PATH  Documentation > WebObjects 4.5 > EOControl Reference

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Inherits from:

Class Description

The EOMultiReaderLock class provides Enterprise Objects Framework with reader and writer locks.

Note: This class doesn't exist in the package. Multithreaded clients aren't yet supported. All the client-side locks in Java Client application's are no-ops.

The locks are recursive; a single thread can request a lock many times, but a lock is actually taken only on the first request. Likewise, when a thread indicates it's finished with a lock, it takes an equal number of unlock... invocations to return the lock.

There's no limit on the number of reader locks that a process can take. However, there can only be one writer lock at a time, and a writer lock is not issued until all reader locks are returned. Reader locks aren't issued to new threads when there is a thread waiting for a writer lock, but threads that already have a reader lock can increment their lock count.

Thread safety is maintained with mutex locks (binary semaphores), which ensure that no more than one critical section of code can be processed at a time. The queuing order of requests for writer locks is not managed by the class; the underlying implementation of mutex signaling manages the queue order.

EOMultiReaderLock correctly handles promotion of a reader lock to a writer lock, and the extension of a reader lock to the current writer. This prevents a thread from deadlocking on itself when requesting a combination of lock types.

EOMultiReaderLocks are slightly more time-expensive than NSRecursiveLocks because the recursion count has to be stored per-thread, causing each request for a reader lock to incur a hash. Writer locks are even more expensive because EOMultiReaderLock must poll the hashtable until all reader locks have been returned before the writer lock can be taken.

Instance Methods


public void lockForReading()

Acquires a reader lock for the current thread. If the current thread doesn't already have a lock, the method blocks if there are any waiting or active writer locks. If the current thread already has a lock (reader or writer), the lock request count is incremented.


public void lockForWriting()

Gets a writer lock for the current thread. If the current thread already has one, the lock request count is incremented, but a new lock is not taken. If the requesting thread has outstanding reader locks, they are temporarily dropped until the writer lock is returned. If other threads have outstanding reader locks, this method blocks until all reader locks have been freed.


public boolean tryLockForReading()

Returns true if the current thread is able to immediately obtain a reader lock. There are three ways this can happen:
  1. There are no outstanding writer locks.
  2. The writer lock is held by the current thread.
  3. The current thread already has a reader lock.

This method implicitly calls lockForReading, so you must call unlockForReading if tryLockForReading returns true.


public boolean tryLockForWriting()

Returns true if the current thread is able to immediately obtain a writer lock. Returns false if another thread already has the lock or is queued to receive it. This method implicitly calls lockForWriting, so you must call unlockForWriting if tryLockForReading returns true.


public void unlockForReading()

Releases a reader lock for the current thread. Each lockForReading message must be paired with an unlockForReading message before the lock is actually released. Invoking this method when the lock count is zero does nothing.


public void unlockForWriting()

Releases a writer lock for the current thread. Each lockForWriting message must be paired with an unlockForWriting message before the lock is actually released. When the writer lock is released, it checks to see if the thread previously had any reader locks. If so, the reader lock count is restored. Invoking this method when the lock count is zero does nothing.

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