If you've written an application entirely in WebScript, you typically debug it by running NeXT_ROOT/NextLibrary/Executables/WODefaultApp from the Project Builder launch panel, as described in WebObjects Tools and Techniques. When you do, the output from the debugging and trace statements is displayed in the launch panel.
Debugging Java
The debugging strategy for Java applications is very similar to the strategy for debugging WebScript applications. Because the WebObjects Java bridge is incompatible with jdb, no Java debugger is supported for WebObjects. Instead, you can use the methods described in the section "Debugging Techniques" as well as System.out.println statements. Build the executable for your project using Project Builder, then launch that executable in the launch panel. Output from the debugging methods appears in the launch panel.
Debugging Objective-C
If all or part of your application is written in Objective-C, you can use the gdb debugger in Project Builder. For more information on debugging an Objective-C application with Project Builder, see Project Builder's online help.
Debugging Mixed Applications
When you build a WebObjects application project, the result is a .woa file package inside of the project directory. You may notice that this file package contains all of the application's components (including scripted components), and all other resources need to run the application, as well as the application executable itself.
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