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B. Indices

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B.1 Concept index

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 Index Entry Section

 arguments to macros3.3 Macro arguments
 Arguments to macros4.2 Arguments to macros
 arguments to macros, special4.3 Special arguments to macros
 arguments, quoted macro3.4 Quoting macro arguments
 arithmetic11. Macros for doing arithmetic
 arrays4.1 Defining a macro

 builtins, indirect call of4.8 Indirect call of builtins

 call of builtins, indirect4.8 Indirect call of builtins
 call of macros, indirect4.7 Indirect call of macros
 changing comment delimiters7.3 Changing comment delimiters
 changing the quote delimiters7.2 Changing the quote characters
 characters, translating10.5 Translating characters
 command line, file names on the1.3 Invoking m4
 command line, macro definitions on the1.3 Invoking m4
 command line, options1.3 Invoking m4
 commands, exit status from shell12.4 Exit status
 commands, running shell12. Running shell commands
 commands, running UNIX12. Running shell commands
 comment delimiters, changing7.3 Changing comment delimiters
 comments2.3 Comments
 comments, copied to output7.3 Changing comment delimiters
 comparing strings5.2 Comparing strings
 compatibility15. Compatibility with other versions of m4
 conditionals5.1 Testing macro definitions
 controlling debugging output6.3 Controlling debugging output
 counting loops5.3 Loops and recursion

 debugging output, controlling6.3 Controlling debugging output
 debugging output, saving6.4 Saving debugging output
 decrement operator11.1 Decrement and increment operators
 defining new macros4. How to define new macros
 definitions, displaying macro6.1 Displaying macro definitions
 deleting macros4.4 Deleting a macro
 deleting whitespace in input7.1 Deleting whitespace in input
 discarding diverted text9.4 Discarding diverted text
 displaying macro definitions6.1 Displaying macro definitions
 diversion numbers9.3 Diversion numbers
 diverted text, discarding9.4 Discarding diverted text
 diverting output to files9.1 Diverting output
 dumping into frozen file14.1 Using frozen files

 error messages, printing13.1 Printing error messages
 evaluation, of integer expressions11.2 Evaluating integer expressions
 executing shell commands12. Running shell commands
 executing UNIX commands12. Running shell commands
 exit status from shell commands12.4 Exit status
 exiting from m413.3 Exiting from m4
 expansion of macros3.5 Macro expansion
 expansion, tracing macro6.2 Tracing macro calls
 expressions, evaluation of integer11.2 Evaluating integer expressions
 extracting substrings10.4 Extracting substrings

 fast loading of frozen files14.1 Using frozen files
 FDL, GNU Free Documentation LicenseA.1 GNU Free Documentation License
 file format, frozen file14.2 Frozen file format
 file inclusion8. File inclusion
 file inclusion9.2 Undiverting output
 file names, on the command line1.3 Invoking m4
 files, diverting output to9.1 Diverting output
 files, names of temporary12.5 Making names for temporary files
 for loops5.3 Loops and recursion
 formatted output10.7 Formatted output
 frozen file format14.2 Frozen file format
 frozen files for fast loading14.1 Using frozen files

 GNU extensions4.2 Arguments to macros
 GNU extensions4.7 Indirect call of macros
 GNU extensions4.8 Indirect call of builtins
 GNU extensions6.3 Controlling debugging output
 GNU extensions6.4 Saving debugging output
 GNU extensions8.2 Searching for include files
 GNU extensions9.2 Undiverting output
 GNU extensions10.3 Searching for regular expressions
 GNU extensions10.6 Substituting text by regular expression
 GNU extensions10.7 Formatted output
 GNU extensions12.3 Reading the output of commands
 GNU extensions14.1 Using frozen files
 GNU extensions15.1 Extensions in GNU m4

 included files, search path for8.2 Searching for include files
 inclusion, of files8. File inclusion
 inclusion, of files9.2 Undiverting output
 increment operator11.1 Decrement and increment operators
 indirect call of builtins4.8 Indirect call of builtins
 indirect call of macros4.7 Indirect call of macros
 initialization, frozen states14.1 Using frozen files
 input tokens2. Lexical and syntactic conventions
 input, saving7.5 Saving input
 integer arithmetic11. Macros for doing arithmetic
 integer expression evaluation11.2 Evaluating integer expressions

 length of strings10.1 Calculating length of strings
 lexical structure of words7.4 Changing the lexical structure of words
 LicenseA. Copying This Manual
 local variables4.6 Temporarily redefining macros
 loops5.3 Loops and recursion
 loops, counting5.3 Loops and recursion

 macro definitions, on the command line1.3 Invoking m4
 macro expansion, tracing6.2 Tracing macro calls
 macro invocation3.1 Macro invocation
 macros, arguments to3.3 Macro arguments
 macros, arguments to4.2 Arguments to macros
 macros, displaying definitions6.1 Displaying macro definitions
 macros, expansion of3.5 Macro expansion
 macros, how to define new4. How to define new macros
 macros, how to delete4.4 Deleting a macro
 macros, how to rename4.5 Renaming macros
 macros, indirect call of4.7 Indirect call of macros
 macros, quoted arguments to3.4 Quoting macro arguments
 macros, recursive5.3 Loops and recursion
 macros, special arguments to4.3 Special arguments to macros
 macros, temporary redefinition of4.6 Temporarily redefining macros
 messages, printing error13.1 Printing error messages
 multibranches5.2 Comparing strings

