Inside Macintosh: QuickTime Reference

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The close command

The close command, from the QuickTime Player dictionary, has two optional parameters: saving and saving in.

Close with saving closes the object and automatically saves with the existing name ("yes"), ignores changes ("no"), or asks whether and where to save the changed object. Close with saving in closes the object and saves it with the supplied "alias".

close: Close a movie or window

               close reference -- the movie or window to close

                    [saving yes/no/ask] -- specifies whether changes should be saved before closing

                    [saving in alias] -- the file in which to save the movie

For example: 

tell application "QuickTime Player"

               close movie ¬

                    "Sample Movie" saving in ¬

                    "Macintosh HD:Desktop Folder:Sample"

end tell

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Inside Macintosh: QuickTime Reference

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