PATH  Documentation > WebObjects 4.5 > ODBCEOAdaptor Reference

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Inherits from: EOAdaptorChannel : NSObject

Class Description

An ODBCChannel represents an independent communication channel to the database server its ODBCAdaptor is connected to. All of an ODBCChannel's operations take place within the context of transactions controlled or tracked by its ODBCContext. An ODBCContext can manage multiple ODBCChannels, and a channel is associated with only one context.

The feature ODBCChannel adds to EOAdaptorChannel is a method for returning a dictionary-formatted result from SQLTypeInfo().

Instance Methods


public void closeChannel()

Overrides the EOAdaptorChannel method closeChannel to close the channel so that it can't perform operations with the server. Any fetch in progress is canceled. This method has the side effect of closing the receiver's adaptor context's connection with the database if the receiver is its adaptor context's last open channel.


public NSDictionary odbcTypeInfo()

Returns the result from SQLTypeInfo(), formatted in an NSDictionary ready to incorporate into a model file.

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