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Inherits from: EOSQLExpression : NSObject
Declared in: OracleEOAdaptor/OracleSQLExpression.h

Class Description

OracleSQLExpression defines how to build SQL statements for OracleChannels.

Class Methods


+ (int)serverTypeIdForName:(NSString *)typeName

Returns the Oracle type code (such as OraVARCHAR2 or OraNumber) for typeName (such as "VARCHAR2" or "NUMBER").


+ (void)setUseNoWaitLocks:(BOOL)flag

Sets according to flag whether the lock clause of the OracleSQLExpression is @"FOR UPDATE" (block until the row is available) or @"FOR UPDATE NOWAIT" (return an error immediately if an attempt to lock a row would block). By default OracleSQLExpression uses the clause @"FOR UPDATE"-that is, by default it does not use NOWAIT locks. This behavior is also controllable through the EOOracleUseNoWaitLocks user default.


+ (void)setUseQuotedExternalNames:(BOOL)flag

Sets according to flag whether the OracleSQLExpression expects external (database) names to be enclosed in quotation marks. This is useful if the database has table or column names that are either reserved words or that are not all uppercase. The default is NO.

This behavior can also be controlled through the EOOracleUseQuotedExternalNames user default.


+ (BOOL)useNoWaitLocks

Returns YES to indicate that the OracleSQLExpression uses NOWAIT locks, NO otherwise. The default is NO.


+ (BOOL)useQuotedExternalNames

Returns YES to indicate that the OracleSQLExpression uses quoted external (database) names, NO otherwise.

Instance Methods


- (NSString *)lockClause

Overrides the EOSQLExpression method lockClause to return the SQL string used in a SELECT statement to lock selected rows. Queries the user default EOOracleUseNoWaitLocks. If this default is not set or if it is set to NO, this method returns the string @"FOR UPDATE". If the default is set to YES, this method returns @"FOR UPDATE NOWAIT".

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