PATH  Documentation > WebObjects 4.5 > WebObjects Reference

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Inherits from: NSObject
Conforms to: NSObject
Declared in: WebObjects/WOAdaptor.h

Class Description

WOAdaptor is an abstract class that represents objects that can receive events from a WebObjects adaptor. A WebObjects adaptor is a process that handles communication between the server and a WebObjects application. The WebObjects application (a WOApplication instance) communicates with the adaptor using messages defined in the WOAdaptor class.

The purpose of the WOAdaptor class is to perform these tasks:

Method Types

- initWithName:arguments:
Obtaining attributes
- doesBusyRunOnce
- dispatchesRequestsConcurrently
- port
Event registering
- registerForEvents
- unregisterForEvents
- runOnce

Instance Methods


- (BOOL)dispatchesRequestsConcurrently

Returns YES if the adaptor is multi-threaded, NO otherwise. If the adaptor is multi-threaded, the adaptor may dispatch requests to the application concurrently in separate threads.

See Also: - adaptorsDispatchRequestsConcurrently ( WOApplication class)


- (BOOL)doesBusyRunOnce

Returns whether repeatedly invoking runOnce would result in busy waiting.


- (id)initWithName:(NSString *)aName arguments:(NSDictionary *)someArguments

Initializes a WOAdaptor with the name aName and arguments someArguments. aName is the name of the WOAdaptor subclass. someArguments are the default options specified for this adaptor (such as port number and listen queue depth).

The WOApplication method adaptorWithName:arguments: invokes this message when it encounters an WOAdaptor option on the command line. The WOApplication retains each of its WOAdaptors.

See Also: - adaptorWithName:arguments: ( WOApplication class)


- (int)port

After the application's constructor has been called, port returns the port number on which this adaptor will listen. During execution of the application's constructor, this method returns the value of the WOPort user default (or the value of the -WOPort command-line option, of one was specified when the application was started).

See Also: + port ( WOApplication class)


- (void)registerForEvents

Performs any actions necessary to have the WOAdaptor start receiving events.

See Also: - runLoop ( WOApplication class)


- (void)runOnce

Invoked by the application's main loop

See Also: - doesBusyRunOnce


- (void)unregisterForEvents

Undoes the actions performed in registerForEvents so that the WOAdaptor stops receiving events.

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