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Summary of VR World and Node Atom Types

This appendix includes information that pertains to Chapter 3, “VR World Atom Container” and “Node Information Atom Container.”

C Summary


VR World Atom Types

enum {
    kQTVRWorldHeaderAtomType    = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('vrsc'),
    kQTVRImagingParentAtomType  = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('imgp'),
    kQTVRPanoImagingAtomType    = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('impn'),
    kQTVRObjectImagingAtomType  = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('imob'),
    kQTVRNodeParentAtomType     = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('vrnp'),
    kQTVRNodeIDAtomType         = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('vrni'),
    kQTVRNodeLocationAtomType   = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('nloc')

Node Information Atom Types

enum {
    kQTVRNodeHeaderAtomType     = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('ndhd'),
    kQTVRHotSpotParentAtomType  = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('hspa'),
    kQTVRHotSpotAtomType        = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('hots'),
    kQTVRHotSpotInfoAtomType    = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('hsin'),
    kQTVRLinkInfoAtomType       = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('link')

Miscellaneous Atom Types

enum {
    kQTVRStringAtomType             = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('vrsg'),
    kQTVRPanoSampleDataAtomType     = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('pdat'),
    kQTVRObjectInfoAtomType         = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('obji'),
    kQTVRAltImageTrackRefAtomType   = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('imtr'),
    kQTVRAltHotSpotTrackRefAtomType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('hstr'),
    kQTVRAngleRangeAtomType         = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('arng'),
    kQTVRTrackRefArrayAtomType      = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('tref'),
    kQTVRPanConstraintAtomType      = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('pcon'),
    kQTVRTiltConstraintAtomType     = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('tcon'),
    kQTVRFOVConstraintAtomType      = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('fcon'),
    kQTVRCubicViewAtomType          = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('cuvw'),
    kQTVRCubicFaceDataAtomType      = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('cufa')

Track Reference Types

enum {
    kQTVRImageTrackRefType      = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('imgt'),
    kQTVRHotSpotTrackRefType    = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('hott')

Imaging Property Valid Flags

enum {
    kQTVRValidCorrection                        = 1 << 0,
    kQTVRValidQuality                           = 1 << 1,
    kQTVRValidDirectDraw                        = 1 << 2,
    kQTVRValidFirstExtraProperty                = 1 << 3

Link Hot Spot Valid Bits

enum {
    kQTVRValidPan                               = 1 << 0,
    kQTVRValidTilt                              = 1 << 1,
    kQTVRValidFOV                               = 1 << 2,
    kQTVRValidViewCenter                        = 1 << 3

Animation Settings

enum QTVRAnimationSettings {
    kQTVRObjectAnimateViewFramesOn              = (1 << 0),
    kQTVRObjectPalindromeViewFramesOn           = (1 << 1),
    kQTVRObjectStartFirstViewFrameOn            = (1 << 2),
    kQTVRObjectAnimateViewsOn                   = (1 << 3),
    kQTVRObjectPalindromeViewsOn                = (1 << 4),
    kQTVRObjectSyncViewToFrameRate              = (1 << 5),
    kQTVRObjectDontLoopViewFramesOn             = (1 << 6),
    kQTVRObjectPlayEveryViewFrameOn             = (1 << 7)

Control Settings

enum QTVRControlSettings {
    kQTVRObjectWrapPanOn                        = (1 << 0),
    kQTVRObjectWrapTiltOn                       = (1 << 1),
    kQTVRObjectCanZoomOn                        = (1 << 2),
    kQTVRObjectReverseHControlOn                = (1 << 3),
    kQTVRObjectReverseVControlOn                = (1 << 4),
    kQTVRObjectSwapHVControlOn                  = (1 << 5),
    kQTVRObjectTranslationOn                    = (1 << 6)

Controller Subtype and ID

enum {
    kQTControllerType                           = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('ctyp').
    kQTControllerID                             = 1

