PATH  Documentation > WebObjects 4.5 > EOControl Reference

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Interface Description

The EOEventCenter.EventRecordingHandler interface, a part of the event logging system, declares the setLoggingEnabled method, which is invoked by the event logging system when event logging is enabled or disabled for an event class. Event recording handlers are responsible for enabling logging in instrumented code. An event recording handler only receives messages about event classes registered with registerEventClass. For more information on the event logging mechanism, see the EOEventCenter class specification.

Note: This interface doesn't exist in the Java Client package, The event logging system is not available for Java Client. In a Java Client application, you can view event logging information for the server side of the application, but not on the client side.

Instance Methods


public abstract void setLoggingEnabled( boolean flag, Class aClass)

If flag is true, then instrumented code should log events of class aClass, and the receiver should enable updating in instrumented code (usually by setting a flag).

See Also: registerEventClass ( EOEventCenter)

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