Inside Macintosh: QuickTime Reference

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The annotation class

Using the annotation class you can specify and retrieve information about the movie, such as its author, director, artist, comments, copyright information, sources, and playback requirements.

An annotation can be specified by

Note:  To produce the copyright (©) symbol, press option-G.

For the full list of standard annotations, see the annotation info panel in the Pro version of QuickTime Player. Only movie annotations are currently supported.

Class annotation: An annotation in a QuickTime movie

Plural form:



               class type class [r/o]

                    -- the class

               name international text [r/o]

                    -- the name of the annotation

               ID string [r/o]

                    -- the kind of the annotation

               full text international text

                    -- the text of the annotation

Some examples of how you would use various properties of the "annotation" class:

-- get name of annotation --

               get the name of the first annotation

               get the name of every annotation

-- get full text of annotation

               get the full text of second annotation

               get the full text of annotation "Copyright"

-- set full text of annotation

               set the full text of first annotation to "My first annotation"

               set the full text of annotation "Author" to "John Q. Author"

-- count all annotations --

               count every annotation

Advanced Tip: To delete an annotation, set its ID text to an empty string (""). To create an annotation by name or id, simply set its full text to a non-empty string.

© 2000 Apple Computer, Inc.

Inside Macintosh: QuickTime Reference

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