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A number represents a single reference to a topic.
A number with a "+" sign represents a longer discussion of a topic.

A   C   D   E   F   G   I   K   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   

Abstract Color Space Constants 1
Calibrator Name Prefix 1
CalibratorInfo structure 1
Channel Encoding Format 1
Chromatic Adaptation Values 1
cm10CLRData constant 1
cm11CLRData constant 1
cm12CLRData constant 1
cm13CLRData constant 1
cm14CLRData constant 1
cm15CLRData constant 1
cm16_8ColorPacking constant 1
cm24_8ColorPacking constant 1
CM2Header structure 1
CM2Profile structure 1
cm32_16ColorPacking constant 1
cm32_32ColorPacking constant 1
cm32_8ColorPacking constant 1
cm3CLRData constant 1
cm40_8ColorPacking constant 1
cm48_16ColorPacking constant 1
cm48_8ColorPacking constant 1
cm4CLRData constant 1
CM4Header structure 1
cm56_8ColorPacking constant 1
cm5CLRData constant 1
cm64_16ColorPacking constant 1
cm64_8ColorPacking constant 1
cm6CLRData constant 1
cm7CLRData constant 1
cm8CLRData constant 1
cm8_8ColorPacking constant 1
cm9CLRData constant 1
cmAbortWriteAccess constant 1
cmAbsoluteColorimetric constant 1
cmAbstractClass constant 1
CMAccelerationCalcData structure 1
CMAccelerationCalcDataHdl data type 1
CMAccelerationCalcDataPtr data type 1
CMAccelerationTableData structure 1
CMAccelerationTableDataHdl data type 1
CMAccelerationTableDataPtr data type 1
CMAdaptationMatrixType structure 1
cmAlphaFirstPacking constant 1
cmAlphaLastPacking constant 1
cmAlphaPmulSpace constant 1
cmAlphaSpace constant 1
CMAppleProfileHeader structure 1
cmARGB32PmulSpace constant 1
cmARGB32Space constant 1
cmARGB64LPmulSpace constant 1
cmARGB64LSpace constant 1
cmARGB64PmulSpace constant 1
cmARGB64Space constant 1
cmAsciiData constant 1
cmAToB0Tag constant 1
cmAToB1Tag constant 1
cmAToB2Tag constant 1
cmBeginAccess constant 1
cmBeginProfile constant 1
cmBeginProfileSel constant 1
cmBestMode constant 1
cmBgResponse constant 1
cmBinaryData constant 1
CMBitmap structure 1
CMBitmapCallBackProc data type 1
CMBitmapCallBackProcPtr callback 1
CMBitmapCallBackUPP data type 1
cmBlueColorantTag constant 1
cmBlueResponse constant 1
cmBlueTRCTag constant 1
cmBradfordChromaticAdaptation constant 1
cmBToA0Tag constant 1
cmBToA1Tag constant 1
cmBToA2Tag constant 1
cmBufferBasedProfile constant 1
CMBufferLocation structure 1
CMCalibrateDisplay function 1
cmCalibrationDateTimeTag constant 1
cmCameraDeviceClass constant 1
cmCantConcatenateError constant 1
cmCantCopyModifiedV1Profile constant 1
cmCantDeleteElement constant 1
cmCantDeleteProfile constant 1
cmCantGamutCheckError constant 1
cmCantXYZ constant 1
cmCharTargetTag constant 1
cmChromaticAdaptationTag constant 1
CMCloneProfileRef function 1
cmCloseAccess constant 1
CMCloseProfile function 1
cmCloseSpool constant 1
cmCMSReservedFlagsMask constant 1
CMCMYColor structure 1
cmCMYData constant 1
cmCMYK32Space constant 1
cmCMYK64LSpace constant 1
cmCMYK64Space constant 1
CMCMYKColor structure 1
cmCMYKData constant 1
cmCMYKSpace constant 1
CMColor structure 1
cmColorimetricMatch constant 1
cmColorSpaceAlphaMask constant 1
cmColorSpaceClass constant 1
cmColorSpaceEncodingMask constant 1
cmColorSpacePackingMask constant 1
cmColorSpacePremulAlphaMask constant 1
cmColorSpaceReservedMask constant 1
cmColorSpaceSpaceAndAlphaMask constant 1
cmColorSpaceSpaceMask constant 1
cmComment constant 1
CMConcatCallBackProcPtr callback 1
CMConcatCallBackUPP data type 1
CMConcatProfileSet structure 1
cmContinueProfileSel constant 1
CMConvertFixedXYZToXYZ function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
CMConvertHLSToRGB function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
CMConvertHSVToRGB function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
