruptedByPolicyChange constant 1
WebKitErrorJavaUnavailable constant 1
WebKitErrorMIMETypeKey constant 1
WebKitErrorPlugInNameKey constant 1
WebKitErrorPlugInPageURLStringKey constant 1
WebMenuItemPDFActualSize constant 1
WebMenuItemPDFAutoSize constant 1
WebMenuItemPDFContinuous constant 1
WebMenuItemPDFFacingPages constant 1
WebMenuItemPDFNextPage constant 1
WebMenuItemPDFPreviousPage constant 1
WebMenuItemPDFSinglePage constant 1
WebMenuItemPDFZoomIn constant 1
WebMenuItemPDFZoomOut constant 1
WebMenuItemTagCopy constant 1
WebMenuItemTagCopyImageToClipboard constant 1
WebMenuItemTagCopyLinkToClipboard constant 1
WebMenuItemTagCut constant 1
WebMenuItemTagDownloadImageToDisk constant 1
WebMenuItemTagDownloadLinkToDisk constant 1
WebMenuItemTagGoBack constant 1
WebMenuItemTagGoForward constant 1
WebMenuItemTagIgnoreSpelling constant 1
WebMenuItemTagLearnSpelling constant 1
WebMenuItemTagLookUpInDictionary constant 1
WebMenuItemTagNoGuessesFound constant 1
WebMenuItemTagOpenFrameInNewWindow constant 1
WebMenuItemTagOpenImageInNewWindow constant 1
WebMenuItemTagOpenLinkInNewWindow constant 1
WebMenuItemTagOpenWithDefaultApplication constant 1
WebMenuItemTagOther constant 1
WebMenuItemTagPaste constant 1
WebMenuItemTagReload constant 1
WebMenuItemTagSearchInSpotlight constant 1
WebMenuItemTagSearchWeb constant 1
WebMenuItemTagSpellingGuess constant 1
WebMenuItemTagStop constant 1
WebNavigationTypeBackForward constant 1
WebNavigationTypeFormResubmitted constant 1
WebNavigationTypeFormSubmitted constant 1
WebNavigationTypeLinkClicked constant 1
WebNavigationTypeOther constant 1
WebNavigationTypeReload constant 1
WebPlugInAttributesKey constant 1
WebPlugInBaseURLKey constant 1
webPlugInCallJava:isStatic:returnType:method: arguments:callingURL:exceptionDescription: protocol instance method 1
WebPlugInContainerKey constant 1
webPlugInContainerLoadRequest:inFrame: <NSObject> instance method 1
webPlugInContainerSelectionColor <NSObject> instance method 1
webPlugInContainerShowStatus: <NSObject> instance method 1
WebPlugInContainingElementKey constant 1
webPlugInDestroy <NSObject> instance method 1
webPlugInGetApplet protocol instance method 1
webPlugInInitialize <NSObject> instance method 1
webPlugInSetIsSelected: <NSObject> instance method 1
webPlugInStart <NSObject> instance method 1
webPlugInStop <NSObject> instance method 1
WebPlugInViewFactory—Plug-in View Dictionary Keys 1
WebPolicyDelegate—Action Dictionary Keys 1
WebPolicyDelegate—WebNavigationType 1
WebPreferences Notification Names 1
WebPreferencesChangedNotification notification 1
webScriptNameForKey: protocol class method 1
webScriptNameForSelector: protocol class method 1
webScriptValueAtIndex: instance method 1
WebUIDelegate—WebDragDestinationAction 1
WebUIDelegate—WebDragSourceAction 1
WebUIDelegate—WebMenuItemTag 1
webView instance method 1
WebView Notification Names 1
webViewAreToolbarsVisible: <NSObject> instance method 1
webViewClose: <NSObject> instance method 1
webView:contextMenuItemsForElement: defaultMenuItems: <NSObject> instance method 1
webView:createWebViewModalDialogWithRequest: protocol instance method 1
webView:createWebViewWithRequest: <NSObject> instance method 1
webView:decidePolicyForMIMEType:request:frame: decisionListener: protocol instance method 1
webView:decidePolicyForNavigationAction:request: frame:decisionListener: protocol instance method 1
webView:decidePolicyForNewWindowAction:request: newFrameName:decisionListener: protocol instance method 1
webView:didCancelClientRedirectForFrame: <NSObject> instance method 1
webView:didChangeLocationWithinPageForFrame: <NSObject> instance method 1
webView:didClearWindowObject:forFrame: <NSObject> instance method 1
webView:didCommitLoadForFrame: <NSObject> instance method 1
webView:didFailLoadWithError:forFrame: <NSObject> instance method 1
webView:didFailProvisionalLoadWithError:forFrame: <NSObject> instance method 1
webView:didFinishLoadForFrame: <NSObject> instance method 1
webView:didReceiveIcon:forFrame: <NSObject> instance method 1
webView: didReceiveServerRedirectForProvisionalLoadForFrame: <NSObject> instance method 1
webView:didReceiveTitle:forFrame: <NSObject> instance method 1
webView:didStartProvisionalLoadForFrame: <NSObject> instance method 1
webView:doCommandBySelector: <NSObject> instance method 1
webView:dragDestinationActionMaskForDraggingInfo: <NSObject> instance method 1
webView:dragSourceActionMaskForPoint: <NSObject> instance method 1
webView:drawFooterInRect: protocol instance method 1
webView:drawHeaderInRect: protocol instance method 1
webView:identifierForInitialRequest: fromDataSource: <NSObject> instance method 1
webView:makeFirstResponder: <NSObject> instance method 1
webView:mouseDidMoveOverElement:modifierFlags: <NSObject> instance method 1
