PATH  Documentation > WebObjects 4.5 > EOControl Reference

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Inherits from:
EOGlobalID : NSObject
Conforms to:
NSCopying (EOGlobalID)
NSObject (NSObject)
Declared in:

Class Description

An EOTemporaryGlobalID object identifies a newly created enterprise object before it's saved to an external store. When the object is saved, the temporary ID is converted to a permanent one, as described in the EOGlobalID class specification.


In EOGlobalID.h, EOControl defines an enumeration with the following constant to specify the length (in bytes) of a global ID:

Adopted Protocols

- encodeWithCoder:
- initWithCoder:

Class Methods


+ (void)assignGloballyUniqueBytes:(unsigned char *)buffer

Assigns a network-wide unique ID of the format:
< Sequence [2], ProcessID [2] , Time [4], IP Addr [4] >

buffer should have space for EOUniqueBinaryKeyLength (12) bytes.

Instance Methods


- (id)init

Initializes a newly allocated EOTemporaryGlobalID as a unique instance. The new temporary global ID contains a byte string obtained from assignGloballyUniqueBytes: that's guaranteed to be unique network-wide. As a result, EOTemporaryGlobalIDs can be safely passed between processes and machines while still preserving global uniqueness.


- (BOOL)isTemporary

Returns YES.

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