PATH  Documentation > WebObjects 4.5 > Direct to Web





Class Description

This class is the parent class for the Direct to Web templates and the property-level components. These components all access a Direct to Web context with the d2wContext method. The D2WComponent class also defines several keys that are used in the binding (.wod) files for the Direct to Web templates. In addition, D2WComponent defines an action method, showWebAssistant, that opens the Web Assistant in the user's browser.

Method Types

Static Constants

Key-Value Coding
Private Methods


public D2WComponent()

Standard Java no-argument constructor.
Static Constants


This constant is intentionally undocumented.


public String allEntities()

This method is intentionally undocumented. You should never have to invoke or customize it.


public Integer allowCollapsing()

This method is intentionally undocumented. You should never have to invoke or customize it.


public int applicationPort()

This method is intentionally undocumented. You should never have to invoke or customize it.


protected int assistantPort()

This method is intentionally undocumented. You should never have to invoke or customize it.


public EOAttribute attribute()

This method is intentionally undocumented. You should never have to invoke or customize it.


public String backgroundColorForHeaderRow()

Returns the background color for the header rows of tables rendered by Direct to Web.


public String backgroundColorForPage()

This method is intentionally undocumented. You should never have to invoke or customize it.


public String backgroundColorForTable()

Returns the background color for tables rendered in this component. This key is resolved using the rule system.


public String backgroundColorForTableDark()

This method is intentionally undocumented. You should never have to invoke or customize it.


public String backgroundColorForTableLight()

This method is intentionally undocumented. You should never have to invoke or customize it.


public String color()

This method is intentionally undocumented. You should never have to invoke or customize it.


public String currentSettings()

This method is intentionally undocumented. You should never have to invoke or customize it.


public D2WContext d2wContext()

Returns the receiver's Direct to Web context (a D2WContext object).


public String d2wContextVisibleEntityNamesCountPlus1()

Returns a String containing the number of visible entities in the receiver's Direct to Web context incremented by one.


public String defaultRowspan()

Returns the number of HTML table rows spanned by the vertical rule in the page containing the Direct to Web context in which the receiver's rule fires. The query and inspect pages in the WebObjects look use this method.


public String displayNameForKeyWhenRelationship()

Returns a String containing the name of a property that represents the destination object of the current relationship in the receiver's Direct to Web context. Returns null if the current property in the component's Direct to Web context is not a relationship.

The name is derived from the key for one of the properties of the destination entity that can be used to represent that entity. For example, the representative key for Studio could be name. This method determines the key using the rule system. To convert the key to a user-presentable name, the method capitalizes lower case words and inserts spaces between words with mixed case (for example, "firstName" becomes "First Name").


public String displayNameForProperty()

Returns a String containing a user-presentable name for the current property in the component's Direct to Web context. The method derives the name from the property's key by capitalizing lower case words and inserting spaces between words with mixed case (for example, "firstName" becomes "First Name").


public NSArray displayPropertyKeys()

Returns an NSArray containing the keys (Strings) for all visible properties of the current entity in the components Direct to Web context. The method determines the result using the rule system.

You can hide a property or make it visible with the Web Assistant.


protected String dynamicPages()

This method is intentionally undocumented. You should never have to invoke or customize it.


public EOEntity entity()

Returns the current entity (an EOEntity object) in the receiver's Direct to Web context. The EOEntity class is defined in the EOAccess Framework.


public String entityName()

Returns a String containing the name of the entity displayed by this component.


public void finalize()

This method is intentionally undocumented. You should never have to invoke or customize it.


public String formatter()

This method is intentionally undocumented. You should never have to invoke or customize it.


protected String generationReplacementFor(String aString)

This method is intentionally undocumented. You should never have to invoke or customize it.


public boolean hasCustomKey(String aString)

This method is intentionally undocumented. You should never have to invoke or customize it.


public boolean hasEntity()

Returns whether the receiver's Direct to Web context has an entity or not.


public boolean hasNoColor()

This method is intentionally undocumented. You should never have to invoke or customize it.


public WOComponent homeClicked()

This method is intentionally undocumented. You should never have to invoke or customize it.


public String homeHref()

Returns a String containing the URL of the application's home page (the Main component).


public boolean isEditing()

This method is intentionally undocumented. You should never have to invoke or customize it.


public boolean isEntityReadOnly()

Returns whether the current entity in the receiver's Direct to Web context can be modified or not. You can specify if an entity can be modified using the Web Assistant.


public boolean isEntityReadOnly(EOEntity anEntity)

This method is intentionally undocumented. You should never have to invoke or customize it.


public boolean isLiveAssistantEnabled()

This method is intentionally undocumented. You should never have to invoke or customize it.


public boolean isNotBoldAsBoolean()

This method is intentionally undocumented. You should never have to invoke or customize it.