CMConvertLabToXYZ function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
CMConvertLuvToXYZ function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
CMConvertRGBToGray function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
CMConvertRGBToHLS function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
CMConvertRGBToHSV function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
CMConvertXYZToFixedXYZ function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
CMConvertXYZToLab function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
CMConvertXYZToLuv function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
CMConvertXYZToXYZ function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
CMConvertXYZToYxy function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
CMConvertYxyToXYZ function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
CMCopyProfile function 1
CMCopyProfileDescriptionString function 1
CMCopyProfileLocalizedString function 1
CMCopyProfileLocalizedStringDictionary function 1
cmCopyrightTag constant 1
CMCountImageProfiles function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
CMCountImageProfilesProcPtr callback 1
CMCountProfileElements function 1
cmCreateNewAccess constant 1
CMCreateProfileIdentifier function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
cmCS1ChromTag constant 1
cmCS1CustTag constant 1
cmCS1NameTag constant 1
cmCS1ProfileVersion constant 1
cmCS1TRCTag constant 1
cmCS2ProfileVersion constant 1
cmCurrentDeviceInfoVersion constant 1
cmCurrentProfileInfoVersion constant 1
cmCurrentProfileLocationSize constant 1
cmCurrentProfileMajorVersion constant 1
CMCurveType structure 1
CMCWInfoRecord structure 1
cmCyanResponse constant 1
CMDataType structure 1
CMDateTime structure 1
CMDateTimeType structure 1
cmDefaultDeviceID constant 1
cmDefaultProfileID constant 1
cmDeviceAlreadyRegistered constant 1
CMDeviceData structure 1
CMDeviceDataPtr data type 1
cmDeviceDBNotFoundErr constant 1
CMDeviceID data type 1
CMDeviceInfo structure 1
cmDeviceInfoVersion1 constant 1
cmDeviceMfgDescTag constant 1
cmDeviceModelDescTag constant 1
CMDeviceName structure 1
CMDeviceNamePtr data type 1
cmDeviceNotRegistered constant 1
CMDeviceProfileArray structure 1
CMDeviceProfileID data type 1
CMDeviceProfileInfo structure 1
cmDeviceProfileInfoVersion1 constant 1
cmDeviceProfileInfoVersion2 constant 1
CMDeviceProfileScope data type 1
cmDeviceProfilesNotFound constant 1
CMDeviceScope structure 1
CMDeviceSpec structure 1
CMDeviceSpecPtr data type 1
CMDeviceState data type 1
cmDeviceStateAppleRsvdBits constant 1
cmDeviceStateBusy constant 1
cmDeviceStateDefault constant 1
cmDeviceStateDeviceRsvdBits constant 1
cmDeviceStateForceNotify constant 1
cmDeviceStateOffline constant 1
cmDisableMatching constant 1
cmDisplayClass constant 1
cmDisplayDeviceClass constant 1
CMDisplayIDType data type 1
cmDisplayUse constant 1
CMDisposeProfileSearch function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
cmDraftMode constant 1
cmElementTagNotFound constant 1
cmEmbeddedMask constant 1
cmEmbeddedProfile constant 1
cmEmbeddedUse constant 1
cmEmbeddedUseMask constant 1
CMEmbedImage function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
CMEmbedImageProcPtr callback 1
cmEmbedProfileIdentifier constant 1
cmEmbedWholeProfile constant 1
cmEnableMatching constant 1
CMEnableMatchingComment function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
cmEndAccess constant 1
CMEndMatching function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
cmEndProfile constant 1
cmEndProfileSel constant 1
cmErrIncompatibleProfile constant 1
CMError data type 1
cmFatalProfileErr constant 1
cmFileBasedProfile constant 1
CMFileLocation structure 1
