PATH  Documentation > WebObjects 4.5 > OracleEOAdaptor Reference

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Inherits from: EOAdaptorContext : NSObject
Declared in: OracleEOAdaptor/OracleContext.h

Class Description

An OracleContext represents a single transaction scope on the database server to which its adaptor object is connected. If the server supports multiple concurrent transaction sessions, the adaptor may have several adaptor contexts. An OracleContext may in turn have several OracleChannels, which handle actual access to the data on the server.

The features the OracleContext class adds to EOAdaptorContext are methods for returning Oracle-specific data structures that describe characteristics of the context: hostDataArea and logonDataArea. hostDataArea returns the hda_def data structure, and logonDataArea returns the lda_def data structure. If you intend to extend the OracleContext by making calls to the Oracle API, you'll need these data structures.

Method Types

Managing a connection to the server
- connect
- disconnect
- isConnected
Tracking fetches
- fetchesInProgress
Returning Oracle data structures
- hostDataArea
- logonDataArea

Instance Methods


- (void)connect

Opens a connection to the database server. OracleChannel sends this message to OracleContext when it (OracleChannel) is about to open a channel to the server.


- (void)disconnect

Closes a connection to the database server. OracleChannel sends this message to OracleContext when it (OracleChannel) has just closed a channel to the server.


- (unsigned)fetchesInProgress

Returns the number of fetches the receiver has in progress.


- (unsigned char *)hostDataArea

If the channel is connected, returns an Oracle-specific data structure describing characteristics of the context. Otherwise, returns NULL. This method is commonly used with the OracleChannel method raiseOracleError to determine why an error occurred.


- (BOOL)isConnected

Returns YES if the receiver has an open connection to the database, NO otherwise.


- (void *)logonDataArea

If the channel is connected, returns an Oracle-specific data structure describing characteristics of the context. Otherwise, returns NULL. This method is commonly used with the OracleChannel method raiseOracleError to determine why an error occurred.

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