Inside Macintosh: QuickTime Reference

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The window class

A QuickTime movie is displayed in a window. You use the window class to set the location of the window in which a movie is displayed. Many operations that can be performed on a movie can also be performed on a window, such as save and close.

Class window: A window

Plural form:



               movie by numeric index, by name


               class type class [r/o]

                    -- the class

               name international text [r/o]

                    -- the title of the window

               bounds bounding rectangle [r/o]

                    -- the boundary rectangle for the window

               position point

                    -- the upper left coordinates of the window

               index integer [r/o]

                    -- the number of the window

Here are some examples of how you'd use various properties of the window class:

-- set window position --

               set the position of the front window to {200, 222}

-- get the windows bounds --

               get the bounds of the front window

-- get window index --

               get the index of the second window

-- get name window (all windows) --

               get the name of the first window

               get the name of every window

-- count all open movies --

               count every movie

© 2000 Apple Computer, Inc.

Inside Macintosh: QuickTime Reference

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