CMFixedXYColor structure 1
CMFixedXYZColor structure 1
cmFlare0 constant 1
cmFlare100 constant 1
CMFlattenProcPtr callback 1
CMFlattenProfile function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
CMFlattenUPP data type 1
cmGamutCheckingMask constant 1
cmGamutResult1Space constant 1
cmGamutResultSpace constant 1
cmGamutTag constant 1
cmGeometry045or450 constant 1
cmGeometry0dord0 constant 1
cmGeometryUnknown constant 1
CMGetColorSyncFolderSpec function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
CMGetColorSyncVersion function 1
CMGetCWInfo function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
CMGetDefaultDevice function 1
CMGetDefaultProfileBySpace function 1
CMGetDefaultProfileByUse function 1
CMGetDeviceDefaultProfileID function 1
CMGetDeviceFactoryProfiles function 1
CMGetDeviceInfo function 1
CMGetDeviceProfile function 1
CMGetDeviceProfiles function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
CMGetDeviceState function 1
CMGetGammaByAVID function 1
CMGetImageSpace function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
CMGetImageSpaceProcPtr callback 1
CMGetIndImageProfile function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
CMGetIndImageProfileProcPtr callback 1
CMGetIndNamedColorValue function 1
CMGetIndProfileElement function 1
CMGetIndProfileElementInfo function 1
CMGetNamedColorIndex function 1
CMGetNamedColorInfo function 1
CMGetNamedColorName function 1
CMGetNamedColorValue function 1
CMGetPartialProfileElement function 1
CMGetPreferredCMM function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
CMGetProfileByAVID function 1
CMGetProfileDescriptions function 1
CMGetProfileElement function 1
CMGetProfileHeader function 1
CMGetProfileLocation function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
CMGetProfileMD5 function 1
CMGetProfileRefCount function 1
CMGetPS2ColorRendering function 1
CMGetPS2ColorRenderingIntent function 1
CMGetPS2ColorRenderingVMSize function 1
CMGetPS2ColorSpace function 1
CMGetScriptProfileDescription function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
CMGetSystemProfile function 1
cmGlossy constant 1
cmGlossyMatteMask constant 1
cmGray16LSpace constant 1
cmGray16Space constant 1
cmGray8Space constant 1
cmGrayA16PmulSpace constant 1
cmGrayA16Space constant 1
cmGrayA32LPmulSpace constant 1
cmGrayA32LSpace constant 1
cmGrayA32PmulSpace constant 1
cmGrayA32Space constant 1
cmGrayAPmulSpace constant 1
cmGrayASpace constant 1
CMGrayColor structure 1
cmGrayData constant 1
cmGrayResponse constant 1
cmGraySpace constant 1
cmGrayTRCTag constant 1
cmGreenColorantTag constant 1
cmGreenResponse constant 1
cmGreenTRCTag constant 1
cmHandleBasedProfile constant 1
CMHandleLocation structure 1
CMHeader structure 1
cmHLS32Space constant 1
CMHLSColor structure 1
cmHLSData constant 1
cmHLSSpace constant 1
cmHSV32Space constant 1
CMHSVColor structure 1
cmHSVData constant 1
cmHSVSpace constant 1
cmICCProfileVersion2 constant 1
cmICCProfileVersion21 constant 1
cmICCProfileVersion4 constant 1
cmICCReservedFlagsMask constant 1
cmIlluminantA constant 1
cmIlluminantD50 constant 1
cmIlluminantD55 constant 1
cmIlluminantD65 constant 1
cmIlluminantD93 constant 1
cmIlluminantEquiPower constant 1
cmIlluminantF2 constant 1
cmIlluminantF8 constant 1
cmIlluminantUnknown constant 1
cmIndexRangeErr constant 1
cmInputClass constant 1
cmInputUse constant 1
CMIntentCRDVMSize structure 1
cmInternalCFErr constant 1
cmInterpolationMask constant 1
cmInvalidColorSpace constant 1
cmInvalidDstMap constant 1
cmInvalidProfile constant 1
cmInvalidProfileComment constant 1
cmInvalidProfileLocation constant 1
cmInvalidSearch constant 1
cmInvalidSrcMap constant 1
CMIString structure 1
cmIterateAllDeviceProfiles constant 1