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B.1 Concept index: N -- W

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 Index Entry Section

 names2.1 Names

 options, command line1.3 Invoking m4
 output, diverting to files9.1 Diverting output
 output, formatted10.7 Formatted output
 output, saving debugging6.4 Saving debugging output

 pattern substitution10.6 Substituting text by regular expression
 platform macro12.1 Determining the platform
 platform macros12.1 Determining the platform
 printing error messages13.1 Printing error messages

 quote delimiters, changing the7.2 Changing the quote characters
 quoted macro arguments3.4 Quoting macro arguments
 quoted string2.2 Quoted strings

 recursive macros5.3 Loops and recursion
 redefinition of macros, temporary4.6 Temporarily redefining macros
 regular expressions10.3 Searching for regular expressions
 regular expressions10.6 Substituting text by regular expression
 reloading a frozen file14.1 Using frozen files
 renaming macros4.5 Renaming macros
 running shell commands12. Running shell commands
 running UNIX commands12. Running shell commands

 saving debugging output6.4 Saving debugging output
 saving input7.5 Saving input
 search path for included files8.2 Searching for include files
 shell commands, exit status from12.4 Exit status
 shell commands, running12. Running shell commands
 special arguments to macros4.3 Special arguments to macros
 status of shell commands12.4 Exit status
 status, setting m4 exit13.3 Exiting from m4
 strings, length of10.1 Calculating length of strings
 substitution by regular expression10.6 Substituting text by regular expression
 substrings, extracting10.4 Extracting substrings

 temporary file names12.5 Making names for temporary files
 temporary redefinition of macros4.6 Temporarily redefining macros
 tokens2. Lexical and syntactic conventions
 tracing macro expansion6.2 Tracing macro calls
 translating characters10.5 Translating characters

 undefining macros4.4 Deleting a macro
 UNIX commands, exit status from12.4 Exit status
 UNIX commands, running12. Running shell commands

 variables, local4.6 Temporarily redefining macros

 words, lexical structure of7.4 Changing the lexical structure of words

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B.2 Macro index

References are exclusively to the places where a builtin is introduced the first time.

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 Index Entry Section

 __file__13.2 Printing current location
 __gnu__12.1 Determining the platform
 __line__13.2 Printing current location
 __os2__12.1 Determining the platform
 __program__13.2 Printing current location
 __unix__12.1 Determining the platform
 __windows__12.1 Determining the platform

 builtin4.8 Indirect call of builtins

 capitalize10.6 Substituting text by regular expression
 changecom7.3 Changing comment delimiters
 changequote7.2 Changing the quote characters
 changeword7.4 Changing the lexical structure of words
 cleardivert9.4 Discarding diverted text

 debugfile6.4 Saving debugging output
 debugmode6.3 Controlling debugging output
 decr11.1 Decrement and increment operators
 define4.1 Defining a macro
 defn4.5 Renaming macros
 divert9.1 Diverting output
 divnum9.3 Diversion numbers
 dnl7.1 Deleting whitespace in input
 downcase10.6 Substituting text by regular expression
 dumpdef6.1 Displaying macro definitions

 errprint13.1 Printing error messages
 esyscmd12.3 Reading the output of commands
 eval11.2 Evaluating integer expressions
 example1.5 Using this manual

 fatal_error13.3 Exiting from m4
 forloop5.3 Loops and recursion
 format10.7 Formatted output

 ifdef5.1 Testing macro definitions
 ifelse5.2 Comparing strings
 ifelse5.2 Comparing strings
 ifelse5.2 Comparing strings
 include8.1 Including named files
 incr11.1 Decrement and increment operators
 index10.2 Searching for substrings
 indir4.7 Indirect call of macros

 len10.1 Calculating length of strings

 m4exit13.3 Exiting from m4
 m4wrap7.5 Saving input
 maketemp12.5 Making names for temporary files

 os212.1 Determining the platform

 patsubst10.6 Substituting text by regular expression
 popdef4.6 Temporarily redefining macros
 pushdef4.6 Temporarily redefining macros

 regexp10.3 Searching for regular expressions
 reverse5.3 Loops and recursion

 shift5.3 Loops and recursion
 sinclude8.1 Including named files
 substr10.4 Extracting substrings
 syscmd12.2 Executing simple commands
 sysval12.4 Exit status

 traceoff6.2 Tracing macro calls
 traceon6.2 Tracing macro calls
 translit10.5 Translating characters

 undefine4.4 Deleting a macro
 undivert9.2 Undiverting output
 unix12.1 Determining the platform
 upcase10.6 Substituting text by regular expression

 windows12.1 Determining the platform

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