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Checking the Installation

Windows NT

On Windows NT, these locations should contain the following files or directories:

Location Contents
Your server's cgi-bin directory.

The WebObjects adaptor

This file is simply a copy of the WebObjects.exe file above minus the .exe extension. Some HTTP servers disallow the extension.

Your server's document root directory

This directory should contain the subdirectories Documentation, Examples, icons, infos, and Java.

NEXT_ROOT directory

This is the location where you installed the WebObjects software. Check for these files and directories:
Contains WODefaultApp.exe, the default application executable for scripted WebObjects applications

WebObjects library of classes, plus header files

WebObjects Extensions framework, which contains extra dynamic elements and shared components

The Java interfaces to WebObjects classes.

Contains WebObjects configuration files and, if you've installed the WebObjects Developer package, source files to several adaptors.

Corrective actions:
If you are missing any of the files from your server's cgi-bin directory, you can copy them from NextLibrary\WOAdaptors\CGI to your HTTP server's cgi-bin directory.

If you are missing any of the contents of your server's document root directory copy them from where they were installed to the directory <DocRoot>\WebObjects. If the files were not installed, reinstall WebObjects.

If you are missing any of the contents of the NEXT_ROOT directory, reinstall WebObjects.

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