
A number represents a single reference to a topic.
A number with a "+" sign represents a longer discussion of a topic.

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   I   K   L   N   O   P   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z   

alpha instance method 1
apply: instance method 1
apply:arguments:options: instance method 1
attributes instance method 1
blue instance method 1
CIAdditionCompositing filter 1
CIAffineClamp filter 1
CIAffineTile filter 1
CIAffineTransform filter 1
CIAreaAverage filter 1
CIAreaHistogram filter 1
CIAreaMaximum filter 1
CIAreaMaximumAlpha filter 1
CIAreaMinimum filter 1
CIAreaMinimumAlpha filter 1
CIBarsSwipeTransition filter 1
CIBlendWithMask filter 1
CIBloom filter 1
CIBoxBlur filter 1
CIBumpDistortion filter 1
CIBumpDistortionLinear filter 1
CICheckerboardGenerator filter 1
CICircleSplashDistortion filter 1
CICircularScreen filter 1
CICircularWrap filter 1
CICMYKHalftone filter 1
CIColorBlendMode filter 1
CIColorBurnBlendMode filter 1
CIColorControls filter 1
CIColorCube filter 1
CIColorDodgeBlendMode filter 1
CIColorInvert filter 1
CIColorMap filter 1
CIColorMatrix filter 1
CIColorMonochrome filter 1
CIColorPosterize filter 1
CIColumnAverage filter 1
CIComicEffect filter 1
CIConstantColorGenerator filter 1
CICopyMachineTransition filter 1
CICrop filter 1
CICrystallize filter 1
CIDarkenBlendMode filter 1
CIDifferenceBlendMode filter 1
CIDiscBlur filter 1
CIDisintegrateWithMaskTransition filter 1
CIDisplacementDistortion filter 1
CIDissolveTransition filter 1
CIDotScreen filter 1
CIEdges filter 1
CIEdgeWork filter 1
CIEightfoldReflectedTile filter 1
CIExclusionBlendMode filter 1
CIExposureAdjust filter 1
CIFalseColor filter 1
CIFlashTransition filter 1
CIFormat constant 1
CIFourfoldReflectedTile filter 1
CIFourfoldRotatedTile filter 1
CIFourfoldTranslatedTile filter 1
CIGammaAdjust filter 1
CIGaussianBlur filter 1
CIGaussianGradient filter 1
CIGlassDistortion filter 1
CIGlassLozenge filter 1
CIGlideReflectedTile filter 1
CIGloom filter 1
CIHardLightBlendMode filter 1
CIHatchedScreen filter 1
CIHeightFieldFromMask filter 1
CIHexagonalPixellate filter 1
CIHoleDistortion filter 1
CIHueAdjust filter 1
CIHueBlendMode filter 1
CIKaleidoscope filter 1
CILanczosScaleTransform filter 1
CILenticularHaloGenerator filter 1
CILightenBlendMode filter 1
CILinearGradient filter 1
CILineOverlay filter 1
CILineScreen filter 1
CILuminosityBlendMode filter 1
CIMaskToAlpha filter 1
CIMaximumComponent filter 1
CIMaximumCompositing filter 1
CIMedianFilter filter 1
CIMinimumComponent filter 1
CIMinimumCompositing filter 1
CIModTransition filter 1
CIMotionBlur filter 1
CIMultiplyBlendMode filter 1
CIMultiplyCompositing filter 1
CINoiseReduction filter 1
CIOpTile filter 1
CIOverlayBlendMode filter 1
CIPageCurlTransition filter 1
CIParallelogramTile filter 1
CIPerspectiveTile filter 1
CIPerspectiveTransform filter 1
CIPinchDistortion filter 1
CIPixellate filter 1
CIPointillize filter 1
CIRadialGradient filter 1
CIRandomGenerator filter 1
CIRippleTransition filter 1
CIRowAverage filter 1
CISaturationBlendMode filter 1
CIScreenBlendMode filter 1
CISepiaTone filter 1
CIShadedMaterial filter 1
CISharpenLuminance filter 1
CISixfoldReflectedTile filter 1
CISixfoldRotatedTile filter 1
CISoftLightBlendMode filter 1
CISourceAtopCompositing filter 1
CISourceInCompositing filter 1
CISourceOutCompositing filter 1
