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WOToOneRelationship { sourceEntityName = anEntity; relationshipKey = aKey; sourceObject = anObject; [dataSource = aDataSource;] [destinationDisplayKey = aKey;] [isMandatory = YES|NO;] [uiStyle = "radio"|"popup"|"browser";] };


The WOToOneRelationship component displays items from a to-one relationship in a pop-up list, a radio button list, or a browser. Users can select an item from this list to learn more about that item.

For example, suppose you have a database of Movies where each movie is a table (or entity). Each movie has only one studio, which means that the Movies table would have a to-one relationship with the Studios table. You could use this component on a page that displays information about a movie, using this component to display the studio associated with the movie.

This component is used only in applications that access a database using the Enterprise Objects Framework. In particular, it is used if you use Direct to Web to create your application. Because WOToOneRelationship returns a form element, it must be used within an HTML form.

The name of the entity that contains the relationship. In the Movies example, this would be "Movies."
The key for the relationship that you want to display. In the Movies example, you'd want to display the studios key.
An object that contains the actual relationship value. This object can be an enterprise object, a mutable dictionary, or anything else that can contain the relationship. Upon return, this object contains the user's selection.
EODatabaseDataSource containing the items in the to-one relationship.
Property to display in the list. For example, with the Studio entity, you would want to display the name property.
If YES, the relationship must exist. If NO, the relationship is optional.
Specifies how to display the list: as a browser, a radio button list, or a pop-up list. The default depends on the number of items in the list. If there are less than 5 items, the default is a radio button list. If between 5 and 20 items, the default is a pop-up list. If there are more than 20 items, a browser is used.