public boolean isNotItalicAsBoolean()

This method is intentionally undocumented. You should never have to invoke or customize it.


public boolean isPropertyAnAttribute()

Returns true if the property in the receiver's Direct to Web context is an attribute (and not a relationship).


public boolean isWebAssistantActive()

This method is intentionally undocumented. You should never have to invoke or customize it.


public boolean isWebAssistantConnected()

This method is intentionally undocumented. You should never have to invoke or customize it.


public boolean isWebAssistantEnabled()

This method is intentionally undocumented. You should never have to invoke or customize it.


public static String keyForGenerationReplacementForVariableNamed(String aString)

This method is intentionally undocumented. You should never have to invoke or customize it.


public String keyWhenRelationship()

Returns a String containing the key for the property that represents the destination object of the current relationship in the receiver's Direct to Web context. Returns null if the current property in the Direct to Web is not a relationship.

The returned key is the key for one of the properties of the destination entity that can be used to represent the entity. For example, the representative key for Studio could be name. The method determines the result using the rule system.


public String length()

This method is intentionally undocumented. You should never have to invoke or customize it.


public D2WContext localContext()

This method is deprecated. Use d2wContext instead.


public WOComponent logout()

This action method is invoked when the user clicks Logout in the menu bar. It terminates the current session and returns the application's home page WOComponent (Main).


public EOEnterpriseObject object()

Returns the EOEnterpriseObject (defined in the EOControl Framework) displayed by this component.


public Object objectPropertyValue()

Returns the value of the current property for the object the receiver displays. For example, if the current entity in the component's Direct to Web context is "Movie" and the current property key is "title", this method returns the title of the movie displayed in this component.


public boolean objectPropertyValueIsNonNull()

This method is intentionally undocumented. You should never have to invoke or customize it.


public String pageTitle()

This method is intentionally undocumented. You should never have to invoke or customize it.


public Object property()

This method is intentionally undocumented. You should never have to invoke or customize it.


public String propertyKey()

Returns the key corresponding to the current property in the receiver's Direct to Web context.


public String propertyValueClassName()

Returns a String containing the name of the class for the current attribute's values ("NSString" for example). If the current property in the component's Direct to Web context is not an attribute, this method returns null.


public EORelationship relationship()

Returns the EORelationship (defined in the EOAccess Framework) for the current property in the receiver's Direct to Web context, or null if the property is not a relationship.


public WOAssociation replacementAssociationForAssociation(WOAssociation oldAssociation, String oldBinding, DTWTemplate aTemplate, WOContext aContext)

This method is intentionally undocumented. You should never have to invoke or customize it.


public String resourcePathURL()

This method is intentionally undocumented. You should never have to invoke or customize it.


protected String sessionID()

This method is intentionally undocumented. You should never have to invoke or customize it.


public void setCurrentSettings(String settings)

This method is intentionally undocumented. You should never have to invoke or customize it.


protected void setDynamicPages(String aString)

This method is intentionally undocumented. You should never have to invoke or customize it.


public void setEntities(String aString)

This method is intentionally undocumented. You should never have to invoke or customize it.


public void setEntity(EOEntity entity)

This method is intentionally undocumented. You should never have to invoke or customize it.


public void setEntityName(String aString)

This method is intentionally undocumented. You should never have to invoke or customize it.


public void setLocalContext(D2WContext context)

Sets the Direct to Web context for this component to context.


public void setObject(EOEnterpriseObject object)

Sets the EOEnterpriseObject (defined in the EOControl Framework) the receiver manipulates to object.


public void setPropertyKey(String aString)

This method is intentionally undocumented. You should never have to invoke or customize it.


public void setResourcePathURL(String aString)

This method is intentionally undocumented. You should never have to invoke or customize it.


protected void setTask(String aString)

This method is intentionally undocumented. You should never have to invoke or customize it.


protected void setTasks(String aString)

This method is intentionally undocumented. You should never have to invoke or customize it.


public boolean showBanner()

Returns whether the banner should be shown in this component or not. If the component is an embedded component, the banner is not shown.


public WOComponent showWebAssistant()

This action method is invoked when the user clicks Customize in the menu bar. It displays the Web Assistant in the user's browser.


public String submitActionName()

The name of an action method that is called when the user clicks a submit button within the form. This action method is used in the tab panel components, that is, NEUTabInspectPage and WOLTabInspectPage to specify the WOTabPanel's submitActionName binding.


public String target()

This method is intentionally undocumented. You should never have to invoke or customize it.


protected String task()

Returns a String containing the current task in the receiver's Direct to Web context.


protected String tasks()

This method is intentionally undocumented. You should never have to invoke or customize it.


public NSArray visibleEntityNames()

Returns an NSArray containing the entities that are visible within the application. You can choose which entities are visible using the Web Assistant.