PATH  Documentation > WebObjects 4.5 > EOControl Reference

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Inherits from:
Conforms to:
Declared in:

Class Description

EOQualifierVariable defines objects that serve as placeholders in the qualifier. When you create a qualifier programmatically, you typically do something like this:

aQual = EOQualifier.qualifierWithQualifierFormat("dateReleased = %@", aDate);

where aDate is a variable that contains the actual date you want to query upon. When you store the qualifier in an EOModel, there is no way to know the actual value to query upon or the variable that will contain that value. The EOQualifierVariable object acts as a placeholder for the actual variable that will represent the right side of the expression. You specify an EOQualifierVariable by using a $, as in the following:

dateReleased = $aDate

Variable values must be substituted for using qualifierWithBindings:requiresAllVariables:.


In EOQualifier.h, EOControl defines the following NSString constant as the type of exception that's raised when an EOQualifierVariable object requires bindings for all its variables and one or more variable is missing from the bindings (see qualifierWithBindings:requiresAllVariables: in the EOQualifier class specification):

Adopted Protocols

- initWithCoder:
- encodeWithCoder:
- initWithKeyValueUnarchiver:
- encodeWithKeyValueArchiver:

Class Methods


+ (id)variableWithKey:(NSString *)key

Creates and returns a new EOQualifierVariable object with the specified key. For example, if your qualifier is "dateReleased = $aDate", then this method would be invoked with the key "aDate".

Instance Methods


- (id)initWithKey:(NSString *)key

Initializes a new EOQualifierVariable object with the specified key. For example, if your qualifier is "dateReleased = $aDate", then this method would be invoked with the key "aDate".


- (NSString *)key

Returns the key of the variable qualifier.

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