CISourceOverCompositing filter 1
CISpotColor filter 1
CISpotLight filter 1
CIStarShineGenerator filter 1
CIStripesGenerator filter 1
CISunbeamsGenerator filter 1
CISwipeTransition filter 1
CITorusLensDistortion filter 1
CITriangleTile filter 1
CITwelvefoldReflectedTile filter 1
CITwirlDistortion filter 1
CIUnsharpMask filter 1
CIVortexDistortion filter 1
CIWhitePointAdjust filter 1
CIZoomBlur filter 1
classAttributes instance method 1
clear instance method 1
clearCaches instance method 1
Color Attribute Keys 1
Color Space Key 1
colorSpace instance method 1
colorWithCGColor: class method 1
colorWithRed:green:blue: class method 1
colorWithRed:green:blue:alpha: class method 1
colorWithString: class method 1
components instance method 1
connectObject:withKey:toObject:withKey: instance method 1
Context Options 1
contextWithCGContext:options: class method 1
contextWithCGLContext:pixelFormat:options: class method 1
count instance method 1
createCGImage:fromRect: instance method 1
createCGImage:fromRect:format:colorSpace: instance method 1
createCGLayerWithSize:info: instance method 1
Data Type Attributes 1
definition instance method 1 2
disconnectObject:withKey:toObject:withKey: instance method 1
drawImage:atPoint:fromRect: instance method 1
drawImage:inRect:fromRect: instance method 1
emptyImage class method 1
enabled instance property 1
Exported Keys 1
exportedKeys instance method 1
exportKey:fromObject:withName: instance method 1
extent instance method 1 2 3
Filter Attribute Keys 1
Filter Category Keys 1
filter instance method 1
Filter Parameter Keys 1
filterGenerator class method 1
filterGeneratorWithContentsOfURL: class method 1
filterNamesInCategories: class method 1
filterNamesInCategory: class method 1
filterWithImageData:options: class method 1
filterWithImageURL:options: class method 1
filterWithName: class method 1
filterWithName:keysAndValues: class method 1
format instance method 1
green instance method 1
IKUIFlavorAllowFallback constant 1
IKUImaxSize constant 1
IKUISizeFlavor constant 1
IKUISizeMini constant 1
IKUISizeRegular constant 1
IKUISizeSmall constant 1
image instance method 1
Image Provider Options 1
imageAccumulatorWithExtent:format: class method 1
imageByApplyingTransform: instance method 1
imageByCroppingToRect: instance method 1
imageWithBitmapData:bytesPerRow:size:format: colorSpace: class method 1
imageWithCGImage: class method 1
imageWithCGImage:options: class method 1
imageWithCGLayer: class method 1
imageWithCGLayer:options: class method 1
imageWithColor: class method 1
imageWithContentsOfURL: class method 1
imageWithContentsOfURL:options: class method 1
imageWithCVImageBuffer: class method 1
imageWithCVImageBuffer:options: class method 1
imageWithData: class method 1
imageWithData:options: class method 1
imageWithImageProvider:size:format:colorSpace: options: class method 1
imageWithTexture:size:flipped:colorSpace: class method 1
initWithBitmapData:bytesPerRow:size:format: colorSpace: instance method 1
initWithCGColor: instance method 1
initWithCGImage: instance method 1
initWithCGImage:options: instance method 1
initWithCGLayer: instance method 1
initWithCGLayer:options: instance method 1
initWithColor: instance method 1
initWithContentsOfURL: instance method 1 2
initWithContentsOfURL:options: instance method 1
initWithCVImageBuffer: instance method 1
initWithCVImageBuffer:options: instance method 1