Object Controller Types

enum ObjectUITypes {
    kGrabberScrollerUI                          = 1,
    kOldJoyStickUI                              = 2,
    kJoystickUI                                 = 3,
    kGrabberUI                                  = 4,
    kAbsoluteUI                                 = 5

Node Location Flag

enum {
    kQTVRSameFile                               = 0

Panorama Sample Flag

enum {
    kQTVRPanoFlagHorizontal                     = 1 << 0,
    kQTVRPanoFlagAlwaysWrap                     = 1 << 2

Data Types

typedef float                                       Float32;

Sample Description Header Structure

typedef struct QTVRSampleDescription {
    UInt32                              size;
    UInt32                              type;
    UInt32                              reserved1;
    UInt16                              reserved2;
    UInt16                              dataRefIndex;
    UInt32                              data;
} QTVRSampleDescription, *QTVRSampleDescriptionPtr, **QTVRSampleDescriptionHandle;

String Atom Structure

typedef struct QTVRStringAtom {
    UInt16                              stringUsage;
    UInt16                              stringLength;
    unsigned char                       string[4];
} QTVRStringAtom, *QTVRStringAtomPtr;

VR World Header Atom Structure

typedef struct QTVRWorldHeaderAtom {
    UInt16                              majorVersion;
    UInt16                              minorVersion;
    QTAtomID                            nameAtomID;
    UInt32                              defaultNodeID;
    UInt32                              vrWorldFlags;
    UInt32                              reserved1;
    UInt32                              reserved2;
} QTVRWorldHeaderAtom, *QTVRWorldHeaderAtomPtr;

Panorama-Imaging Atom Structure

typedef struct QTVRPanoImagingAtom {
    UInt16                              majorVersion;
    UInt16                              minorVersion;
    UInt32                              imagingMode;
    UInt32                              imagingValidFlags;
    UInt32                              correction;
    UInt32                              quality;
    UInt32                              directDraw;
    UInt32                              imagingProperties[6];
    UInt32                              reserved1;
    UInt32                              reserved2;
} QTVRPanoImagingAtom, *QTVRPanoImagingAtomPtr;

Node Location Atom Structure

typedef struct QTVRNodeLocationAtom {
    UInt16                              majorVersion;
    UInt16                              minorVersion;
    OSType                              nodeType;
    UInt32                              locationFlags;
    UInt32                              locationData;
    UInt32                              reserved1;
    UInt32                              reserved2;
} QTVRNodeLocationAtom, *QTVRNodeLocationAtomPtr;

Node Header Atom Structure

typedef struct QTVRNodeHeaderAtom {
    UInt16                              majorVersion;
    UInt16                              minorVersion;
    OSType                              nodeType;
    QTAtomID                            nodeID;
    QTAtomID                            nameAtomID;
    QTAtomID                            commentAtomID;
    UInt32                              reserved1;
    UInt32                              reserved2;
} QTVRNodeHeaderAtom, *QTVRNodeHeaderAtomPtr;

Hot Spot Information Atom Structure

typedef struct QTVRHotSpotInfoAtom {
    UInt16                              majorVersion;
    UInt16                              minorVersion;
    OSType                              hotSpotType;
    QTAtomID                            nameAtomID;
    QTAtomID                            commentAtomID;
    SInt32                              cursorID[3];
    Float32                             bestPan;
    Float32                             bestTilt;
    Float32                             bestFOV;
    FloatPoint                          bestViewCenter;
    Rect                                hotSpotRect;
    UInt32                              flags;
    UInt32                              reserved1;
    UInt32                              reserved2;
} QTVRHotSpotInfoAtom, *QTVRHotSpotInfoAtomPtr;

