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EOEditingContext Additions

Inherits from: NSObject
Declared in: WebObjects/WODisplayGroup.h

Class Description

The WebObjects Framework adds one method to the Enterprise Objects Framework's EOEditingContext class that atempts to commit changes made in the receiver to its parent EOObjectStore.

Instance Methods


- (NSException *)tryToSaveChanges

Attempts to commit changes made in the receiver to its parent EOObjectStore by sending it the message saveChangesInEditingContext:. If the parent is an EOObjectStoreCoordinator, it guides its EOCooperatingObjectStores, typically EODatabaseContexts, through a multi-pass save operation (see the EOObjectStoreCoordinator class specification for more information). If no message handler or delegate is available and a database error occurs, an exception is raised that can be caught in WebScript; the error message indicates the nature of the problem.

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