PATH  Documentation > WebObjects 4.5 > ODBCEOAdaptor Reference

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Inherits from: EOAdaptorContext : NSObject

Class Description

An ODBCContext represents a single transaction scope on the database server to which its adaptor object is connected. If the server supports multiple concurrent transaction sessions, the adaptor may have several adaptor contexts. An ODBCContext may in turn have several ODBCChannels, which handle actual access to the data on the server.

The features the ODBCContext class adds to EOAdaptorContext are methods for managing ODBC connections and for getting information about the driver.

Instance Methods


public void odbcConnect()

Opens a connection to the database server. ODBCChannel sends this message to ODBCContext when it (ODBCChannel) is about to open a channel to the server. This method is called automatically by the framework.


public void odbcDisconnect()

Closes the connection to the database server. ODBCChannel sends this message to ODBCContext when it (ODBCChannel) has just closed a channel to the server.


public NSDictionary odbcDriverInfo()

Returns a dictionary summarizing some important information about the driver (driver name, version, support of NOT NULL, and so on). Connects to the database if a connection isn't already in place.

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