CMIterateCMMInfo function 1
CMIterateColorDevices function 1
CMIterateColorSyncFolder function 1
cmIterateCurrentDeviceProfiles constant 1
cmIterateCustomDeviceProfiles constant 1
CMIterateDeviceInfoProcPtr callback 1
CMIterateDeviceProfileProcPtr callback 1
CMIterateDeviceProfiles function 1
cmIterateDeviceProfilesMask constant 1
cmIterateFactoryDeviceProfiles constant 1
cmLAB24Space constant 1
cmLAB32Space constant 1
cmLAB48LSpace constant 1
cmLAB48Space constant 1
CMLabColor structure 1
cmLabData constant 1
cmLABSpace constant 1
CMLaunchControlPanel function 1
cmLinearChromaticAdaptation constant 1
cmLinesPer constant 1
cmLinkClass constant 1
CMLinkImage function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
CMLinkImageProcPtr callback 1
cmLittleEndianPacking constant 1
cmLong10ColorPacking constant 1
cmLong8ColorPacking constant 1
cmLuminanceTag constant 1
CMLut16Type structure 1
CMLut8Type structure 1
cmLUV32Space constant 1
CMLuvColor structure 1
cmLuvData constant 1
cmLUVSpace constant 1
CMM Function Selectors 1
cmMagentaResponse constant 1
cmMagicNumber constant 1
CMMakeAndModel structure 1
cmMakeAndModelTag constant 1
CMMakeAndModelType structure 1
CMMakeProfile function 1
cmMatchAnyProfile constant 1
cmMatchApplProfileVersion constant 1
cmMatchAttributes constant 1
cmMatchBlack constant 1
cmMatchCMMType constant 1
cmMatchDataColorSpace constant 1
cmMatchDataType constant 1
cmMatchDeviceAttributes constant 1
cmMatchDeviceManufacturer constant 1
cmMatchDeviceModel constant 1
cmMatchDeviceType constant 1
CMMatchFlag data type 1
cmMatchFlags constant 1
CMMatchImage function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
CMMatchImageProcPtr callback 1
cmMatchManufacturer constant 1
cmMatchModel constant 1
CMMatchOption data type 1
cmMatchOptions constant 1
cmMatchProfileClass constant 1
cmMatchProfileCMMType constant 1
cmMatchProfileConnectionSpace constant 1
cmMatchProfileFlags constant 1
CMMatchRef data type 1
cmMatchWhite constant 1
cmMCEight8Space constant 1
cmMCEightSpace constant 1
cmMCFive8Space constant 1
cmMCFiveSpace constant 1
cmMCH5Data constant 1
cmMCH6Data constant 1
cmMCH7Data constant 1
cmMCH8Data constant 1
cmMCSeven8Space constant 1
cmMCSevenSpace constant 1
cmMCSix8Space constant 1
cmMCSixSpace constant 1
cmMeasurementTag constant 1
CMMeasurementType structure 1
cmMediaBlackPointTag constant 1
cmMediaWhitePointTag constant 1
cmMethodError constant 1
cmMethodNotFound constant 1
CMMInfo structure 1
CMMInfoRecord structure 1
CMMInterfaceVersion constant 1
CMMIterateProcPtr callback 1
CMMIterateUPP data type 1
cmMonitorDevice constant 1
CMMultichannel5Color structure 1
CMMultichannel6Color structure 1
CMMultichannel7Color structure 1
CMMultichannel8Color structure 1
CMMultiFunctCLUTType structure 1
CMMultiFunctLutA2BType data type 1
CMMultiFunctLutB2AType data type 1
CMMultiFunctLutType structure 1
CMMultiLocalizedUniCodeEntryRec structure 1
CMMultiLocalizedUniCodeType structure 1
CMNamedColor structure 1
CMNamedColor2EntryType structure 1
cmNamedColor2Tag constant 1
CMNamedColor2Type structure 1
cmNamedColorClass constant 1
cmNamedColorNotFound constant 1
cmNamedColorTag constant 1
CMNamedColorType structure 1
cmNamedData constant 1
cmNamedIndexed32LSpace constant 1
cmNamedIndexed32Space constant 1
cmNamedIndexedSpace constant 1
CMNativeDisplayInfo structure 1
cmNativeDisplayInfoTag constant 1
CMNativeDisplayInfoType structure 1
cmNativeMatchingPreferred constant 1
CMNewProfile function 1
CMNewProfileSearch function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
cmNoColorPacking constant 1
cmNoCurrentProfile constant 1
cmNoGDevicesError constant 1
cmNoProfileBase constant 1
cmNormalMode constant 1
cmNoSpace constant 1
cmNumHeaderElements constant 1
