PATH  Documentation > WebObjects 4.5 > InformixEOAdaptor Reference

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Inherits from: EOAdaptorChannel : NSObject
Declared in: InformixEOAdaptor/InformixChannel.h

Class Description

An InformixChannel represents an independent communication channel to the database server its InformixAdaptor is connected to. All of an InformixChannel's operations take place within the context of transactions controlled or tracked by its InformixContext. An InformixContext can manage multiple InformixChannels, and a channel is associated with only one context.

The features InformixChannel adds to EOAdaptorChannel are as follows:

Method Types

Finding table names
- setInformixTableNamesSQL:
- informixTableNamesSQL
Getting the cursor data area
- cursorDataArea
Setting the isolation level
- informixSetIsolationTo:
Setting the fetch buffer length
- setFetchBufferLength:
- fetchBufferLength

Instance Methods


- (struct informix_cursor *)cursorDataArea

If the channel is connected, returns an Informix-specific data structure describing characteristics of the channel. Otherwise, returns NULL.


- (unsigned)fetchBufferLength

Returns the size, in bytes, of the fetch buffer. The larger the buffer, the more rows can be returned for each round trip to the server.


- (void)informixSetIsolationTo:(InformixIsolationLevel)isolationLevel

Sets the isolation transaction level of the connection represented by the receiver to isolationLevel.


- (NSString *)informixTableNamesSQL

Returns the SQL statement the receiver uses to find table names. The user default InformixTableNamesSQL overrides a statement set with setInformixTableNamesSQL:.


- (void)setFetchBufferLength:(unsigned)length

Sets the size (in bytes) of the fetch buffer to length. The larger the buffer, the more rows can be returned for each round trip to the server.


- (void)setInformixTableNamesSQL:(NSString *)sql

Set the SQL statement the receiver uses to find table names to sql.

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