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IOMbufMemoryCursor.h |
Includes: |
This header contains the definitions of the IOMbufMemoryCursor, IOMbufNaturalMemoryCursor, IOMbufBigMemoryCursor, IOMbufLittleMemoryCursor, and IOMbufDBDMAMemoryCursor classes.
An IOMbufMemoryCursor subclass that outputs a vector of IOPhysicalSegments in the big endian byte order.
An IOMbufMemoryCursor subclass that outputs a vector of IODBDMADescriptors.
An IOMbufMemoryCursor subclass that outputs a vector of IOPhysicalSegments in the little endian byte order.
A mechanism to convert mbuf chains to physical addresses.
An IOMbufMemoryCursor subclass that outputs a vector of IOPhysicalSegments in the natural byte orientation for the cpu.
Last Updated: 2008-12-19