cmOneBitDirectPacking constant 1
cmOnePlusLastResponse constant 1
CMOpenProfile function 1
cmOpenReadAccess constant 1
cmOpenReadSpool constant 1
cmOpenWriteAccess constant 1
cmOpenWriteSpool constant 1
cmOriginalProfileLocationSize constant 1
cmOutputClass constant 1
cmOutputUse constant 1
CMParametricCurveType structure 1
cmParametricType0 constant 1
cmParametricType1 constant 1
cmParametricType2 constant 1
cmParametricType3 constant 1
cmParametricType4 constant 1
cmPathBasedProfile constant 1
CMPathLocation structure 1
cmPerceptual constant 1
cmPerceptualMatch constant 1
cmPreview0Tag constant 1
cmPreview1Tag constant 1
cmPreview2Tag constant 1
cmPrinterDevice constant 1
cmPrinterDeviceClass constant 1
cmProcedureBasedProfile constant 1
CMProcedureLocation structure 1
CMProfile structure 1
CMProfileAccessProcPtr callback 1
CMProfileAccessUPP data type 1
CMProfileChromaticities structure 1
cmProfileDescriptionMLTag constant 1
cmProfileDescriptionTag constant 1
CMProfileElementExists function 1
cmProfileError constant 1
CMProfileFilterProc data type 1
CMProfileFilterProcPtr callback 1
CMProfileFilterUPP data type 1
CMProfileIdentifier structure 1
CMProfileIdentifierFolderSearch function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
CMProfileIdentifierListSearch function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
cmProfileIdentifierSel constant 1
CMProfileIterateData structure 1
cmProfileIterateDataVersion1 constant 1
cmProfileIterateDataVersion2 constant 1
cmProfileIterateDataVersion3 constant 1
CMProfileIterateProcPtr callback 1
CMProfileIterateUPP data type 1
CMProfileLocation structure 1
cmProfileMajorVersionMask constant 1
CMProfileMD5 data type 1
CMProfileModified function 1
CMProfileName structure 1
CMProfileNamePtr data type 1
cmProfileNotFound constant 1
CMProfileRef data type 1
CMProfileResponse structure 1
CMProfileSearchRecord structure 1
CMProfileSearchRef data type 1
cmProfileSequenceDescTag constant 1
CMProfileSequenceDescType structure 1
cmProfilesIdentical constant 1
CMProfLoc structure 1
cmProofDeviceClass constant 1
CMProofImage function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
CMProofImageProcPtr callback 1
cmProofUse constant 1
cmPrtrDefaultScreens constant 1
cmPS2CRD0Tag constant 1
cmPS2CRD1Tag constant 1
cmPS2CRD2Tag constant 1
cmPS2CRD3Tag constant 1
cmPS2CRDVMSizeTag constant 1
CMPS2CRDVMSizeType structure 1
cmPS2CSATag constant 1
cmPS2RenderingIntentTag constant 1
cmPS7bit constant 1
cmPS8bit constant 1
cmPtrBasedProfile constant 1
CMPtrLocation structure 1
cmQualityMask constant 1
cmRangeOverFlow constant 1
cmReadAccess constant 1
cmReadSpool constant 1
cmRedColorantTag constant 1
cmRedResponse constant 1
cmRedTRCTag constant 1
cmReflective constant 1
cmReflectiveTransparentMask constant 1
CMRegisterColorDevice function 1
cmRelativeColorimetric constant 1
CMRemoveProfileElement function 1
cmReservedSpace1 constant 1
cmReservedSpace2 constant 1
cmReverseChannelPacking constant 1
cmRGB16LSpace constant 1
cmRGB16Space constant 1
cmRGB24Space constant 1
cmRGB32Space constant 1
cmRGB48LSpace constant 1
cmRGB48Space constant 1
cmRGB565LSpace constant 1
cmRGB565Space constant 1
cmRGBA32PmulSpace constant 1
cmRGBA32Space constant 1
cmRGBA64LPmulSpace constant 1
cmRGBA64LSpace constant 1
cmRGBA64PmulSpace constant 1
cmRGBA64Space constant 1
cmRGBAPmulSpace constant 1
cmRGBASpace constant 1
CMRGBColor structure 1
cmRGBData constant 1
cmRGBSpace constant 1
CMS15Fixed16ArrayType structure 1
cmSaturation constant 1
cmSaturationMatch constant 1
cmScannerDevice constant 1
cmScannerDeviceClass constant 1
CMScreeningChannelRec structure 1
cmScreeningDescTag constant 1
cmScreeningTag constant 1
CMScreeningType structure 1
cmSearchError constant 1
