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Design the Main page with the Database Wizard

Every WebObjects application has at least one component-usually named "Main"-that represents the first page the application displays. In Movies, the Main component represents the Browse Movies page shown below:

To design the Main page, you'll use the WebObjects Builder Database Wizard. The Database Wizard performs all the setup that's necessary to fetch database records and display them in a web page. Specifying different wizard options yields completely different pages. For example, both the Browse Movies and Movie Search pages are designed with the Database Wizard.

Create a new application

  1. Use WebObjects Builder to create a new application named Movies.woa.

    Recall that you must create the application in a directory that's under DocumentRoot/WebObjects.

Start the Database Wizard

  1. Bring the Main component to the front.

  2. Choose Tools Database Wizard.

Specify a model file

A model file defines a database-to-object mapping that associates database columns with instance variables of objects. It also specifies object relationships based on database join criteria. You typically create model files using the EOModeler application, but the Database Wizard can create a default model as a starting point. Later on, you'll use EOModeler to modify the default model created by the wizard.

  1. In the Database Wizard panel, select Create a new model file.

  2. Click Select Database.

    A Choose Database Adaptor panel opens.

    An adaptor is a mechanism that connects your application to a particular database server. For each type of server you use, you need a separate adaptor. WebObjects provides adaptors for Informix, Oracle, and Sybase servers, and for any server that is ODBC compliant.

    Note: Not all adaptors are available with all versions of WebObjects.

  3. Choose the adaptor for the database you want to use.

    A login panel for the database that corresponds to the selected adaptor opens. The examples in this chapter use the Oracle version of the Movies database included with WebObjects.

  4. Fill in the login panel.

    When you use the Database Wizard to create a model file, the wizard uses a database adaptor to read the data dictionary from the database you specified in the login panel and to create a default model.

Choose an entity

  1. In the Choose an entity panel, select the Movie entity.
An entity is a part of the database-to-object mapping that associates a database table with a class (or type) of object. For example, the Movie entity maps rows from the MOVIE table to Movie objects.

When you choose the Movie entity, the wizard displays its attributes. An attribute is a part of the database-to-object mapping that associates a database column with one of a class's instance variables. For example, the title attribute in the Movie entity maps the TITLE column of the MOVIE table to the title instance variable of Movie objects.

Choose a primary key

  1. Select movieId as the Movie entity's primary key.
In a relational database, each table has a column or combination of columns whose values are guaranteed to uniquely identify each row in that table. For example, each row in the MOVIE table has a different value in the MOVIE_ID column, which uniquely identifies that row. Two movies could have the same name but still be distinguished from each other by their MOVIE_IDs. MOVIE_ID is called the primary key of the MOVIE table.

Enterprise Objects Framework uses primary keys to uniquely identify enterprise objects and to map them to the appropriate database row. Therefore, you must assign a primary key to each entity you use in your application. The Database Wizard sets the Movie entity's primary key to the attribute you choose; however, you'll need to explicitly assign primary keys to the other entities later on.

You should choose primary key attributes that are assigned initial values and then are never modified. Consequently applications usually assign primary key values automatically. For example, the Movies application assigns a movieId value to a new movie when it's created, and the value never changes afterward. The Movies interface doesn't even display movieId values because they aren't meaningful to users of the application.

Enterprise Objects Framework provides several mechanisms for generating and assigning unique values to primary key attributes. By default, Enterprise Objects Framework uses a native database mechanism to assign primary key values. The scripts that come with WebObjects for installing the Movies database set up the database for the default mechanism. See the chapter "Answers to Common Design Questions" in the Enterprise Objects Framework Developer's Guide for more information.

Choose a layout

The Database Wizard provides several page layout options for formatting objects fetched from the database.

  1. Choose Selected Record.

  2. Choose Paginated 10 per page.
Based on your specifications, the wizard shows you a preview of the page it will generate. There are three parts to this page: the top part contains buttons that users use to navigate through the list of fetched records. The middle part contains a list of all fetched records. The bottom part contains detail information about one record.

Choose attributes to display

The Database Wizard lists all of the attributes of a Movie object. The next step is to choose which of these attributes the page should display. Most of these attributes will be displayed in the detail part at the bottom of the page.

  1. Add attributes from the All Attributes column to the Attributes to display column.

    The order in which you add the attributes determines the order in which they appear on the page, so add them in the following order: title, category, rating, dateReleased, and revenue.

    Don't add any of the remaining attributes. The language, movieId, and studioId attributes don't have meaning to users, and should not be displayed in the page.

Choose the attribute to display on the hyperlink

You now need to specify the attribute used in the middle part of the page to identify each record. This attribute will be displayed as a hyperlink. Clicking the hyperlink displays the corresponding record in the detail part of the page.

  1. Select the title attribute.

  2. Click Finish.
The Database Wizard designs a page for browsing Movie objects that are fetched from a database. It lays out elements on the page, creates variables, and binds the variables to the page's dynamic elements.

Almost all of the page's dynamic elements are bound to methods in the movies variable. This variable is a WODisplayGroup. WODisplayGroups (also referred to as display groups) provide a simple interface for interacting with relational databases in terms of objects. A display group manages objects associated with a single entity. The movies display group operates on Movie objects because you chose the Movie entity when you ran the wizard.

Later in this tutorial, you'll build a page by hand that contains some of the same features as this Main page. At that time, you'll learn more about what the display group can do.

Save the page

  1. Bring the Main component to the front.

  2. Choose File Save.
IMPORTANT: At this point, you need to quit and restart WebObjects Builder to avoid display problems that can occur after the use of an NSSecureTextField (such as password fields in database login panels). See the WebObjects Release Notes for more information.

Run the application

  1. Use a web browser to run the application.
See the "Run the application" section in "Creating a Simple WebObjects Application" for assistance.

When the Main page is loaded, the WODisplayGroup movies fetches all movie records from the database. It lists the titles for ten of these records in the middle part of the page. You can use the Next Page and Previous Page buttons on the top of the page to see the next ten records fetched from the database or the previous ten records fetched from the database. If you select a title in the list, its detail information is shown at the bottom of the page.

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