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Inherits from: NSObject
Conforms to: NSObject
Declared in: WebObjects/WOCookie.h

Class Description

WOCookie is used for the creation and setting of cookies in your response objects. A cookie allows for the persistent storage of client state. Instead of using a WOSession object (which can potentially have a shorter life span), a cookie allows server-side applications to store state in client browsers for a specific or indeterminate amount of time. An advantage to cookies is that the data will be stored on the client and not on the server, allowing the server to maintain less state information. A specific advantage in WebObjects applications is that cookies allow the server to put state into the browser that is not bound to a session. Hence, the client can "leave" your application and return with its cookie's state intact.

A WOCookie object defines a cookie that can be added to the HTTP header for your response. You create a cookie using one of two methods:

To add or remove cookies from the response, use the WOMessage methods addCookie: and removeCookie:. To retrieve cookie data, use the WORequest methods cookieValues, cookieValueForKey:, and cookieValuesForKey:. WORequest returns the data as name/value pairs and not as WOCookie objects, since browsers don't return the additional data WOCookies provide, such as path name and expiration date.

For more information about cookies and their implementation details, see Netscape's preliminary specification at and RFC 2109 - HTTP State Management Mechanism at

If and when new details evolve in the implementation of cookies, you can subclass WOCookie and implement new behaviors. Pay particular attention to how you override headerString, which WOResponse uses to fill the HTTP response with a header string.

Method Types

+ cookieWithName:value:
+ cookieWithName:value:path:domain:expires:isSecure:
- initWithName:value:path:domain:expires:isSecure:
Obtaining a cookie's attributes
- domain
- expires
- headerString
- isSecure
- name
- path
- value
Setting a cookie's attributes
- setDomain:
- setExpires:
- setIsSecure:
- setName:
- setPath:
- setValue:

Class Methods


+ (WOCookie *)cookieWithName:(NSString *)aName value:(NSString *)aValue

Creates and returns a cookie with just a name and its value. It sets the path attribute to your application's path.

See Also: - cookieWithName:value:path:domain:expires:isSecure:


+ (WOCookie *)cookieWithName:(NSString *)aName value:(NSString *)aValue path:(NSString *)aPath domain:(NSString *)aDomain expires:(NSDate *)expirationDate isSecure:(BOOL)flag

Creates and returns a cookie, specifying all its attributes. For more information, see the descriptions of the methods that return attribute values.

See Also: - cookieWithName:value:, - domain, - expires, - isSecure, - name, - path, - value

Instance Methods


- (NSString *)domain

Returns the value of the cookie's "domain" attribute. It's of the form "".


- (NSDate *)expires

Returns the value of the cookie's "expires" attribute as an NSDate. The expiration date tells the browser how long to keep the cookie in its cache. To have the browser remove the cookie from its cache, set the expiration date to a recent date in the past (see setExpires: for more information).


- (NSString *)headerString

Returns the string that will be used in the HTTP header. The returned string has the format:

Set-cookie: name=value; expires=date; path=path; domain=domain; secure;

The calendar format for the expiration date is:

@"%A, %d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S GMT"

where all times are converted relative to Greenwich Mean Time.

This method is called by WOResponse when generating the response.


- (id)initWithName:(NSString *)aName value:(NSString *)aValue path:(NSString *)aPath domain:(NSString *)aDomain expires:(NSDate *)expirationDate isSecure:(BOOL)flag

Initializes a cookie with all its attributes. For more information, see the descriptions of the methods that return attribute values.

See Also: - domain, - expires, - isSecure, - name, - path, - value


- (BOOL)isSecure

Returns the cookie's "secure" attribute. This attribute specifies whether the cookie should be transmitted only with secure HTTP. The default value is NO.


- (NSString *)name

Returns the cookie's "name" attribute. The name is similar to the key of a dictionary or hash table. Together, the name and value form the cookie's data.


- (NSString *)path

Returns the value of the cookie's "path" attribute. Cookies for a specific path are sent only when accessing URLs within that path. For more information on cookies and their paths, see Netscape's preliminary specification at and RFC 2109 - HTTP State Management Mechanism at


- (void)setDomain:(NSString *)aDomain

Sets the cookie's "domain" attribute to aDomain. For more information, see domain.

See Also: - cookieWithName:value:path:domain:expires:isSecure:


- (void)setExpires:(NSDate *)expirationDate

Sets the cookie's "expires" attribute to expirationDate.

If you want to set the cookie's expiration date to some date in the distant past-for instance, in order to erase the cookie-don't use [NSDate distantPast]. distantPast returns a date from the year 1 AD, and some browsers incorrectly interpret this as the year 2001. Instead, set the cooke's expiration date to an actual date in the recent past.

See Also: - cookieWithName:value:path:domain:expires:isSecure:, - expires


- (void)setIsSecure:(BOOL)flag

Sets the cookie's "secure" attribute to flag. For more information, see isSecure.

See Also: - cookieWithName:value:path:domain:expires:isSecure:


- (void)setName:(NSString *)aName

Sets the cookie's "name" attribute to aName. For more information, see name.

See Also: - cookieWithName:value:path:domain:expires:isSecure:, - cookieWithName:value:


- (void)setPath:(NSString *)aPath

Sets the cookie's "path" attribute to aPath. For more information, see path.

See Also: - cookieWithName:value:path:domain:expires:isSecure:


- (void)setValue:(NSString *)aValue

Sets the cookie's "value" attribute to aValue. For more information, see value.

See Also: - cookieWithName:value:path:domain:expires:isSecure:, - cookieWithName:value:


- (NSString *)value

Returns the value of the cookie's value attribute. This attribute is similar to the value of a dictionary or hash table. Together, the name and value form the cookie's data.

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