webView:plugInFailedWithError:dataSource: <NSObject> instance method 1
webView:printFrameView: protocol instance method 1
webView:resource:didCancelAuthenticationChallenge: fromDataSource: <NSObject> instance method 1
webView:resource:didFailLoadingWithError: fromDataSource: <NSObject> instance method 1
webView:resource:didFinishLoadingFromDataSource: <NSObject> instance method 1
webView:resource: didReceiveAuthenticationChallenge:fromDataSource: <NSObject> instance method 1
webView:resource:didReceiveContentLength: fromDataSource: <NSObject> instance method 1
webView:resource:didReceiveResponse: fromDataSource: <NSObject> instance method 1
webView:resource:willSendRequest:redirectResponse: fromDataSource: <NSObject> instance method 1
webView:runBeforeUnloadConfirmPanelWithMessage: initiatedByFrame: <NSObject> instance method 1
webView:runJavaScriptAlertPanelWithMessage: <NSObject> instance method 1
webView:runJavaScriptAlertPanelWithMessage: initiatedByFrame: <NSObject> instance method 1
webView:runJavaScriptConfirmPanelWithMessage: <NSObject> instance method 1
webView:runJavaScriptConfirmPanelWithMessage: initiatedByFrame: <NSObject> instance method 1
webView:runJavaScriptTextInputPanelWithPrompt: defaultText: <NSObject> instance method 1
webView:runJavaScriptTextInputPanelWithPrompt: defaultText:initiatedByFrame: <NSObject> instance method 1
webView: runOpenPanelForFileButtonWithResultListener: <NSObject> instance method 1
webView:setContentRect: <NSObject> instance method 1
webView:setFrame: <NSObject> instance method 1
webView:setResizable: <NSObject> instance method 1
webView:setStatusBarVisible: <NSObject> instance method 1
webView:setStatusText: <NSObject> instance method 1
webView:setToolbarsVisible: <NSObject> instance method 1
webView:shouldApplyStyle:toElementsInDOMRange: <NSObject> instance method 1
webView:shouldBeginEditingInDOMRange: <NSObject> instance method 1
webView:shouldChangeSelectedDOMRange:toDOMRange: affinity:stillSelecting: <NSObject> instance method 1
webView:shouldChangeTypingStyle:toStyle: <NSObject> instance method 1
webView:shouldDeleteDOMRange: <NSObject> instance method 1
webView:shouldEndEditingInDOMRange: <NSObject> instance method 1
webView:shouldInsertNode:replacingDOMRange: givenAction: <NSObject> instance method 1
webView:shouldInsertText:replacingDOMRange: givenAction: <NSObject> instance method 1
webView:shouldPerformAction:fromSender: <NSObject> instance method 1
webView:unableToImplementPolicyWithError:frame: protocol instance method 1
webView:validateUserInterfaceItem: defaultValidation: <NSObject> instance method 1
webView:willCloseFrame: <NSObject> instance method 1
webView:willPerformClientRedirectToURL:delay: fireDate:forFrame: <NSObject> instance method 1
webView:willPerformDragDestinationAction: forDraggingInfo: <NSObject> instance method 1
webView:willPerformDragSourceAction:fromPoint: withPasteboard: <NSObject> instance method 1
webView:windowScriptObjectAvailable: <NSObject> instance method 1
webViewContentRect: <NSObject> instance method 1
webViewDidBeginEditing: <NSObject> instance method 1
WebViewDidBeginEditingNotification notification 1
webViewDidChange: <NSObject> instance method 1
WebViewDidChangeNotification notification 1
webViewDidChangeSelection: <NSObject> instance method 1
WebViewDidChangeSelectionNotification notification 1
webViewDidChangeTypingStyle: <NSObject> instance method 1
WebViewDidChangeTypingStyleNotification notification 1
webViewDidEndEditing: <NSObject> instance method 1
WebViewDidEndEditingNotification notification 1
webViewFirstResponder: <NSObject> instance method 1
webViewFocus: <NSObject> instance method 1
webViewFooterHeight: protocol instance method 1
webViewFrame: <NSObject> instance method 1
webViewHeaderHeight: protocol instance method 1
WebViewInsertAction 1
WebViewInsertActionDropped constant 1
WebViewInsertActionPasted constant 1
WebViewInsertActionTyped constant 1
webViewIsResizable: <NSObject> instance method 1
webViewIsStatusBarVisible: <NSObject> instance method 1
WebViewProgressEstimateChangedNotification notification 1
WebViewProgressFinishedNotification notification 1
WebViewProgressStartedNotification notification 1
webViewRunModal: protocol instance method 1
webViewShow: <NSObject> instance method 1
webViewStatusText: <NSObject> instance method 1
webViewUnfocus: <NSObject> instance method 1
WebView—Element Dictionary Keys 1
windowObject instance method 1
windowScriptObject instance method 1
writeElement:withPasteboardTypes:toPasteboard: instance method 1
writeSelectionWithPasteboardTypes:toPasteboard: instance method 1

© 2008 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. (Last updated: 2008-10-15)

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