Inside Macintosh: QuickTime Reference

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New Mouse Controllers

There are two mouse controllers (which implement the ListenerController interface):

The application attaches a mouse controller to a space and then adds event listeners to the controller. Event listeners can be chained, and only those listeners that are attached will determine the kinds of events that the application is interested in.

The QTMouseTargetController is also a collection. It either deals with all of the members of the space it is attached to (wholespace == true) or only those members that have been explicitly added to the controller itself (wholespace == false). As such, this controller represents a logical collection of members that the application wishes to control -- in a sense, as a group. Your application can add any number of listeners to such controllers and filter the activation of the listener based on the state of the modifier keys when the event was generated.

If there are no particular logical groups of members, then a single target controller with alternate listeners that are activated appropriately for the different behaviors required can be created.

New DragAdaptor and TranslateMatrix Classes

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Inside Macintosh: QuickTime Reference

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