initWithData: instance method 1
initWithData:options: instance method 1
initWithExtent:format: instance method 1
initWithImage: instance method 1
initWithImage:keysAndValues: instance method 1
initWithImage:options: instance method 1
initWithImageProvider:size:format:colorSpace: options: instance method 1
initWithRect: instance method 1
initWithString: instance method 1
initWithTexture:size:flipped:colorSpace: instance method 1
initWithValues:count: instance method 1
initWithX: instance method 1
initWithX:Y: instance method 1
initWithX:Y:Z: instance method 1
initWithX:Y:Z:W: instance method 1
inputKeys instance method 1
insetByX:Y: instance method 1
intersectWith: instance method 1
intersectWithRect: instance method 1
isEnabled instance method 1
kCIApplyOptionDefinition constant 1
kCIApplyOptionExtent constant 1
kCIApplyOptionUserInfo constant 1
kCIAttributeClass constant 1
kCIAttributeDefault constant 1
kCIAttributeDescription constant 1
kCIAttributeDisplayName constant 1
kCIAttributeFilterCategories constant 1
kCIAttributeFilterDisplayName constant 1
kCIAttributeFilterName constant 1
kCIAttributeIdentity constant 1
kCIAttributeMax constant 1
kCIAttributeMin constant 1
kCIAttributeName constant 1
kCIAttributeReferenceDocumentation constant 1
kCIAttributeSliderMax constant 1
kCIAttributeSliderMin constant 1
kCIAttributeType constant 1
kCIAttributeTypeAngle constant 1
kCIAttributeTypeBoolean constant 1
kCIAttributeTypeCount constant 1
kCIAttributeTypeDistance constant 1
kCIAttributeTypeGradient constant 1
kCIAttributeTypeInteger constant 1
kCIAttributeTypeOffset constant 1
kCIAttributeTypeOpaqueColor constant 1
kCIAttributeTypePosition constant 1
kCIAttributeTypePosition3 constant 1
kCIAttributeTypeRectangle constant 1
kCIAttributeTypeScalar constant 1
kCIAttributeTypeTime constant 1
kCICategoryBlur constant 1
kCICategoryBuiltIn constant 1
kCICategoryColorAdjustment constant 1
kCICategoryColorEffect constant 1
kCICategoryCompositeOperation constant 1
kCICategoryDistortionEffect constant 1
kCICategoryFilterGenerator constant 1
kCICategoryGenerator constant 1
kCICategoryGeometryAdjustment constant 1
kCICategoryGradient constant 1
kCICategoryHalftoneEffect constant 1
kCICategoryHighDynamicRange constant 1
kCICategoryInterlaced constant 1
kCICategoryNonSquarePixels constant 1
kCICategoryReduction constant 1
kCICategorySharpen constant 1
kCICategoryStillImage constant 1
kCICategoryStylize constant 1
kCICategoryTileEffect constant 1
kCICategoryTransition constant 1
kCICategoryVideo constant 1
kCIContextOutputColorSpace constant 1
kCIContextUseSoftwareRenderer constant 1
kCIContextWorkingColorSpace constant 1
kCIFilterGeneratorExportedKey constant 1
kCIFilterGeneratorExportedKeyName constant 1
kCIFilterGeneratorExportedKeyTargetObject constant 1
kCIFormatARGB8 constant 1
kCIFormatRGBA16 constant 1
kCIFormatRGBAf constant 1
kCIImageColorSpace constant 1
kCIImageProviderTileSize constant 1
kCIImageProviderUserInfo constant 1
kCIInputAllowDraftModeKey constant 1
kCIInputAngleKey constant 1
kCIInputAspectRatioKey constant 1
kCIInputBackgroundImageKey constant 1
kCIInputBiasKey constant 1
kCIInputBoostKey constant 1
kCIInputBoostShadowAmountKey constant 1
kCIInputBrightnessKey constant 1
kCIInputCenterKey constant 1
kCIInputColorKey constant 1
kCIInputContrastKey constant 1
kCIInputDecoderVersionKey constant 1
kCIInputEnableChromaticNoiseTrackingKey constant 1
