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Creating a Fetch Specification

To create a fetch specification in EOModeler:

  1. Select the entity with which the fetch specification will be associated.

  2. Choose Property Add Fetch Specification or click the button in the tool bar.

    Figure 40. Adding a Fetch Specification to an Entity

  3. Type a name for the fetch specification in the Fetch Specification Name field.
There are many different ways to configure the fetch specification. The most common way is to build a qualifier for the fetch specification to fetch with. For more information, see the section Building a Qualifier. Alternatively, you can also configure a fetch specification to fetch using custom SQL or a stored procedure. For more information, see Using Custom SQL and Stored Procedures.

In addition to specifying how a fetch specification retrieves its data, you can specify other options, such as sort orderings and performance tuning settings. The following sections describe the possible configurations and their uses.

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