Link Hot Spot Atom Structure

typedef struct QTVRLinkHotSpotAtom {
    UInt16                              majorVersion;
    UInt16                              minorVersion;
    UInt32                              toNodeID;
    UInt32                              fromValidFlags;
    Float32                             fromPan;
    Float32                             fromTilt;
    Float32                             fromFOV;
    FloatPoint                          fromViewCenter;
    UInt32                              toValidFlags;
    Float32                             toPan;
    Float32                             toTilt;
    Float32                             toFOV;
    FloatPoint                          toViewCenter;
    Float32                             distance;
    UInt32                              flags;
    UInt32                              reserved1;
    UInt32                              reserved2;
} QTVRLinkHotSpotAtom, *QTVRLinkHotSpotAtomPtr;

Angle Range Atom Structure

typedef struct QTVRAngleRangeAtom {
    Float32                             minimumAngle;
    Float32                             maximumAngle;
} QTVRAngleRangeAtom, *QTVRAngleRangeAtomPtr;

Panorama Sample Atom Structure

typedef struct QTVRPanoSampleAtom {
    UInt16                              majorVersion;
    UInt16                              minorVersion;
    UInt32                              imageRefTrackIndex;
    UInt32                              hotSpotRefTrackIndex;
    Float32                             minPan;
    Float32                             maxPan;
    Float32                             minTilt;
    Float32                             maxTilt;
    Float32                             minFieldOfView;
    Float32                             maxFieldOfView;
    Float32                             defaultPan;
    Float32                             defaultTilt;
    Float32                             defaultFieldOfView;
    UInt32                              imageSizeX;
    UInt32                              imageSizeY;
    UInt16                              imageNumFramesX;
    UInt16                              imageNumFramesY;
    UInt32                              hotSpotSizeX;
    UInt32                              hotSpotSizeY;
    UInt16                              hotSpotNumFramesX;
    UInt16                              hotSpotNumFramesY;
    UInt32                              flags;
    UInt32                              reserved1;
    UInt32                              reserved2;
} QTVRPanoSampleAtom, *QTVRPanoSampleAtomPtr;

Cubic View Atom Structure

struct QTVRCubicViewAtom {
    Float32         minPan;
    Float32         maxPan;
    Float32         minTilt;
    Float32         maxTilt;
    Float32         minFieldOfView;
    Float32         maxFieldOfView;
    Float32         defaultPan;
    Float32         defaultTilt;
    Float32         defaultFieldOfView;
typedef struct QTVRCubicViewAtom    QTVRCubicViewAtom;

Cubic Face Data Atom Structure

struct QTVRCubicFaceData {
    float   orientation[4];
    float   center[2];
    float   aspect;
    float   skew;
typedef struct QTVRCubicFaceData    QTVRCubicFaceData;

Object Sample Atom Structure

typedef struct QTVRObjectSampleAtom {
    UInt16                              majorVersion;
    UInt16                              minorVersion;
    UInt16                              movieType;
    UInt16                              viewStateCount;
    UInt16                              defaultViewState;
    UInt16                              mouseDownViewState;
    UInt32                              viewDuration;
    UInt32                              columns;
    UInt32                              rows;
    Float32                             mouseMotionScale;
    Float32                             minPan;
    Float32                             maxPan;
    Float32                             defaultPan;
    Float32                             minTilt;
    Float32                             maxTilt;
    Float32                             defaultTilt;
    Float32                             minFieldOfView;
    Float32                             fieldOfView;
    Float32                             defaultFieldOfView;
    Float32                             defaultViewCenterH;
    Float32                             defaultViewCenterV;
    Float32                             viewRate;
    Float32                             frameRate;
    UInt32                              animationSettings;
    UInt32                              controlSettings;
} QTVRObjectSampleAtom, *QTVRObjectSampleAtomPtr;

Track Reference Entry Structure

struct QTVRTrackRefEntry {
    UInt32                      trackRefType;
    UInt16                      trackResolution;
    UInt32                      trackRefIndex;
typedef struct QTVRTrackRefEntry QTVRTrackRefEntry;

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