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A number represents a single reference to a topic.
A number with a "+" sign represents a longer discussion of a topic.

C   K   P   

CFURLCanBeDecomposed function 1
CFURLCopyAbsoluteURL function 1
CFURLCopyFileSystemPath function 1
CFURLCopyFragment function 1
CFURLCopyHostName function 1
CFURLCopyLastPathComponent function 1
CFURLCopyNetLocation function 1
CFURLCopyParameterString function 1
CFURLCopyPassword function 1
CFURLCopyPath function 1
CFURLCopyPathExtension function 1
CFURLCopyQueryString function 1
CFURLCopyResourceSpecifier function 1
CFURLCopyScheme function 1
CFURLCopyStrictPath function 1
CFURLCopyUserName function 1
CFURLCreateAbsoluteURLWithBytes function 1
CFURLCreateCopyAppendingPathComponent function 1
CFURLCreateCopyAppendingPathExtension function 1
CFURLCreateCopyDeletingLastPathComponent function 1
CFURLCreateCopyDeletingPathExtension function 1
CFURLCreateData function 1
CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation function 1
function 1
CFURLCreateFromFSRef function 1
CFURLCreateStringByAddingPercentEscapes function 1
CFURLCreateStringByReplacingPercentEscapes function 1
function 1
CFURLCreateWithBytes function 1
CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath function 1
CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase function 1
CFURLCreateWithString function 1
CFURLGetBaseURL function 1
CFURLGetByteRangeForComponent function 1
CFURLGetBytes function 1
CFURLGetFileSystemRepresentation function 1
CFURLGetFSRef function 1
CFURLGetPortNumber function 1
CFURLGetString function 1
CFURLGetTypeID function 1
CFURLHasDirectoryPath function 1
CFURLRef data type 1
Component Type 1
kCFURLComponentFragment constant 1
kCFURLComponentHost constant 1
kCFURLComponentNetLocation constant 1
kCFURLComponentParameterString constant 1
kCFURLComponentPassword constant 1
kCFURLComponentPath constant 1
kCFURLComponentPort constant 1
kCFURLComponentQuery constant 1
kCFURLComponentResourceSpecifier constant 1
kCFURLComponentScheme constant 1
kCFURLComponentUser constant 1
kCFURLComponentUserInfo constant 1
kCFURLHFSPathStyle constant 1
kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle constant 1
kCFURLWindowsPathStyle constant 1
Path Style 1

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