PATH  Documentation > WebObjects 4.5 > EOAdaptor Reference

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(informal interface)

Interface Description

EOAdaptorContext sends messages to its delegate for any transaction begin, commit, or rollback. The delegate can use these methods to preempt these operations, modify their results, or simply track activity.

Instance Methods


public abstract void adaptorContextDidBegin(Object context)

Invoked from beginTransaction to tell the delegate that a transaction has begun.


public abstract void adaptorContextDidCommit(Object context)

Invoked from commitTransaction to tell the delegate that a transaction has been committed.


public abstract void adaptorContextDidRollback(Object context)

Invoked from rollbackTransaction to tell the delegate that a transaction has been rolled back.


public abstract boolean adaptorContextShouldBegin(Object context)

Invoked from beginTransaction to tell the delegate that context is beginning a transaction. If this method returns false, the adaptor context does not begin a transaction. Return true to allow the adaptor context to begin a transaction.


public abstract boolean adaptorContextShouldCommit(Object context)

Invoked from commitTransaction to tell the delegate that context is committing a transaction. If this method returns false, the adaptor context does not commit the transaction. Return true to allow the adaptor context to commit.

Note that if you implement this delegate method to return false, your delegate must perform the database COMMIT itself; the rest of the Enterprise Objects Framework assumes that the commit has taken place. adaptorContextShouldCommit doesn't specify whether or not the commit should take place; it only specifies whether or not the adaptor context should do it for you.


public abstract boolean adaptorContextShouldConnect(Object context)

Invoked before the adaptor attempts to connect. The delegate can return false if it wants to override the connect, true if it wants the adaptor to attempt to connect in the usual way. The delegate should throw an exception if it fails to connect.


public abstract boolean adaptorContextShouldRollback(Object context)

Invoked from rollbackTransaction to tell the delegate that context is rolling back a transaction. If this method returns false, the adaptor context does not roll back the transaction. Return true to allow the adaptor context to roll back.

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