CMSearchGetIndProfile function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
CMSearchGetIndProfileFileSpec function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
CMSearchRecord structure 1
CMSetDefaultDevice function 1
CMSetDefaultProfileBySpace function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
CMSetDefaultProfileByUse function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
CMSetDeviceDefaultProfileID function 1
CMSetDeviceFactoryProfiles function 1
CMSetDeviceProfile function 1
CMSetDeviceProfiles function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
CMSetDeviceState function 1
CMSetGammaByAVID function 1
CMSetIndImageProfile function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
CMSetIndImageProfileProcPtr callback 1
CMSetPartialProfileElement function 1
CMSetProfileByAVID function 1
CMSetProfileDescriptions function 1
CMSetProfileElement function 1
CMSetProfileElementReference function 1
CMSetProfileElementSize function 1
CMSetProfileHeader function 1
CMSetProfileLocalizedStringDictionary function 1
CMSetSystemProfile function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
cmSigCrdInfoType constant 1
cmSigCurveType constant 1
cmSigDataType constant 1
cmSigDateTimeType constant 1
cmSigLut16Type constant 1
cmSigLut8Type constant 1
cmSigMakeAndModelType constant 1
cmSigMeasurementType constant 1
cmSigMultiFunctA2BType constant 1
cmSigMultiFunctB2AType constant 1
cmSigMultiLocalizedUniCodeType constant 1
cmSigNamedColor2Type constant 1
cmSigNamedColorType constant 1
cmSigNativeDisplayInfoType constant 1
CMSignatureType structure 1
cmSigParametricCurveType constant 1
cmSigProfileDescriptionType constant 1
cmSigProfileSequenceDescType constant 1
cmSigPS2CRDVMSizeType constant 1
cmSigS15Fixed16Type constant 1
cmSigScreeningType constant 1
cmSigSignatureType constant 1
cmSigTextType constant 1
cmSigU16Fixed16Type constant 1
cmSigU1Fixed15Type constant 1
cmSigUcrBgType constant 1
cmSigUInt16Type constant 1
cmSigUInt32Type constant 1
cmSigUInt64Type constant 1
cmSigUInt8Type constant 1
cmSigUnicodeTextType constant 1
cmSigVideoCardGammaType constant 1
cmSigViewingConditionsType constant 1
cmSigXYZType constant 1
cmspFavorEmbeddedMask constant 1
cmspInvalidImageFile constant 1
cmspInvalidImageSpace constant 1
cmspInvalidProfileDest constant 1
cmspInvalidProfileEmbed constant 1
cmspInvalidProfileLink constant 1
cmspInvalidProfileProof constant 1
cmspInvalidProfileSource constant 1
cmSpotFunctionCross constant 1
cmSpotFunctionDefault constant 1
cmSpotFunctionDiamond constant 1
cmSpotFunctionEllipse constant 1
cmSpotFunctionLine constant 1
cmSpotFunctionRound constant 1
cmSpotFunctionSquare constant 1
cmSpotFunctionUnknown constant 1
cmSRGB16ChannelEncoding constant 1
cmSRGBData constant 1
cmStdobs1931TwoDegrees constant 1
cmStdobs1964TenDegrees constant 1
cmStdobsUnknown constant 1
CMTagElemTable structure 1
CMTagRecord structure 1
cmTechnologyAMDisplay constant 1
cmTechnologyCRTDisplay constant 1
cmTechnologyDigitalCamera constant 1
cmTechnologyDyeSublimationPrinter constant 1
cmTechnologyElectrophotographicPrinter constant 1
cmTechnologyElectrostaticPrinter constant 1
cmTechnologyFilmScanner constant 1
cmTechnologyFilmWriter constant 1
cmTechnologyFlexography constant 1
cmTechnologyGravure constant 1
cmTechnologyInkJetPrinter constant 1
cmTechnologyOffsetLithography constant 1
cmTechnologyPhotoCD constant 1
cmTechnologyPhotographicPaperPrinter constant 1
cmTechnologyPhotoImageSetter constant 1
cmTechnologyPMDisplay constant 1
cmTechnologyProjectionTelevision constant 1
cmTechnologyReflectiveScanner constant 1
cmTechnologySilkscreen constant 1
cmTechnologyTag constant 1
cmTechnologyThermalWaxPrinter constant 1
cmTechnologyVideoCamera constant 1
cmTechnologyVideoMonitor constant 1
