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Building the DodgeDemo Sample Database

Database setup files for the DodgeDemo example are provided for two database systems: Oracle and QuickBase. These files are located in the DodgeDemo example directory, which itself is in:


where <DocRoot> is your HTTP server's document root. DodgeDemo is available in two programming languages: Java and Objective-C. On Mach and HP-UX, only the Objective-C version is available. Navigate to the directory named after one of the programming languages, and you'll find a DodgeDemo directory there.

  1. Setting up Database Accounts

    Use the tools available with your database server to set up a new user/database. For example, on Oracle you might create a new user with the name "DodgeDemo". Once you have set up the account, you are ready to install the examples.

  2. Populate the Database

    Database setup files are provided in the DodgeDemo directory (DodgeDemo/Database). For example, to create the database using an Oracle server, log in to the database with sqlplus, and paste the text of the file CreateOracleTables.sql into the sqlplus session. Then paste the text of the file PopulateOracleTables.sql into the sqlplus session.

  3. Edit the DodgeDemo model file.

    Double-click the file DodgeDemo.eomodeld in the DodgeDemo project directory to open that file. Choose the Model->Switch Adaptor command to choose the appropriate adaptor for your database. Save and close the model file.

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