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Important: The information in this document is obsolete and should not be used for new development.


A number represents a single reference to a topic.
A number with a "+" sign represents a longer discussion of a topic.

A   B   C   D   E   F   H   I   K   L   M   N   O   P   R   S   T   U   V   W   

absoluteX instance method 1
absoluteY instance method 1
absoluteZ instance method 1
AlphaShiftKeyMask constant 1
AlternateKeyMask constant 1
AnyEventMask constant 1
AppKitDefined constant 1
AppKitDefinedMask constant 1
ApplicationDefined constant 1
ApplicationDefinedMask constant 1
BeginFunctionKey constant 1
BreakFunctionKey constant 1
buttonMask instance method 1
buttonNumber instance method 1
capabilityMask instance method 1
characters instance method 1
charactersIgnoringModifiers instance method 1
ClearDisplayFunctionKey constant 1
ClearLineFunctionKey constant 1
clickCount instance method 1
CommandKeyMask constant 1
context instance method 1
ControlKeyMask constant 1
CursorPointingDevice constant 1
CursorUpdate constant 1
CursorUpdateMask constant 1
data1 instance method 1
data2 instance method 1
DeleteCharFunctionKey constant 1
DeleteFunctionKey constant 1
DeleteLineFunctionKey constant 1
deltaX instance method 1
deltaY instance method 1
deltaZ instance method 1
deviceID instance method 1
DeviceIndependentModifierFlagsMask constant 1
DownArrowFunctionKey constant 1
EndFunctionKey constant 1
EraserPointingDevice constant 1
eventMaskFromType class method 1
eventNumber instance method 1
ExecuteFunctionKey constant 1
F10FunctionKey constant 1
F11FunctionKey constant 1
F12FunctionKey constant 1
F13FunctionKey constant 1
F14FunctionKey constant 1
F15FunctionKey constant 1
F16FunctionKey constant 1
F17FunctionKey constant 1
F18FunctionKey constant 1
F19FunctionKey constant 1
F1FunctionKey constant 1
F20FunctionKey constant 1
F21FunctionKey constant 1
F22FunctionKey constant 1
F23FunctionKey constant 1
F24FunctionKey constant 1
F25FunctionKey constant 1
F26FunctionKey constant 1
F27FunctionKey constant 1
F28FunctionKey constant 1
F29FunctionKey constant 1
F2FunctionKey constant 1
F30FunctionKey constant 1
F31FunctionKey constant 1
F32FunctionKey constant 1
F33FunctionKey constant 1
F34FunctionKey constant 1
F35FunctionKey constant 1
F3FunctionKey constant 1
F4FunctionKey constant 1
F5FunctionKey constant 1
F6FunctionKey constant 1
F7FunctionKey constant 1
F8FunctionKey constant 1
F9FunctionKey constant 1
FindFunctionKey constant 1
FlagsChanged constant 1
FlagsChangedMask constant 1
FunctionKeyMask constant 1
HelpFunctionKey constant 1
HelpKeyMask constant 1
HomeFunctionKey constant 1
InsertCharFunctionKey constant 1
InsertFunctionKey constant 1
InsertLineFunctionKey constant 1
isARepeat instance method 1
isEnteringProximity instance method 1
keyCode instance method 1
KeyDown constant 1
KeyDownMask constant 1
keyEvent class method 1
KeyUp constant 1
KeyUpMask constant 1
LeftArrowFunctionKey constant 1
LeftMouseDown constant 1
LeftMouseDownMask constant 1
LeftMouseDragged constant 1
LeftMouseDraggedMask constant 1
LeftMouseUp constant 1
LeftMouseUpMask constant 1
locationInWindow instance method 1
MenuFunctionKey constant 1
ModeSwitchFunctionKey constant 1
modifierFlags instance method 1
MouseEntered constant 1
MouseEnteredMask constant 1
mouseEvent class method 1
MouseEventSubtype constant 1
MouseExited constant 1
MouseExitedMask constant 1
mouseLocation class method 1
MouseMoved constant 1
MouseMovedMask constant 1
NextFunctionKey constant 1
NSEvent constructor method 1
NumericPadKeyMask constant 1
otherEvent class method 1
OtherMouseDown constant 1
OtherMouseDownMask constant 1
OtherMouseDragged constant 1
OtherMouseDraggedMask constant 1
OtherMouseUp constant 1
OtherMouseUpMask constant 1
PageDownFunctionKey constant 1
PageUpFunctionKey constant 1
PauseFunctionKey constant 1
PenLowerSideMask constant 1
PenPointingDevice constant 1
PenTipMask constant 1
PenUpperSideMask constant 1
Periodic constant 1
PeriodicMask constant 1
pointingDeviceID instance method 1
pointingDeviceSerialNumber instance method 1
pointingDeviceType instance method 1
pressure instance method 1
PrevFunctionKey constant 1
PrintFunctionKey constant 1
PrintScreenFunctionKey constant 1
RedoFunctionKey constant 1
ResetFunctionKey constant 1
RightArrowFunctionKey constant 1
RightMouseDown constant 1
RightMouseDownMask constant 1
RightMouseDragged constant 1
RightMouseDraggedMask constant 1
RightMouseUp constant 1
RightMouseUpMask constant 1
rotation instance method 1
ScrollLockFunctionKey constant 1
ScrollWheel constant 1
ScrollWheelMask constant 1
SelectFunctionKey constant 1
ShiftKeyMask constant 1
startPeriodicEvents class method 1
StopFunctionKey constant 1
stopPeriodicEvents class method 1
subtype instance method 1
SysReqFunctionKey constant 1
SystemDefined constant 1
SystemDefinedMask constant 1
SystemFunctionKey constant 1
systemTabletID instance method 1
tabletID instance method 1
TabletPoint constant 1
TabletPointEventSubtype constant 1
TabletPointMask constant 1
TabletProximity constant 1
TabletProximityEventSubtype constant 1
TabletProximityMask constant 1
tangentialPressure instance method 1
tilt instance method 1
timestamp instance method 1
trackingNumber instance method 1
type instance method 1
UndoFunctionKey constant 1
uniqueID instance method 1
UnknownPointingDevice constant 1
UpArrowFunctionKey constant 1
UserFunctionKey constant 1
vendorDefined instance method 1
vendorID instance method 1
vendorPointingDeviceType instance method 1
window instance method 1
windowNumber instance method 1

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© 1997, 2007 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. (Last updated: 2007-02-01)

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