CMTextDescriptionType structure 1
CMTextType structure 1
cmTrap constant 1
cmTurnOffCache constant 1
CMU16Fixed16ArrayType structure 1
cmUcrBgTag constant 1
CMUcrBgType structure 1
cmUcrResponse constant 1
CMUInt16ArrayType structure 1
CMUInt32ArrayType structure 1
CMUInt64ArrayType structure 1
CMUInt8ArrayType structure 1
CMUnembedImage function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
CMUnembedImageProcPtr callback 1
CMUnicodeTextType structure 1
CMUnregisterColorDevice function 1
cmUnsupportedDataType constant 1
CMUpdateProfile function 1
CMUpdateProfileSearch function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
cmUseDefaultChromaticAdaptation constant 1
CMValidateProfile function 1
CMValidImage function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
CMValidImageProcPtr callback 1
CMVideoCardGamma structure 1
CMVideoCardGammaFormula structure 1
cmVideoCardGammaFormulaType constant 1
CMVideoCardGammaTable structure 1
cmVideoCardGammaTableType constant 1
cmVideoCardGammaTag constant 1
CMVideoCardGammaType structure 1
cmViewingConditionsDescTag constant 1
cmViewingConditionsTag constant 1
CMViewingConditionsType structure 1
cmVonKriesChromaticAdaptation constant 1
cmWord565ColorPacking constant 1
cmWord5ColorPacking constant 1
CMWorldRef data type 1
cmWriteAccess constant 1
cmWriteSpool constant 1
cmXYZ24Space constant 1
cmXYZ32Space constant 1
cmXYZ48LSpace constant 1
cmXYZ48Space constant 1
CMXYZColor structure 1
CMXYZComponent data type 1
cmXYZData constant 1
cmXYZSpace constant 1
CMXYZType structure 1
cmYCbCrData constant 1
cmYellowResponse constant 1
CMYKColor data type 1
cmYXY32Space constant 1
CMYxyColor structure 1
cmYxyData constant 1
cmYXYSpace constant 1
Color Management Module Component Interface 1
Color Packing for Color Spaces 1
Color Responses 1
Color Space Constants With Packing Formats 1
Color Space Masks 1
Color Space Signatures 1
ColorSync Scripting AppleEvent Errorsl 1
CountImageProfilesProcPtr callback 1
CS_MAX_PATH constant 1
Current Device Versions 1
Current Info Versions 1
Current Major Version Mask 1
CWCheckBitmap function 1
CWCheckColors function 1
CWCheckPixMap function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
CWConcatColorWorld function 1
CWDisposeColorWorld function 1
CWFillLookupTexture function 1
CWMatchBitmap function 1
CWMatchColors function 1
CWMatchPixMap function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
CWNewLinkProfile function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
Data Transfer Commands 1
Data Type Element Values 1
Default CMM Signature 1
Default IDs 1
Device and Media Attributes 1
Device Attribute Values for Version 2.x Profiles 1
Device Classes 1
Device States 1
Device Types 1
DisposeCMBitmapCallBackUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
DisposeCMConcatCallBackUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
DisposeCMFlattenUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
DisposeCMMIterateUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
DisposeCMProfileAccessUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
DisposeCMProfileFilterUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
DisposeCMProfileIterateUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
Element Tags and Signatures for Version 1.0 Profiles 1
Embedded Profile Flags 1
Embedded Profile Identifiers 1
EmbedImageProcPtr callback 1
Flag Mask Definitions for Version 2.x Profiles 1
GetImageSpaceProcPtr callback 1
GetIndImageProfileProcPtr callback 1
ICC Profile Versions 1
Illuminant Measurement Endocings 1
InvokeCMBitmapCallBackUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
InvokeCMConcatCallBackUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
InvokeCMFlattenUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
InvokeCMMIterateUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
InvokeCMProfileAccessUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
InvokeCMProfileFilterUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
InvokeCMProfileIterateUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
kCalibratorNamePrefix constant 1
kCMMCheckBitmap constant 1
kCMMCheckColors constant 1
kCMMCheckPixMap constant 1
kCMMClose constant 1
kCMMConcatenateProfiles constant 1
kCMMConcatInit constant 1
kCMMFlattenProfile constant 1
kCMMGetIndNamedColorValue constant 1
kCMMGetInfo constant 1
kCMMGetNamedColorIndex constant 1
kCMMGetNamedColorInfo constant 1
kCMMGetNamedColorName constant 1
kCMMGetNamedColorValue constant 1
kCMMGetPS2ColorRendering constant 1
kCMMGetPS2ColorRenderingIntent constant 1
kCMMGetPS2ColorRenderingVMSize constant 1
kCMMGetPS2ColorSpace constant 1
kCMMInit constant 1
kCMMMatchBitmap constant 1
kCMMMatchColors constant 1
kCMMMatchPixMap constant 1
kCMMNewLinkProfile constant 1
kCMMOpen constant 1
kCMMUnflattenProfile constant 1
kCMMValidateProfile constant 1
kDefaultCMMSignature constant 1
kDeviceToPCS constant 1
kNCMMConcatInit constant 1
kNCMMInit constant 1
kNCMMNewLinkProfile constant 1
kNoTransform constant 1
kPCSToDevice constant 1
kPCSToPCS constant 1
kUseAtoB constant 1
kUseBtoA constant 1
kUseBtoB constant 1
kUseProfileIntent constant 1
Macintosh 68K Trap Word 1
Magic Cookie Number 1
Match Flags Field 1
Match Profiles 1.0 1
Match Profiles 2.0 1
MatchImageProcPtr callback 1
Maximum Path Size 1
Measurement Flares 1
Measurment Geometries 1
NCMBeginMatching function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
NCMConcatProfileSet structure 1
NCMConcatProfileSpec structure 1
NCMDeviceProfileInfo structure 1
NCMDrawMatchedPicture function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
NCMGetProfileLocation function 1
NCMSetSystemProfile function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
NCMUnflattenProfile function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
NCMUseProfileComment function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
NCWConcatColorWorld function 1
NCWNewColorWorld function 1
NCWNewLinkProfile function 1
NewCMBitmapCallBackUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
NewCMConcatCallBackUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
NewCMFlattenUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
NewCMMIterateUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
NewCMProfileAccessUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
NewCMProfileFilterUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
NewCMProfileIterateUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
noErr constant 1
Obsolete Color Response Values 1
Obsolete Color Space Signatures 1
Obsolete Device Type Names 1
Parametric Types 1
Picture Comment Kinds 1
Picture Comment Selectors 1
Platform Enumeration Values 1
PostScript Data Formats 1
Profile Access Procedures 1
Profile Classes 1
Profile Concatenation Values 1
Profile Flags 1
Profile Iteration Constants 1
Profile Iteration Values 1
Profile Location Sizes 1
Profile Location Type 1
Profile Options 1
Public Tags 1
Public Type Signatures 1
Quality Flag Values for Version 2.x Profiles 1
Rendering Intent Values for Version 2.x Profiles 1
Screen Encoding Tags 1
SetIndImageProfileProcPtr callback 1
Spot Function Values 1
Standard Oberver 1
Tag Type Information 1
Technology Tag Descriptions 1
UnembedImageProcPtr callback 1
Use Types 1
ValidateImageProcPtr callback 1
ValidateSpaceProcPtr callback 1
Video Card Gamma Signatures 1
Video Card Gamma Storage Types 1
Video Card Gamma Tags 1

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