kCIInputEnableSharpeningKey constant 1
kCIInputEVKey constant 1
kCIInputExtentKey constant 1
kCIInputGradientImageKey constant 1
kCIInputIgnoreImageOrientationKey constant 1
kCIInputImageKey constant 1
kCIInputImageOrientationKey constant 1
kCIInputIntensityKey constant 1
kCIInputMaskImageKey constant 1
kCIInputNeutralChromaticityXKey constant 1
kCIInputNeutralChromaticityYKey constant 1
kCIInputNeutralLocationKey constant 1
kCIInputNeutralTemperatureKey constant 1
kCIInputNeutralTintKey constant 1
kCIInputRadiusKey constant 1
kCIInputRefractionKey constant 1
kCIInputSaturationKey constant 1
kCIInputScaleFactorKey constant 1
kCIInputScaleKey constant 1
kCIInputShadingImageKey constant 1
kCIInputSharpnessKey constant 1
kCIInputTargetImageKey constant 1
kCIInputTimeKey constant 1
kCIInputTransformKey constant 1
kCIInputWidthKey constant 1
kCIOutputImageKey constant 1
kCISamplerAffineMatrix constant 1
kCISamplerFilterLinear constant 1
kCISamplerFilterMode constant 1
kCISamplerFilterNearest constant 1
kCISamplerWrapBlack constant 1
kCISamplerWrapClamp constant 1
kCISamplerWrapMode constant 1
kCISupportedDecoderVersionsKey constant 1
kCIUIParameterSet constant 1
kCIUISetAdvanced constant 1
kCIUISetBasic constant 1
kCIUISetDevelopment constant 1
kCIUISetIntermediate constant 1
kernelsWithString: class method 1
loadAllPlugIns class method 1
load: protocol instance method 1
loadNonExecutablePlugIns class method 1
loadPlugIn:allowNonExecutable: class method 1
localizedDescriptionForFilterName: class method 1
localizedNameForCategory: class method 1
localizedNameForFilterName: class method 1
localizedReferenceDocumentationForFilterName: class method 1
name instance method 1
name instance property 1
numberOfComponents instance method 1
Options for Applying a Filter 1
outputKeys instance method 1
Pixel Formats 1
provideImageData:bytesPerRow:origin:size:userInfo: <NSObject> instance method 1
RAW Image Options 1
reclaimResources instance method 1
red instance method 1
registerFilterName: instance method 1
registerFilterName:constructor:classAttributes: class method 1
removeExportedKey: instance method 1
render:toBitmap:rowBytes:bounds:format:colorSpace: instance method 1
Sampler Option Keys 1
Sampler Option Values 1
samplerWithImage: class method 1
samplerWithImage:keysAndValues: class method 1
samplerWithImage:options: class method 1
setAttributes:forExportedKey: instance method 1
setClassAttributes: instance method 1
setDefaults instance method 1
setImage: instance method 1
setImage:dirtyRect: instance method 1
setROISelector: instance method 1
shapeWithRect: class method 1
stringRepresentation instance method 1 2
transformBy:interior: instance method 1
unionWith: instance method 1
unionWithRect: instance method 1
User Interface Control Options 1
User Interface Options 1
valueAtIndex: instance method 1
Vector Quantity Attributes 1
vectorWithString: class method 1
vectorWithValues:count: class method 1
vectorWithX: class method 1
vectorWithX:Y: class method 1
vectorWithX:Y:Z: class method 1
vectorWithX:Y:Z:W: class method 1
viewForUIConfiguration:excludedKeys: instance method 1
W instance method 1
writeToURL:atomically: instance method 1
X instance method 1
Y instance method 1
Z instance method 1

© 2004, 2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. (Last updated: 2006-12-05)

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